LEDzZzEPP:My post was not trying to blame anyone in particular, but I not hid the names because I see no need to do so
What alosso and Alan were trying to tell you (not that you seem to care enough to listen) is that it makes no bleedin' difference what you see as fit and ok to publish. The rules on this matter are perfectly clear and every time you break them (call out a player directly by name), the post will be deleted, end of story.
It's WGT's site, under their rules and so called "freedom of speech" does not apply. And as others have explained to you, everyone has the right to reply to your posts. You don't like it, tough cookies. You have 3 options, to ignore, to act like a reasonable human being and debate or to cover up your ears and shout, so you can't hear what people tell you (like you were doing here). Man up, buttercup!