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L90+ Tips

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Fri, Apr 10 2015 12:20 PM (31 replies)
  • EricJeter
    361 Posts
    Wed, Apr 8 2015 10:48 PM

    I'm about to reach level 90 within a week or so and finally start unlocking some of the "elite" equipment that I hope will get me over this little plateau I seem to be stuck on.  I was hoping those with the experience could help me decide the best way to move forward in improving my game.

    What I'd like to achieve: The poor spin rating on my black max meter balls is annoying when I do exactly what I want for my shot, land within 1-3 yds of the hole and roll another 30 feet.  When I try to compensate and roll it up to the hole they die out on me 20 feet short of the cup.  While I have no shame in admitting that Ive always needed the slower meter I feel they have maxed out their potential and its time to move on...

    Heres My current setup (Irons and Balls Only) Stats are combined together...

    L85 Nike Irons + Max Meter balls 

    Spin - 6 (3.5 + 2.5)

    Meter 8.5 (3.5 + 5.0)

    Here is a couple options that I think make sense once I hit that magic L90...

    L85 Nike Irons + L90 Nike Blacks

    Spin - 8.1 (3.5 + 4.6)  +2.1

    Meter - 7.5 (3.5 + 4.0) -1.0

    L90 R11 Irons + Max Meter balls

    Spin - 6.5 (4.0 + 2.5) +0.5

    Meter - 7.5 (2.5 + 5.0) -1.0


    So basically no matter which path I take my meter speed is going to get faster (bad) and my spin rating is going to improve (good).  Looking at these stats it seems like common sense to stick with my current Irons and just upgrade the balls but I am torn for one reason only...  Everyone rants and raves about just how fantastic the R11s are.  I'd lose the same amount of meter speed either way I went so my question is are they really THAT good to justify keeping my granny balls to make the meter manageable? Or should I simply switch balls for the much more dramatic stat increase?  Sorry for the super long essay for such a simple question, I like to be thorough.  Thanks in advance :)



  • MrQueez
    559 Posts
    Wed, Apr 8 2015 11:21 PM

    Since meter speed s a concern.  I would upgrade to the L90 Nike Blacks or Platinum.  Yes your meter will be a little quicker but the better spin, distance and durability make them a much better ball.  If you upgrade to the L90 R11 Irons the meter speed will increase even more so because they have a faster meter speed than irons you currently have. 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 12:18 AM

    Might be a free rental this weekend ???? Often is Masters I think.

    People have played the Max ball very well with the L90 R11s.  Personally I prefer more spin but all different.

    All very personal as many Ls play the L85 Nike irons well too.


    L90s balls per Mr Q sounds good advice.  If you struggle there with combo meter the L90 R11s are out.  

    Hopefully a free rental this weekend, and you are L90 to test stuff out.  

    Easy for me to say I know but sometimes it is about rhythm, not just speed.  Could have got used to it but the L100 irons I prefer with a L81 ball, not a L90 ball.  More importantly I was OK with a Nike L81 ball / L90 R11 irons, and actual score wise possibly never got past that set up even if the later irons are "nice". 

    Hope that helps, just all v personal in the end.

  • EricJeter
    361 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 12:21 AM

    Thanks for the response MrQueez

    If I upgraded to the R11 Irons I would keep my current MAX METER balls instead of switching over to the Nike Blacks/Plats to make the meter speed increase exactly the same.

  • EricJeter
    361 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 12:30 AM

    Also thank you JimBog for the response.  I also play spin more accurately than I do with roll.  By that I mean I have better results trying to land as close to the pin as I can and hoping for a favorable stop than I do trying to roll my approach shots up the front of the green like one would with starter equipment.

    I have used the L81 Nike balls and ended up donating 2/3 of them back to WGT via a pond or small bush due to the meter speed causing me to miss the ding badly.  I use the biggest piece of crap laptop available (Google Chromebook) that I bought used from a pawn shop for $25 6 months ago with a tiny screen, so its extremely hard for me to hit dings with a fast meter. Ive just gotten so accustomed to the slow meter that adjusting is hard with my computers bad specs.

  • smp063
    339 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 1:18 AM
    I did exactly the same thing a week ago for the same reason  (Tho I still use L48 Irons
    which I still believe are quite good, hanging out for the L94 Max irons). I too need the slow meter but was losing too much with roll on's using the max balls once I hit Legend a few weeks back.

    Trying out the Nike L90's now & taking a bit of getting use too. Finding it harder to hit the ding but getting better. The long iron shots I am landing closer to the pin but still working out the wedges & short irons, all of which I could land within 2 ft of the hole now landing short (or to the side with off the ding) more often than not around the 6-8 ft due to loss of distance in the air (with spin on the ball) & the spin back on landing. Still working on the adjustments. Overall shots has come down a couple on the harder courses. As for the irons, like the others said if there is free rental give them a shot.

    My conclusion so far is I will stick with the L90 Nike balls & get the distances worked out & hopefully get used to the slightly faster meter.

    As for the small screen, any chance of hooking it up to a TV? I have a desk top with 2 screens, one smaller one & the 2nd is a 28" TV which I use for work (lots of charts & graphs etc) comes in very handy for the golf too do not miss much :) Make sure is at least 1920 px otherwise will be too fuzzy.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 1:37 AM

    Really strange someone playing on a $25 computer and wants to use $7.5 balls.

    Really strange.


    ..perhaps get some 'new specs' for your computer

  • EricJeter
    361 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 2:11 AM

    Toe-May-Toes, Toe-Mah-Toes.  You say my priorities are backwards, I say I got my moneys worth from my pawn shop laptop. (:

    Besides, big difference between buying $7 balls to improve my virtual golf game and spending hundreds or more to improve or replace it.

    I hold my own just fine with this relic that acts as a computer so if we could just stay on topic here that would be great.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 2:34 AM

    Perhaps it's worth a thought to spend a sleeve's worth in a wired mouse (just guessing), or a few more bucks in additional computer memory - though this might double the worth.

  • xtabent
    2,281 Posts
    Thu, Apr 9 2015 2:53 AM

    Go onto the top TL's profile pages  and see what they use.