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7 Years here this month

Sun, Aug 21 2016 4:03 PM (34 replies)
  • DaveInYarm
    15 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 2:24 PM

    I just joined this year. (Feb) Managed to get to Master (L77) by doing surveys to get better gear - - - to the value of around 8000 credits so far - -have never paid a penny. Best  improvement was joining a country club to get shot meter & putt meter. I really can't work out why WGT want so much for better balls - its daft!

    I can't find any info about how you progress to each level. Any ideas where its laid out?


    Dave In Yarm, UK

  • BustaSpliff
    417 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 4:54 PM

    5 yrs for me  next  month n the games Money mad and got worse my  opinion. balls they charge are scandolous why cant we find some like the real

          Too many errors in the  game ,an if ure llike me now n cant afford  buy stuff  balls! theres less n less stuff now too earn credits about 5/6   a day now if that on videos  all goin too the dogs,they only concentrating Apps  for  mobile phones now. maintanence  the other day no warning  just closed wgt. buck up wgt.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 6:26 PM

    6 years as of yesterday for me.

    And I did receive an e-mail from WGT saying "Your WGT Friends Miss You".  LMAO

  • thestevster
    546 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 6:35 PM


    Hi All,

    Well - 7 years here this month. YES that is "SEVEN" !!  Any of the old crowd still around ??

    When I think back to when this all started, and I wasnt here right at the very start  - we only had some CTTH 's available and then we got our first 9 holes and then our first course.  WOW 18 holes - that was really something !!

    Well, we've come a long way from then, and it all looks great. Am still enjoying it immensely. I dont have millions of $$$ to spend on clubs or balls so am just battling around trying to improve my ranking. I only play 18 hole rounds, but Tour Master very soon. 

    Love Chambers Bay - my best so far "65" - if only I could putt  lolol.

    All the best from "Down Under" -  bad luck Jason, one very gutsy effort.


    Doug (alias Dorkfeatures)

    n1 doug nice to see someone still enjoying the game 


  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 7:25 PM

    8 years I had this still fun, friends still cool. I'm gonna be TL before 9. Congratulations all.

  • KyRock75
    411 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 8:12 PM

    6 years this month for me.  Hope ya not too tired from Chambers Gazz!


  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 8:40 PM

    Jebadaya got him a 'A'

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 11:36 PM

    Hi Lily,

    Thanks for the comments. The name - yeh, just a bit of a joke from my sons. They actually found WGT before me and registered me on the site with "that" name lolol. All a bit of fun, I got use to it so I've just left it there -  good to hear ya got a bit of a chuckle out of it .

    I see you are still hitting them fairly straight Lily, will I ever get to that level ?? well I wont die wondering thats for sure lol. I thought my 65 on Chambers to be a pretty fair effort considering I'm playing at 3 levels above where I currently play - now, if I could putt - well that would be something lol.

    WGT Highlights ??

    Well -  there will always be one highlight above all others and that was playing in the very first "Ryder Cup" in 2009 - just awesome. I couldnt qualify now of course the rules have changed, but at that time I went through the qualifying rounds and put some good scores together - good enough to qualify anyway. Paul (TallAcePaul) was captain (European / World Team) and teamed me up with my fellow Australian Vic (Coolswing) in one of the doubles matches. I dont think anyone gave us a chance but we thought otherwise, hatched a plan, and went for it. We won by 1 shot. By the time the round finished it was approx  3am in the morning Australian time, I was totally knackered and had so much adrenaline in my system I couldnt sleep lololol. I remember Pauls email coming through after the scores were posted - I reckon I could here the cheers from across the miles lolol. 

    From memory - Seveking organised it, and did an incredible job, We lost that Ryder Cup but we went down fighting as they say. It was a blast.

    Great to catch up, hitum straight.

    Thanks to everyone for their comments, all the best to everyone




  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 11:46 PM


    WOW - thanks so much for the gifts, that's just to much - I dont know what to say, except thanks a million.

    Funnily enough I loved those starter wedges, now I will have to start all over again ad redo my calculations lolol. I would have made TM with those wedges no trouble, I've even heard of players in the past going all the way to Legend using them - was a bit beyond me though lol ??

    OK gotta run - thank you so much, you're a real champion.

    All the best

    Doug (from Down Under)

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Tue, Jun 23 2015 6:16 AM

    5 years playing and I still can't putt