I am a member of Senior Citizens Country Club, which until recently was one of the happiest and most active clubs on WGT. Our owner has had a medical emergency and has not been on the site for quite some time, in spite of messages that he would be coming back soon. The membership is dropping every day, and there are things like accepting new members that can only be done by the owner. Other members have reached out to WGT for help and been told there is nothing they can do. Their suggestion has been to start a new club and give up all that we have built so far. There must be some way they can affect a change of ownership. Please make it happen before the club is gone!
A former member, oldones29, has started his own club (Senior Moments). He has stated that he would gladly drop the new club and take ownership of Senior Citizens if that were a possibility. This would be an easy solution that would return our club to where we should be. I implore you to find a way to do this.
A note of warning to other Country Clubs. If your owner gets sick or incapacitated this can happen to you as well. Help us petition WGT to find a solution to this situation before it affects you!