x, last book I completed was green eggs and ham last night to my son, so you were close with your guess. Last book I read for myself was Zenos The Art of Surfcasting with Lures. I am currently reading Dr Michios book Hyperspace, and also reading a book on Excel VBA. After I am reading Dr Michios book parallel worlds. picture should be able to read the book title, and behind it my screen name. So once again wrong on all accounts
So I think it was rather brave and stupid to divulge where you work, which no doubt is a fabrication once again.
If its not, we could very easily find out who you are by calling the school, getting semester schedule, seeing who was teaching a computer class at that time, then we could mention to administration you had your entire class waste their time and money by reading this entire thread to show them you are the sane one and we are not. If you then say they didnt read the entire thread then you cherry picked items for them to read so there backing you doesnt hold water as the only read your version.
You also are also then such a egomaniac to think that no student in your class is either devious enough to expose you to us by making an account and giving your real name, or bribing you for a better grade, since they all love you that much.
Obviously since you lack that wisdom to think of that and are that irresponsible, your intelligence level (I think we all agree is near none existent anyway) is even lower then you would care to think.
Further, I know I will get a stupid one line response for the rest reading but I dont really care since this is now entertaining to many not just me, if you still would like to insist that your version of the game be it the hardest, you are actually dead wrong since you are but a Tour Pro (a lousy even with regs). If you want to play the hardest version against yourself, common sense would have you buy equipment level up to legend if you can, then sell those clubs and play legend conditions, that being much longer on the tees and green much faster then what you are dealing with.
Until you do that, I can never buy your argument that your version is the hardest which somehow makes you believe, not us, that you are the elite. So take your salary, pony up $20, buy some equipment, level up, then earn another 5k credits equipment up again and make legend if you believe its so easy.
What it boils down to is your are too cheap or too poor, the latter being a real excuse which none of us will mock, had you not said the things you said mind you.
What say you? Let me guess, the real Neil Diamond is a Legend, I am not. My title I could care less for if not that it allows me to play conditions YOU CAN NOT, and therefore extends my joy in this game.
As you can see I dont back done, I have won many radio contests because I refuse to get off the line (can anyone source that line). As you can also see I can apply rational thinking to what I write, and while I consider myself smarter than you by no means am I a genius but definitely much higher up the chain than you are (grammar aside on the web, because I dont care much for forum grammar, but then again you dont either)