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Tough-It-Out VT May event: Congressional

Fri, Jun 5 2015 10:42 AM (80 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jun 1 2015 4:39 PM

    alcaucin (presumably you don't still have the missing Putting stats from R1? - would have strong chance of most improved prize if you did!)

    Naaw..didn't think of winning anything..happy to compete in just ONE of your Comps......

    Respect Corwyn..that's some heavy workload you took on....AND all done with aplomb !!

    Andy ( doffs cap )

    EDIT: those ugly black balls will do me fine :)

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2015 10:23 AM

    You are very welcome Andy! Glad you could be a part of it this time, and congrats on a great score.


    Any late stats entries should have come in by yesterday morning at 6am... so here is the wrap-up post for the May 2015 Tough-It-Out Tourney...

    THE FINAL LEADERBOARD: (link here):

    Once again, I'm pleased that level-par has been the benchmark to win the monthly TIO tournament. I was lucky enough to get there and claim the win.

    This was a set-up of opposites this month with R1 from the tips and R2 from the Easy tees. Those who had put in their practice time might have found it easier in R1 to play for forward tees on certain holes rather than come up short of the fairway in deep, deep rough. Remember, in TIO events, we may set challenges like this that require some different thinking for your course management!


    WGTdbloshoe very kindly offered a sleeve prize to each of the top 5 finishers on the final leaderboard. They are:

    1  Corwyn        lvl90 Black Nikes   CONFIRMED

    2  fmagnets    lvl90 Black Nikes   CONFIRMED

    3  alcaucin    Max Slow Meter Pro  CONFIRMED

    4  bhoese        lvl61 Nikes CONFIRMED

    4  ColumbusStorm  lvl81 Nikes   CONFIRMED

    This is Corwyn's 3rd TIO Tour win of the year, while Mags recorded his 4th top 5 finish (he was 6th in the other event!).


    Spreadsheet is here.

    Here is a pic of the final standings for these prizes: right-click on the image to enlarge, and keep clicking until you get largest view

    Note I've added a highlight in yellow on the box where that player won that category, and highlights in blue if they were next in the standings.


    Notable achievements from Stats sheet:

    Highest overall percentage of Greens in Regulation:... Corwyn and alcaucin share the top spot here with 61%, not far off the maximum possible given the R1 tees. Andy's 94% for R2 may even be a TIO record for a single round (?).

    Closest Average Distance to the Pinoneeyedjohn was the winner here, with a really low total of 13.2ft, and just edged out bhoese with 13.5ft and JoeMaverick with 13.7ft. kilcourse1975 had an astounding 2.6ft ave. distance from R1 but didn't post stats for R2 so missed out on a good chance for a prize.

    Number of saves: (total number of 1-putt par saves through 36 holes, as shown on all cards): ... fmagnets and ColumbusStorm topped this category with a total of 12 saves. These two do consistently well in this category, demonstrating very strong short game prowess.

    Most Number of Birdies: fmagnets takes the honor here, with an total of 8 birdies, edging out bhoese and JoeMaverick on 7 each.

    Least Number of Bogies: Corwyn had the least bogies with just 6, proving once again that that's the most likely route to winning the event.

    Greatest overall total distance made putts: Only one player this managed over 200ft in distance made putts: Corwyn, whose very lucky R2 took him to an overall total of 217.19ft. Vaibhav5viv came closest with 196.36.

    Longest putt made: was by alcaucin with a staggering 64.6ft effort from the front of #5 in R2.

    Longest drive made: was also by alcaucin, taking advantage of a nice tailwind and downslope on #18 in R2, and sending it 271.41yds, prompting immediate (and unfounded) speculation about steroid and "power boost" abuse!

    Least # of Putts: was fmagnets by a long way with 50 (23/27). Next was mmyers0 with 55 (25/30).

    No 3-Putts: 5 players managed to avoid a 3-putt this time: Corwyn, bhoese, DJW2307, JoeMaverick, and mmyers0

    Greatest Improvement R1-R2 Distance Made Putts: Part of me suspects that John had one eye on this prize all along (please forgive the terrible pun!) ... as he improved a dire, lowest-in-the-field R1 number of 42.17ft to 111.17ft in R2, and thus recorded a 263.62% improvement. Outstanding! razza31 managed a 192.2% improvement to come in 2nd in this category.

    Congratulations to oneeyedjohn on what may be the smartest routes to winning sleeve prizes shown by any competitor... no wonder you were in a hurry to see the stats, lol!

    And, finally, congrats to Vaibhav5viv, who picks up Ian's great 'Sticking With It' award for the highest scoring finisher that goes the duration and also shares all cards and stats.

    These were the sponsored prizes:

    1) Longest Drive    SPONSORED: bhoese   WINNER: alcaucin

    2) Longest putt made.     SPONSORED: bhoese   WINNER: alcaucin

    3) Greatest Improvement on Total Distance Putts from R1 to R2      SPONSORED: bhoese   WINNER: oneeyedjohn

    4) Highest overall percentage of Greens in Regulation      SPONSORED: Corwyn   WINNERS (tied): alcaucin & Corwyn

    5) Closest Ave. Distance to the Hole       SPONSORED: Ianzzz   WINNER: oneeyedjohn

    6) Greatest overall total distance made putts.  SPONSORED: JoeMaverick  WINNER: Corwyn

    7) 'Sticking With It Award' (highest scoring finisher that posts all cards&stats) SPONSORED: Ianzzz   WINNER: Vaibhav5viv

    So, alcaucin wins 2 sleeves from Ben and 1 from Corwyn. oneeyedjohn wins 1 from Ian and 1 from Ben, and Corwyn wins 1 from JoeMaverick and 1 from himself! Finally, Vaibhav5viv wins 1 from Ian.

