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Post deleted...why?

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Thu, Apr 16 2015 11:04 AM (39 replies)
  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 4:23 AM

    My post was not trying to blame anyone in particular, but I not hid the names because I see no need to do so

    What alosso and Alan were trying to tell you (not that you seem to care enough to listen) is that it makes no bleedin' difference what you see as fit and ok to publish. The rules on this matter are perfectly clear and every time you break them (call out a player directly by name), the post will be deleted, end of story.

    It's WGT's site, under their rules and so called "freedom of speech" does not apply. And as others have explained to you, everyone has the right to reply to your posts. You don't like it, tough cookies. You have 3 options, to ignore, to act like a reasonable human being and debate or to cover up your ears and shout, so you can't hear what people tell you (like you were doing here). Man up, buttercup!

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 6:14 AM

    It's WGT's site, under their rules and so called "freedom of speech" does not apply.

    And there you have it. If J0etheGun is actually a d!ckhead, and you call him out in truth as a d!ckhead, it is wrong. However, if you lie and call out J0etheGun as a gentile, kind-hearted gentleman and all around straight shootin gent, it is OK even though it is a lie. And you will be PC and everybody will be happy and get along embracing a falsehood. Isn't that wonderful ?

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 6:31 AM

    . However, if you lie and call out J0etheGun as a gentile...

    ...his Rabbi will come forward with the truth.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 7:26 AM


    . However, if you lie and call out J0etheGun as a gentile...

    ...his Rabbi will come forward with the truth.

    As long as I don't need to see the proof I am fine with that :)

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 11:36 AM

    Playing with random people is always going to carry an element of risk.  I've had loads of people quit on me when they make a bad shot.  When I was working my way up the tier system I'd jump at the chance to play a legend, there were no tour legends back then.  It seems the term tour legend is a real no no for some people these days, as soon as they see one join them in the lobby they boot them out again.  Shame really, they're missing out on the chance to learn a few things.

    I'm sitting here right now, half a bottle of wine gone and nobody green on my friends list.  Starting a random game sure can be tempting at times.........

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 12:44 PM

    Well, I joined a game with 3 unknown players and had a great time.  Turns out one of them just moved back to the States after living about 50 miles from where I am for the last 4 years. 

    It's a very small world at times.

    And it's worth playing with random people, every now and then you get a great group.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 1:43 PM

    When I was working my way up the tier system I'd jump at the chance to play a legend,

    I did the same and thanks to many of those legends, they improved my game with hints and tips, so I always try to do the same (when they see my game they probably disregards what I have just said lol).

    But alas I invariably get booted these days by lower tiers.

    Playing randoms can be frustrating due to the one bad shot quitters, but can be a lot of fun as well. And with lower tiers it often gives you good rough and bunker practice :)

    So if playing random players expect the worse and hope for the best, but is still worth the gamble from time to time.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 2:46 PM

    I play quite a few games of alt using game search. The vast majority of games are played in a friendly manner right to the end.

    A few have been spoiled by a player quitting when he goes a hole down. It's the same player every time and he has history of this going back years. One to be avoided if possible, I can't name him here though, sorry.


    501 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 2:50 PM


    My post was not trying to blame anyone in particular, but I not hid the names because I see no need to do so

    What alosso and Alan were trying to tell you (not that you seem to care enough to listen) is that it makes no bleedin' difference what you see as fit and ok to publish. The rules on this matter are perfectly clear and every time you break them (call out a player directly by name), the post will be deleted, end of story.

    It's WGT's site, under their rules and so called "freedom of speech" does not apply. And as others have explained to you, everyone has the right to reply to your posts. You don't like it, tough cookies. You have 3 options, to ignore, to act like a reasonable human being and debate or to cover up your ears and shout, so you can't hear what people tell you (like you were doing here). Man up, buttercup!

    Another ''Guru'' of life, seems is SO difficult for some people understand I dont care what your think, I just start this post because have a doubt about an thread deleted, I dont need the superheroes of wisdom landing here for expose all yours clever responses, for me & just FOR pathetic

    Im lvl 92 (Legend) in this game..& know a bit how this work, is just lately the people expect to leave de match in the LAST hole, for that I wrote my first post, was deleted because I dont hide the names of the quitters...? good, no my problem, enjoy this AMA$ING game people!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Apr 15 2015 2:58 PM





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