Wow, what arrogance and ignorance. German is anything but a "tiny" language, LMAO. It's the world's no. 1 language when it comes to the target language in literary translations; you can take that from me, a translator.
Even if there should be no mutations of WGT webpages in other languages, could perhaps at least let us localize some other aspects of our user experience. For example, why not display the dates and times in our own time zone. I'm in Central Europe and I'm forced to mentally add 9 hours to whatever date/time is displayed on WGT webpages before I can properly realize at what time a forum post or a Wall post or PM was submitted or a round of golf played.
(Now, as to the funny outdated measurement units used by the English-speaking people but nowhere else in the world – such as miles, yards, feet and inches – we give up and don't really expect WGT to give us kilometers, meters and centimeters. That's OK.)