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Let's Be Honest-Part Deux

rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 5 2015 9:12 PM (20 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 3:14 PM

    All comments and views are welcomed as usual on any of my rants. This is what they are for. I was just thinking again (dangerous for me). I really understand that their are folks who take this game very serious, I seriously worry about you. With that said, this is not a pi$$ing contest, just another who's who. I was just wondering who plays WGT for the sake of playing the game and not to be the best in every category. I claim the best at yapping, that is my number one stat.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 3:31 PM

    You lose those xp strokes

    Incorrect, you still get points for every stroke even if you quit...

    I do it all the time, but not to protect a avg., if I post a 28 in a unlimited weekly and I know I wont beat that score I quit the round, give one or two more attempts and if I don't beat it I do something look at it as wasting ball life, I look at it as saving ball life by not wasting it chasing a bad round....everyone looks at it differently.

    when I practice I play unlimiteds, play #1 #2 #3 then start over, then 1 2 3 4, then 1 2 3 4 5 etc....regardless of score I start over because I have nothing to gain by getting more XP points and can't tier up, don't even care about avg...

    he!!, I never played Cabo at all, won't pay 40 credits, noticed I only needed a few eagles to get the diamond award, so I went to Cabo front 9...even though I did notice my average lowering, I didn't care! If I got to # 8 at -7 I quit because I wanted eagles,,,on the other hand if I got my eagles on 2 3 4, I usually ended up parring 2-3 of the last 3 holes LOL...while Cabo does lower your scoring avg and gives you a shot at 3 eagles a round, it totally jacks up your 1 putt % so it has disadvantages too..

    When I started here I played 18 at CCC, BPB, Oak, KW, and STA every single I pick a 9 side on each course and play them over and over trying to figure every course out again but better this time...then I plan on focusing on match long as I see Cadav/Shelby and Jtorg and a few others in the top 5 i see no reason to tackle the big tournaments as I'm not as good as Mags and I don't want to cheat like a few others do, not might do, DO!

    There are a lot of ways to have fun here, locking us into a round eliminates the best way to learn a course and get points IMO, and learning the courses is the only way to reach that elite level...I have rounds that I play like Magnets does, the only difference is he follows with another great round and I might play like a maggot instead of Mr Magnets...



  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 4:27 PM

    With the up most of respect I rest my case FD. When you start a real round of golf, you play it out and card what you shot. This is a computer game, not real golf in any way shape or form. I will never have any issues with people who start over and over. I understand what their goals are and can respect that. It is just not the way I play this computer game. I am just Old School as hell and will never change. I have never played another computer game in my life so I treat this like I am playing for real. I don't know any other way to do it. 

  • esty26
    425 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 4:46 PM

    I couldn't care less about my average, WGT is just a form of relaxation for me and probably 80% - 90% of my games are alt shot matches.

    That being said, I would love to say I have never quit a game but just last week I quit my first game. A week or two ago I shot a 27 in one of our cc tournaments, my best round ever. The very next game I played was another cc tourny and I promptly went out and bogeyed every hole for the first 8 holes. On the ninth my ball was in the red so I just said *$%# IT, teed off into the woods, heard a squirrel squeal and took my bag to the 19th.....done for the day.



  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 5:09 PM

    I forfeit many ranked rounds,   yes in some way to protect   my average  ,more now has a TL.      I do this only when  I play alone ,and that  my score is  over  33 on a 9th hole stroke play   ,,,,,,  and I will do this  until   I  have  500   ranked  rounds   (I am close  I Think) ,then my average  will stop going up  .     I never  (or very rare)   forfeit  when playing   any type of WGT games  with  friends or WGT members  of any Level or tier  . I think  people like me  who made it to Legend or TL have earned  the right  to find a way  to remain  passionate about this virtual game .        Like I said many times before average  does not always tell the reel picture  ,but it  is nice to keep  a low number beside your avatar name .I hope   my post here will not get another  argument going . It is just a game, but hell I like it .   lollll         Frapp

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 5:27 PM

    This was brought up before awhile ago if memory serves me right . Have I ever dumped a round , yes but not to protect my average . I will dump a round when the game gives me the shaft . Yesterday I was playing a cc tourney and hit a 400+ yard drive with a Tour SD ball . Got the Diamond Long Drive Award . Then the game went south from there , couldnt make a birdie to save my life . After 3 bogeys I dumped the round and started over . I came in 5th place which was fine with me . 

    The point is I dont expect to win every time I play . But I do expect to play a decent round when I play and to have fun as well . When the game throws me a bum round then I throw it back just like playing poker . I have currently a 64.32 avg . so no reason to hang my head in shame . Eventually it will get back down below 60.00 as I still have a ways to go before saturation . The players who worry about their avgs. will neither make Legend or Tour Legend . 

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 6:04 PM


    The tired blood staff would get excited and energenic


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 6:04 PM

    This is just what this post is all about, no worries either way. On this game it is your round and you can do whatever you please. I know none of you would ever quit on a real round. This is a computer game and many strive for perfection. I will never reach that level of play so I just take them all, good or bad. Hell I started here with a 150.00 average, I'm not doing so bad. 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 6:29 PM

    Personally I play to the end as a rule. Occasionally if I get a grossly manipulated shot I quit in disgust, like hitting the pin and bouncing back 200 yards. But if this happens I also log out so WGT actually lose as that will be me done for the day. I so not give a flying hoot if I do not get XP's as again these mean nothing as I have no wants.

    If it goes 20 yards further than I expect, no big deal and I play on.

    In fact often the most enjoyable rounds have been after a really bad start and trying to claw back to par ot better.

    Averages mean nothing to me but whilst I cannot stand quitters, there is no way WGT as a business should force players to finish a round. That would be a suicidal way to run a business.

    My advice is not to focus solely on the scorecard, but to focus on having fun.


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Feb 5 2015 6:47 PM

    I've dumped some ranked rounds when I've gotten an invite to a multi-player game. I usually keep my light green, but if I'm doing well in a ranked round, I'll go red.

    I'm not in a CC so I do a lot of practice random 3 rounds. None of which affect average but improves the shot arsenal.