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$318.00 in Limbo

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 14 2015 5:35 PM (60 replies)
  • aichapman
    1,426 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 3:50 PM

                                      Tour Legend Specific Tournaments

                                            Latest Ready Go #77132


    # 71587 Pine 300 cr.       23 entries

    #72546 Mer    300 cr        24

    #73653  Ban   300 cr       20

    #73655 Con    300 cr       15

    #73656 RSG   200 cr        36                      This one should finish soon at least

    So because T/L Tournaments are so popular and fill real fast, 11 days ago 4 more Tour Legend Specific Tournaments were added to the list and are filling rapidly.

    So with this in mind someone has decided we need more Tour Legend Specific Tournaments and yesterday added another 4 Very Popular Tournaments that I as a Tour Legend can choose from.

    Gee Whizz, thank you so much.

    The $318.00 in Limbo only refers to the Top 5 listed RG's

    I couldn't be bothered to do the Math on all 13 Tour Legend Specific RG's.

    I actually am in the oldest #71587 and have not entered another T/L specific game since, luckilly for me or all my credits would be tied up in TOURNAMENTS THAT TAKE MONTHS TO TURNOVER. 

    YES that game is now 5545 games old. Cant tell you what the time frame is in weeks as I forget.

    You wonder why I only play Open RG's.???      Probably not'

    100's of posts have been made about RG's and although some are listened to ( Thank You ) most are just thrown in the Trash

    At least we have been given some high and low stakes games recently.

    The point of this post is..................WHY? Do we have so many T/L Specific games, when the turnover in Open games is sometimes just a matter of hours and you only have to look at the started/finished list to see their popularity.

    Give me RG's I can play in and I will use 2 or 3 balls a day, that equates to around $40.00 a week and $2000.00 a year in balls alone WGT. 

    Please do the Math. Think of more members happily bashing balls around and spending credits replacing them. LOL

    Should I hit the "post" button or just erase this?

    Regards from Alan















  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 4:27 PM

    Hi Alan

    This is such a good post you have written. You just NAIL IT!!

    I agree 110 %.

    It is absurd how the RG list looks at he moment!!        Not only did we get more TL RG's

    but also some more UEL RG's.  I am not fun of UEL, so for now there is 26 RG's I don't

    enter.  Great, when I love playing RG's....


  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 4:33 PM

    And by the way, It could be fun to know how popular UEL RG's really are?

    Not one UEL RG has completed today!!


  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 4:44 PM

    very well said Al...

    indeed why?

  • BuffaloBilly6734
    207 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 5:00 PM

    +1, They should ditch them

  • aichapman
    1,426 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 6:51 PM


    but also some more UEL RG's.  I am not fun of UEL, so for now there is 26 RG's I don't

    enter.  Great, when I love playing RG's....


    Thanks for the reply Peter. and others.

    Sadly due to issues with drop outs , freezes etc etc I dont play many Alt Shot games and so I get my fun from RG's and other single player games, as I never have any glitches or freezes etc. ( except for last week lol )

    So like you and many many many people I speak to, we enjoy the fun of regular participation in RG's.

    At the moment I am not having much joy. :-0(

    I hope that one day the message gets across to someone who cares enough to do something about it.

    Cheers to all, from Alan


  • FarFoo
    2,923 Posts
    Sat, Mar 14 2015 8:36 PM



    I hope that one day the message gets across to someone who cares enough to do something about it.


    +1 yep.

    couldn't agree more

    Its not like getting a poor selection of RG's for all is a one off either, although the current RG's are probably the worst I have seen.

    Not rocket science wgt. RG's that finish fast are popular, do more. RG's that go nowhere are not , get rid. A good selection ( which probably does not  include best of p5 for 50 of 50 - 1000 credits should not be hard to come up with.

    As for TL ones. probably need to make them couple( thats 2 not 13) of tough high stakes to make them worthwhile tbh.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Mar 15 2015 12:51 PM

    hey guys

    I know you all tell us the same thing - rg's are not fun but what you don't tell us is what do you want to see.

    it's easy to point out an issue but please point out a solution: we want you to have fun and enjoy them, so to quote tom cruise "help me, help you".

    as for the other RG, i don't know what can be done until it fills... ill think it's locked, so there maybe not much we can do until your friends play it 


  • roaddawgstyle
    305 Posts
    Sun, Mar 15 2015 1:11 PM


    I know you all tell us the same thing - rg's are not fun but what you don't tell us is what do you want to see.

    it's easy to point out an issue but please point out a solution: we want you to have fun and enjoy them, so to quote tom cruise "help me, help you".

    You have got to be kidding

    do you not read these forums 100s of posts on what people want  you guys just ignore them


  • aichapman
    1,426 Posts
    Sun, Mar 15 2015 1:34 PM

    Thanks for the reply Icon.

    Before I answer I need to clarify that I am NOT a Human Being prone to whining and complaining just for the heck of it, also I am slow to anger, generally speaking. 

    Now for my reply

    I know you all tell us the same thing - rg's are not fun but what you don't tell us is what do you want to see.

    Sadly myself and many others have sent list upon list of suggestions as a  reply to that particular issue. Just a week or two ago in a RG thread a gentleman posted a detailed half page of options and alternatives. Obviously yourself and those that set these games up didn't see it, as yourself and those that do the set ups didn't see all the other previous suggestions.

    This is GROUNDHOG DAY in the extreme.

    As for being an easy issue to point out........give me a break, Yes we All tell you the same thing and although we like different Credit amounts and Courses, the General consensus is Tour Legend Specific Tournaments are a Waste of Time as they take weeks to fill and that's the popular ones. I don't think it's EASY to have to repeatedly ask for help on this RG ISSUE.

    I basically am Sad this issue persists and I can't have a chat Man to Man with the person who ultimately is in charge of this issue. A simple phone call and an amicable exchange of ideas could sort this mess out I am sure.

    But as this and so many previous posts about RG's drops to the bottom of the page and then on to page 2 etc  and disappears all will be forgotten and someone else will be forced to make an EASY complaint. Gosh I know I will......... as I enjoy wasting my time on a regular basis.

    As for the RG I'm in that may never fill, I don't care about that so much as I do about sorting this joke out.

    Does WGT have a PHONE NUMBER. Sadly I can't find one.

    Cheers from Alan