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WGT Invite Issue

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Sat, Mar 21 2015 7:20 AM (86 replies)
  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 2:08 PM

    Hello everyone.

    We are currently investigating the issue regarding invites. I appreciate anyone who has sent in a email to the Customer Support team with details. At this time it is not known what is causing the invites to fail. Once we have more information we will let our players know. Please try not to make anymore threads regarding the issue. You may post in this thread to provide information on the situation.

    - When did you notice the invites stop working? A date and time would be great.

    - What game modes are you trying to invite players to? 

    - Are you never receiving an invite, is it only from certain players? Is it random, are you the only one not receiving it or is your friend/player not receiving it either?

    Once again thank you for your patience in this matter.


  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 2:22 PM

    its fooooooked refer to this post


    one really pissed off CC owner

  • JFHuber
    435 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 2:27 PM



    To the best of my experience this has been an on and off again problem since the beginning of January 2015.  In fact WGTIcon replied in a forum thread on 1/07/15 that WGT was investigating.  It's now 2/15/15 and the issue persist.  So we in the playing community feel that no effort to resolve this problem was undertaken by WGT.

     The invite is most glaring when inviting players for an Alt Shot Match .  Most of the time 3 out of 4 players will see the invite and accept.  The 4th player never sees the invite.  The current work around is then have that 4th player search for an Alt Shot Match with the course setting of the original invite and then have the inviting player use the search anyone function.  Then you kick people out until the player you want invited shows up in the match queue.  The problem also exists when trying to setup a scored match play and also on occasion with a 4 players skins match. This is not a new issue but rather now more and more players have realized that the problem is more widespread then we had realized.

     Myself and others are hoping that this issue will be corrected and that you or someone in  WGT management will inform us, the playing community, that the issue has been resolved.  

    best regards,

    John Huber

  • Marilean
    54 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 2:35 PM

    At 5pm South African Time it started that is about 3pm GMT time when we tried to invite our friends to an alternate shot match it kept timing out due to the players not getting the invite.      Matchplay tourney at 7.10pm GMT time folks were trying to play matchplay games with friends in a tournament and once again the same thing happened on Saturday.


    Sunday evening at 7.10GMT time we were running a alternate shot tournament among friends and once again up until now 12.34 it is still impossible to get an invite to register at a friend to get a game of alternate play going.




  • toona
    389 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 2:41 PM

    On going issue since around 12/14 and gradually getting worse. It use to be just Alt shot games but today numerous people in our CC tried to set up even 1 on 1 stroke games. No invites going threw. Myself included . Could not send or receive invite even after rebooting ,clearing flash cache, browser history, or even different browsers.

    Thank you for making this a priority and please keep us informed.

  • FarFoo
    2,923 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 2:54 PM



    - When did you notice the invites stop working? A date and time would be great.

    Started around Bandon update months ago.

    seemed to get better over last few weeks until this last week or so.

    Look back at threads in forums, this has been said already


    - Are you never receiving an invite, is it only from certain players? Is it random, are you the only one not receiving it or is your friend/player not receiving it either?

    Seems random.  various players sending and receiving.

    I've never seen so many 'green' friends as i have right now. but I can't get a

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 2:58 PM

    We had an abandoned CC tournament tonight at 10pm gmt, i managed to get a response from one opponant out of 4. Again its been a problem for at least a week for me, i have had no invites all day today although players have said hey have tried.

    Are you guys at the WGT shack having the same issues , i assume you are trying between yourselves ??

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 3:02 PM


    Hello everyone.

    We are currently investigating the issue regarding invites. I appreciate anyone who has sent in a email to the Customer Support team with details. At this time it is not known what is causing the invites to fail. Once we have more information we will let our players know. Please try not to make anymore threads regarding the issue. You may post in this thread to provide information on the situation.

    - When did you notice the invites stop working? A date and time would be great.

    - What game modes are you trying to invite players to? 

    - Are you never receiving an invite, is it only from certain players? Is it random, are you the only one not receiving it or is your friend/player not receiving it either?

    Once again thank you for your patience in this matter.


    I sent a detailed message to Shoe.  Maybe he will forward it on.

    first time: Early January - got worse weekend of 1/31 - 2/1 now totally unplayable since 2/9.

    Modes: A/S, MP and Skins.

    From whom: random: we can be chatting on voice chat and send invites started by any of us - we have been rotating trying different members starting it. Sometimes one will get through to one or two but not all invited members. Other times no one gets the invite. Once in going through the rotation of the 4 I tried three times got one member the first 2 times but no one else got it on my third try yet a different order combination even the one who got my first 2 never got it....

  • ncparmaker
    7 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 3:03 PM

    Well WGT. this problem has been going on for some time. Game invites are sent and the players invited don't see them. We reset and another player will invite and the invites are not seen. It is very frustrating when you and your friends spend an hour inviting to play one game. I shutter to think the amount of money people spend to play this game I being one of them, so one would think you do have the financial means to get this fixed. If it was on my end I would know and I would fix it. So as a customer, I am asking please fix this problem

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 3:05 PM

     can not give you a exact date ,but   for the last  2 to 3 weeks  I had  the same problem , If it may help ,  I have to wait at least 10 to 15 sec  ,between  page of the continue  option   when I play  from hole to hole  , or until everything  (ads) are loaded   up   ,   hope I am being  understood .    Alt  games are  getting hard to play  without  players having  to reconnect  or reboot   ect.     I manly hope this problem  (I know it is not my PC or browser) will be corrected  by WGT   .....It is getting very frustrating  .....but  I will like many be patient .            Frapp