    Would prize winners please post here to say what sleeves you would like to be sent. Thanks!

    alcaucin    Max Slow Meter Pro  CONFIRMED  [2 from Ben / 1 from Corwyn]

    Corwyn        lvl71 Nikes   CONFIRMED  [1 from Joe]

    oneeyedjohn    lvl92 Nike Blacks   CONFIRMED        [1 from Ian, 1 from Ben]

    Vaibhav5viv       TBC        [1 from Ian]


    Thank you everyone once again for taking part in this event.

    This Tough-It-Out challenge will be a regular monthly event through the year. It will run parallel to the VT each month and on the same course [when the VT course is a CCTH, we will use one of the 18-hole strokeplay courses not included in the main Tour]. Typically the Tough-It-Out challenge will fall in the 2nd and 3rd week each month. Also, I plan to compile the stats of each event into overall yearly Tough-It-Out Tour standings, with prizes on offer from myself for best position in various of these categories.

    Next up we have Pinehurst as our course for June (to tie in again with the official VT). Expected tourney dates are R1: Thu 6/11-Wed 6/17 | R2: Thu 6/18-Wed 6/24.

    Please note: in July, when we should be at St. Andrews, I'll have to postpone that event for two reasons: one, the VUSO with its 4 rounds back-to-back with 3 days each knocks out the first half of July, and two, I will myself be at St Andrews to see The Open as part of a long-awaited family trip home to Scotland for the rest of July and unable to connect/play while traveling.

    My hope is to double-up two TIO VT events simultaneously in August, the postponed St Andrews one and one to go alongside the August official VT (currently expected to be a CCTH at Valhalla), to be held @ Oakmont/Merion (which are not otherwise in the official VT tour).

    Hope to see you all at Pinehurst, and do please help spread the word. Thanks!

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,570 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2015 11:38 AM

    Very nice summary Corwyn.

    I played to get the best score possible, but unfortunately I seem to unravel at the end of each round. Am surprised as anyone that I win two special prizes.

    Level 92 black Nikes please.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2015 12:41 PM

    Balls will be added to players accounts today.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2015 1:41 PM


    Balls will be added to players accounts today.


    - WGTdbloshoe

    Muchas gracias mi hombre


    EDIT: still waiting on the sleeve.....

    ya'll eventually sorted out for me,.( further to  8 E-mails )

    ....after buying $20 more as you ( WGT )  requested , having already bought some to send gifts beforehand.

    Back WE are to the perceived unfairness ?  

    Wasn't going to mention it on the Forum but you brought up the subject lol

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2015 2:29 PM

    I will myself be at St Andrews to see The Open as part of a long-awaited family trip home to Scotland for the rest of July and unable to connect/play while traveling.

    Hope you all have a great time...

    One of the trips the kids will remember @ our age.?

    My Niagra Falls vacation with the grandparents is forever in my heart.

    I was 13, seemed like 2 days before we landed in JFK, but...started my love affair with the USA..

    tho we were mostly in Canada  :)

    Both dead now but never forgotten.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,570 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2015 5:40 PM

    Thanks Ianzzz, sorry it is an expensive ball, but that is what I use now exclusively for the last few months.

    Ditto to Ben !!


    See u all at Pinehurst & St Andies, looking forward to that very much.

  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Tue, Jun 2 2015 11:55 PM


    Greatest Improvement R1-R2 Distance Made Putts: Part of me suspects that John had one eye on this prize all along (please forgive the terrible pun!) ... as he improved a dire, lowest-in-the-field R1 number of 42.17ft to 111.17ft in R2, and thus recorded a 263.62% improvement. Outstanding! razza31 managed a 192.2% improvement to come in 2nd in this category.

    Thought I had it in control after 21 holes.. after I wiped out 85% of my rd 1 total in the 1st 3 holes. Couldn't make anything after lipping a 21ftr on #4 for a 3 putt then.


    Next up we have Pinehurst


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,570 Posts
    Wed, Jun 3 2015 12:53 AM

    There ya go, razza admits he was targeting a special prize.

    The reason I had such an improvement is becuase my first round was so bad I wa always chipping or pitching up to the hole for par or worse. 

    A 9.2 ADP.

    Whereas in Round 2 I played better and putted better.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jun 3 2015 3:00 AM

    Longest drive made: was also by alcaucin, taking advantage of a nice tailwind and downslope on #18 in R2, and sending it 271.41yds, prompting immediate (and unfounded) speculation about steroid and "power boost" abuse!

    LOL, never say never Cor,  I'm getting older by the minute !!  

    Keeping the body intact is becoming a chore ;-)

    Thanks for the sleeves / sponsorship Ben....much appreciated by all.
