Medved1000: Please note, I can spell, have manners and a good command of English.
Are you sure about that?
Medved1000: If those of you that love this game aren't willing to admit the programmers, for whatever reason, definately (Spelled wrong) influence this game, wake up. .(Extra period not needed) I spent some dough upgrading my clubs and in practise (Spelled wrong) rounds I took 10 (Double digit numbers should be spelled out) strokes off my average. Yay.(Fragmented Sentence) Then when I played in the tournament my clubs on average were 10(Spell out) yards, sometimes more, short. I went back to the practice round on the same course as the tournament and lo and behold my missing yards returned. For those of you that post and get offended by bad publicity.(Fragmented sentence) ..(Two extra periods) do (the "D" should be capitalized) you like working for WGT.(Should be a (?) not a (.) Instead of fancying up this game, get some programmers who know how to program and maybe try playing real golf so they actually know how a real golf course works. Don't get me wrong. This game has the potential to be great. But it needs work. Please note, I can spell, have manners,(missing a comma) and a good command of English.
And those are just minor grammatical errors, I'm sure others will find issues with your thought conveyance methods and sentence structure. I'm just saying if you're going to make a statement like that, at least have the common sense to proofread what you write.