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Post deleted...why?

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 16 2015 11:04 AM (39 replies)
    501 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2015 6:30 PM

    I wonder what criteria they use to delete a post?

    Because they deleted my last post on the forum '' beta '' ...?

  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2015 7:09 PM

    You Planted a couple of names on that Page......

    You cannot call out another players name in the forums, your screenshots of the scorecard contained the names of the players you were saying were quitters.

    501 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2015 8:16 PM

    Ohhh ''the people cant know the names of the quitters'' shhhh ...what a joke!

    Precisely for that reason I not hide, but it how this world works...  pffffft


  • happyherby
    198 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2015 9:41 PM


    Ohhh ''the people cant know the names of the quitters'' shhhh ...what a joke!

    Precisely for that reason I not hide, but it how this world works...  pffffft


    that way they don,t get caught cheating by W.G.T.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Apr 13 2015 11:31 PM


    Ohhh ''the people cant know the names of the quitters'' shhhh ...what a joke!

    Precisely for that reason I not hide, but it how this world works...  pffffft



    you cannot call out other players on the forums or other wgt pages. if someone breaks the rules or there is an issue, please contact us at


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2015 3:06 AM

    Ohhh ''the people cant know the names of the quitters'' shhhh ...what a joke!

    Maybe there was a communication breakdown and there was no time for him to say babe I'm gonna leave you. It seems that the OP has decided to give no quarter and wants to get the quitting player and hang him from the nearest gallows pole.

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2015 5:43 AM

    Ohhh ''the people cant know the names of the quitters'' shhhh ...what a joke!

    political police bud,same way as the whole world :(

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2015 9:55 AM


    Ohhh ''the people cant know the names of the quitters'' shhhh ...what a joke!

    political police bud,same way as the whole world :(

    PC,PC baby...takin' the world by storm in a clever way to make chicken salad out of chicken $HIT....or making radical islam or islamic terrorism not oxymoronic 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2015 10:00 AM

    I don't think that PC is the primary reason.

    But, it's easy to write something defamatory but difficult to prove it, and what next?

    Usually, any legal charge is weighed with all evidence by a jury, and it's considered wrong until proven right. Who's the jury here?

    Posting "A is a (blabla)" should be considered wrong (= a lie) until an independent verdict, but instead it will be spread - as a "lie" - across borders, multiplied, magnified without control. And, nobody can take it back.

    Second, personal arguments produce strife, like Religion and Politics. None of these are neccessary here, and people have been harmed from such things, so some subjects better stay outlawed.

    Read the Posting Guidelines and follow them - they are good for all of us!

    501 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2015 3:14 PM

    I am fully aware that wgt does not care if a player leaves the game in the LAST hole...if you have paid for your precious balls for the game

    My post was not trying to blame anyone in particular, but I not hid the names because I see no need to do so with someone deserves, if tomorrow my name appears in an already image beside the word FORFEIT ...maybe I deserve it, which caught my attention and that's why I wrote the post is that these GENTLEMENS leave the game in the LAST hole, making me waste time and denigrating the game

    And you Mr. Alosso, as I have already asked in an earlier post, please do not comment nothing more in my threads, how to tell a friendly way....Im bored of your pathetic answers