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*** Green dots update ***

Sun, May 17 2015 6:08 PM (564 replies)
  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 9:33 PM


    Maybe it's just me but Oly seems the worst so far, dot speed is nowhere near indicating the severity of break there.

    Nope, I said the same on page 10 ;-) Btw, RSG is also pretty close to normal (compared to others). I'm putting blind on the rest of them. Godd thing my memory's good, otherwisemy scores would be even worse than they are ATM.

    D'oh!  Sad thing is, I read your post just this morning, then apparently the fog set in...



  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 11:10 PM


    I just played the Bandon RG and to me the dots seemed spot on.  I haven't played any of the other tracks yet though.

    I just played a CC tourney at Bandon and missed 3 putts inside 5ft (tourney 12 speed), all on low side. 2 of them, the dots weren't even moving enough to move the aim marker, but I moved it anyway, and still missed. 

    I've been out for a few days, and probably should have checked the forums before wasting my time and balls. Was there a downtime or is this a screw-up?

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 11:21 PM

    Do not try to fix things when things are not broken.

    For some odd reason, that seems to be standard procedure. Maybe some of the long-time top players have these greens memorized, and can ignore the dots, but a lot of us don't have them memorized and use the dots. 

    Might as well remove the putting dots altogether. Just show the different colors.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,570 Posts
    Thu, Mar 5 2015 12:22 AM

    The short putts are the hardest to handle, tiny movement on dots and the putt just swerves away.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 5 2015 12:43 AM


    Maybe it's just me but Oly seems the worst so far, dot speed is nowhere near indicating the severity of break there.

    Nope, I said the same on page 10 ;-) Btw, RSG is also pretty close to normal (compared to others). I'm putting blind on the rest of them. Godd thing my memory's good, otherwisemy scores would be even worse than they are ATM.

    Well I played my first game in quite a few days, hoping the game had improved.

    It started off so well, meter was smooth, even had a ding line. All was fine especially when I discovered that my wish had come true - someone had taken a bulldozer to Olympic.

    Sadly good things always come to an end. First putt it did. Well the dots told me virtually no break, but memory said wait....this used to break a lot more....well I should have stuck with my did they lying fooken dots. Had to sink a longer putt coming back for par.

    What gets me is WGT have always said they will never change attibutes of clubs...but forgot to say we will change EVERYTHING ELSE.

    Sadly the grey (gray) matter is not what it used to be, and ffs I play the game for fun, not a living where I feel the need to make copious notes just to sink a fooken putt.

    For the record WGT, not a good business plan to piss off your loyal customers.


  • EGlass3
    370 Posts
    Thu, Mar 5 2015 12:44 AM

    The break is effecting the ball from my calculations anywhere from 1.3 to over 2.0 more than it used too, based on the old dot speeds. I haven't tried every course but out of about 5 that's been my observation. Worse, there is no observable consistency to these speed changes as one green may be a difference of 1.3 faster break and the next may be 2.0 or more (and these are on relatively flat breaks). In other words there is no formula that you can apply to compensate and means the place is unplayable.  

  • nashkurt
    173 Posts
    Thu, Mar 5 2015 12:46 AM


  • DrSlick
    142 Posts
    Thu, Mar 5 2015 2:48 AM

    Between this, wgt's silly level based equipment rules and increased work load from starting a new business....

    wgt has finally broken me and I switched to starter balls thus giving me zero expectations - - i am simply not going to give wgt 600 credits a sleeve for how they have structured the game with out explanations. 

    i think all of the changes are purposeful, but they just won't come out and say why it is part of their long term plan. there is too much money floating around here for this many mistakes. 

    i plan on just playing for fun now with club members for awhile and if the game gets better that would be great - until then, chalk me up to another lower level 90s legend that just got bored of being in no man's land. 

  • StingerWelsh
    1,021 Posts
    Thu, Mar 5 2015 3:26 AM

    Was there a downtime or is this a screw-up?

    ...And here all along I thought downtime = screw-up...

  • Bruntski
    43 Posts
    Thu, Mar 5 2015 4:02 AM

    If someone just started playing WGT today, they would know no difference. Change is inevitable and mostly not welcome. We have been subject to change our whole life so get over it and adjust. No different that "West Coast Swing v Florida Swing", Bermuda v Bent grass

    As far as the residual effects of an update i.e. connections being lost, sudden death games ending in error, invites not working etc... I find that much more frustrating than a dot speed that causes you to miss a 48' putt by a mere few inches compared to what we were used to a week ago. Either way - its only a virtual form of entertainment and easily turned off.