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*** Green dots update ***

Sun, May 17 2015 6:08 PM (564 replies)
  • FarFoo
    2,919 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 4:50 AM



    The easiest way to fix is this is to take someone like fmags or Walkoflife and after you have tried to get the dot speeds back to normal, ask them to test before you go back live.

    Surely it is better to take the advice of folks who play 20 ranked a day to someone who plays 1?

    I bet you get the correct green speeds back in 20 minutes that way..




    This is the only way to do it.
    Only people who know the greens & know as soon as they hit a putt that it's going in will be able to do this Icon.


  • FarFoo
    2,919 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 4:57 AM

    Also, on another thread i notice that players complain that dots are faster ?

    My dots are slower !!

    I use an old slow PC. Dot speeds related to speed of PC? surely not.

  • bradbrud
    143 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 5:26 AM

    I use an old slow PC. Dot speeds related to speed of PC? surely not.

    lol no they are slower than a turtle compared to normal...and donsprintr has the right idea..thanks don for the right input

  • mmartin5
    216 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 5:34 AM


    Green speed dots are way too slow ... the question I have is, don't the engineers know what the correct speed for the rolling dots is? Wasn't that listed on a hard copy, or somewhere in the database? And ..............

    What I can't understand is, why all the changes can't be rolled back to where the game was prior to the rough change update. The majority of the problems began occuring after that was rolled out. 

    Then, the minor invite probs that were occuring prior to that update could be solved. I say minor because they weren't as widespread as they became later. Then from there, rigourous testing on any new updates before they are released. 

    Releasing new updates and making patches and hotfixes to a systemic problem is analogous to plugging the holes in the leaky hull of a ship, when what it really needs is a visit to a drydock ...

    PLEASE WGT LISTEN TO THIS PLAYER HE IS RIGHT AND YOU KNOW IT !!!!!!! time to get back to the basics

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 6:19 AM


    The easiest way to fix is this is to take someone like fmags or Walkoflife and after you have tried to get the dot speeds back to normal, ask them to test before you go back live.

    Happy to do this. But it MUST be done quickly. The longer it is left, the more feel is being lost for what the dots Vs breaks are supposed to be like.

    Yesterday, a good quick fix was to aim where the dots were saying, then double it. Today the old and new are starting to get a bit blurry.....

  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 7:18 AM

    It's utterly amazing that apparently WGT thought they corrected the dot speed issue, but then after player after player commented here that nothing has changed, now they say "Wow, ok...then I guess we'll try to talk the higher ups into revisiting this issue". Where are their testers? Did they even do trial runs on this?

    And why can't they simply roll back the dot speed to what it used to be? Apparently they can't, because if they could do that and haven't, then they are really being idiotic.

    So many people here have said "If it wasn't broke, why did you try to fix it?", so unless this is a glitch caused somehow by fallout from adjusting the conditions hitting from the rough, perhaps WGT deliberately changed the dot speed in an effort to thwart expert players who putt so well that when they miss it's rare (that ain't me lol). Maybe the site has gotten complaints from players who are tired of shooting great rounds, only to see players who routinely shoot in the 50's beating them. Shooting in the 50's is not a representation of real golf, which is what the site is trying to accomplish.

    Of course, a player who putts by counting the dots per X seconds or some other "formula" type of putting can certainly adjust and eventually be putting as well as before. I am just looking for any reason the site would be using for intentionally adjusting the dot speeds, because it simply makes no sense to adjust something that didn't need adjusting.


  • BigKnight
    2,777 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 8:01 AM

    I consider myself a loyal fan and player of this game. And like all of us I have good days & bad days on here. I also understand that it is just that...a GAME. However, I feel that if something like the green dots are going to universally be changed/fixed/updated, then it's the responsibility of WGT to either post something on the main page, or send an email to all the players. To those of us with ample credits built up (and therefore basically playing for free) it may not be a big deal, but I imagine there a large number of players who usually doesn't visit the forums, and are spending money to enter the tourneys over the last couple of days, who are upset with themselves because hitting putts based on their knowledge aren't giving them the results they are used to. I also bet that if they knew it was because the gamemaker changed the way putting works without some sort of mass notification process, they'd be very upset. Just my 2 cents :)

  • pearljammmmer
    4,268 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 8:30 AM


    I consider myself a loyal fan and player of this game. And like all of us I have good days & bad days on here. I also understand that it is just that...a GAME. However, I feel that if something like the green dots are going to universally be changed/fixed/updated, then it's the responsibility of WGT to either post something on the main page, or send an email to all the players. To those of us with ample credits built up (and therefore basically playing for free) it may not be a big deal, but I imagine there a large number of players who usually doesn't visit the forums, and are spending money to enter the tourneys over the last couple of days, who are upset with themselves because hitting putts based on their knowledge aren't giving them the results they are used to. I also bet that if they knew it was because the gamemaker changed the way putting works without some sort of mass notification process, they'd be very upset. Just my 2 cents :)

    Amen to that BK! Look at the lousy job WGT did when they changed the rough conditions. Player after player I ran into had no idea they did that. That should have been front page news, not a post in the forum.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 8:48 AM

    Isn't it a scream ;-} they sprinkle a few new poison beads on the greens so you now must actually concentrate on a 3 foot putt....they have been independently whipping up new arts and talents without reliable council....0h, incidently when is that Sinapore chick gonna change her dress ? Mercy...she goes out to the farm crops, has tea with a peasamt, goes shopping for non-essentials (in her world), then goes to work in the same cheap house dress...   

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Wed, Mar 4 2015 9:20 AM

    Wasn't it the rough change that caused the meter inconsistency? Then wgt tries to fix the meter by changing the dot speed, why? Now wgt wonders how to get the dots back to normal.

    It's so simple, undo the change from the rough as a starting point. Find the original setting for the dot speed & go back to it. Then test the chit out of it. If you need to shut down for 12 hours, fine with me.

    The meter was perfect before the rough change & has not been good since.