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putting dots

Tue, Aug 18 2015 1:07 AM (15 replies)
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  • GirnBlanston
    648 Posts
    Fri, Mar 6 2015 5:54 AM

    I am aware of the enormous amount of complaints regarding the change in math on putting dots.  In addition I have noticed the winds are much stronger than before.  Instaed of complaining about it, is there a post with revised putting instructions or are we on our own to figure it out and get so frustrated that we seek out a better game to play.  I could use some help here,

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Mar 6 2015 11:21 AM


    I am aware of the enormous amount of complaints regarding the change in math on putting dots.  In addition I have noticed the winds are much stronger than before.  Instaed of complaining about it, is there a post with revised putting instructions or are we on our own to figure it out and get so frustrated that we seek out a better game to play.  I could use some help here,


    there were never any instructions. it's always been by feel. we are still looking at dots. it was not our intention to mess with them.


  • GirnBlanston
    648 Posts
    Fri, Mar 6 2015 1:12 PM

    oh pshaw wgticon, certainly you must jest.  The hole game is based on mathematical equations as is any other program.  There are numerous posts in the forums with putting instructions that highlight mathematical equations.  Do you really expect me to believe that or am I one of the idiots that play this game in your eyes that does not deserve a rational answer.  

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Fri, Mar 6 2015 2:28 PM


    we are still looking at dots. it was not our intention to mess with them.


    Well , ain't that just dandy ! And in all the time this site has been operational, no one in the company's employ has ever made the connection that when you change the code for one thing, something else is negatively affected. Heck , it only happens with each and every "update" , but then again, when customer satisfaction is so low on the list of priorities, it's just easier to keep releasing flawed product, and maybe try to fix it later, than to make sure it's not flawed to begin with.

    Doc :( 


  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Sat, Mar 7 2015 1:47 PM

    Want to see slow dots?  Play Congressional....dots WAY too slow!!!!


    Bob...Fwys & Greens


  • billclintonfan
    465 Posts
    Mon, Mar 9 2015 6:02 PM

    WGTicon could you please:

    1.  confirm the dots move slower than they did, let's say, a month ago,

    2.  tell us what might have gone wrong,

    3.  give us an idea of how and when they might get fixed?


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Mar 9 2015 6:34 PM

    oh pshaw wgticon, certainly you must jest.  The (w)hole game is based on mathematical equations as is any other program.  There are numerous posts in the forums with putting instructions that highlight mathematical equations.

    For many here this notion may be truth...not by me. I'm to lazy and don't wish to be controlled by slide-rule dogma that becomes a security blanket.  ~ SP ~

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Mon, Mar 9 2015 7:55 PM

    SweetiePie, the dot issue is very real to many of us and is most notable on shorter putts, yesterday i played a round and missed 5 putts within 5 feet which is very very uncharacteristic. I concur with a previous poster in this thread, that the wind strength is off aswell even if you ding the shot. Something is not right in Kansas. lol... tis what it tis i guess for now  :)

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Mar 9 2015 9:30 PM


    SweetiePie, the dot issue is very real to many of us and is most notable on shorter putts, yesterday i played a round and missed 5 putts within 5 feet which is very very uncharacteristic. I concur with a previous poster in this thread, that the wind strength is off aswell even if you ding the shot. Something is not right in Kansas. lol... tis what it tis i guess for now  :)

    No doubt about it, and, these darn, subtle little changes effect us all and do not escape the eye. They seem to happen, from time to time. I feel lucky in these situations because I play by feel; and believe my adjustments are easier for me as opposed to if I had to figure out a new math formula to use, then file away with the other ones used for past problems. It would drive me crazyier ;-} 

  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Mon, Mar 9 2015 11:39 PM

    +1.. And wind in itself are 3-4 mph variants so there is every chance of deviation.


    No doubt about it, and, these darn, subtle little changes effect us all and do not escape the eye. They seem to happen, from time to time. I feel lucky in these situations because I play by feel; and believe my adjustments are easier for me as opposed to if I had to figure out a new math formula to use, then file away with the other ones used for past problems. It would drive me crazyier ;-} 



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