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7 Years here this month

Sun, Aug 21 2016 4:03 PM (34 replies)
  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Tue, Jun 23 2015 8:27 AM

    Interesting thread for sure.   I joined in August of 2009 so coming up on 6 years for me.

    I didn't even realize that WGT was around in 2007.  It would be interesting for WGT to post a list of the 100 golfers who have been on the site the longest, maybe making sure that they have played a round in 2015 to weed out those who set up accounts and quit.

  • 19368110
    61 Posts
    Tue, Jun 23 2015 1:22 PM

    Why you think you would get your name up?  lol

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Tue, Jun 23 2015 2:59 PM

    Tarheels - Interesting, yes. Will they do it? No.

    They've already proven they aren't capable of eliminating dormant accounts from the Community Spotlight or figure out how to purge them from the player rolls. Without a big financial incentive to have someone program your list they simply won't even have anyone attempt it.

  • joemt825
    124 Posts
    Tue, Jun 23 2015 4:20 PM

    Almost 8 years here.  I remember just being happy to  reach the  fairways when driving into the wind.  Par was good back then.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Jun 23 2015 5:25 PM

    Congrats Doug. Tenacity at its best. Hope your still having fun.

    Squirrel Nutz

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Wed, Jun 24 2015 1:12 AM


    Hi Dave,

    As far as progressing through the ranking system - there is something somewhere, I have seen it. It gives you a "rough" idea of what is required to progress though the rankings. Search by "rankings" or similar.

    I am Master also and I think from memory you need to get your rating down to the mid to low 63's - then you'll automatically jump up a level to Tour Master. There is no hard and fast rating figure at which your level is increased, its more complex than that.  That's where I'm heading after I finish with Chambers lol - not a good course to try and improve your ranking lolol. Those greens Oh Boy. I've holed a few great putts on Chambers, but I miss to far many between 10 - 20 feet. Those greens are brutal.

    Anyway Dave - head for low 63's and you'll be up to Tour Master.

    Money for balls ?? Well - I guess like any business they have to make a quid, and paying for a few balls every now and then aint so bad is it ? :-) 


    Doug (originally from Manchester)


  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Wed, Jun 24 2015 1:20 AM


    Hi Squirrel,

    Thanks for the note. Yeh - still enjoying it heaps. I didnt play that regularly for a while 6 - 12 months maybe, but now I have a bit more time so I'm back into it a bit more.

    Tenacity -yeh I got plenty of that lolol. That said Chambers is a brute - well the greens are anyway!!

    I have 1 week left to break my record of 65. My latest round is at -5 after 9. Now the thing is - can I hang on through the last 9. I havent been able to do so so far, maybe this time lol. Great looking course, but Oh those greens.

    I see there has been a lot of criticism of the course, particularly the greens - yeh, I'll second that. 




  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Wed, Jun 24 2015 1:23 AM


    Hi Joe,

    Thanks for the note.  Your comment is spot on - I remember those days well, especialy in the Opens with a gale straight at you lolol. Was just impossible on those days to reach the fairways lolol. Heady days indeed.

    Pars still good now Joe lololol



  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Wed, Jun 24 2015 1:28 AM



    I feel I know you well lolol, your ID has been very familiar to me over the years.

    Nice idea re the long servers - I think we'd have a good chance of being on that list lolol.

    Come to think of it, would be nice to get ones name up in lights wouldnt it  lololol.

    Thanks for the comments



  • salamii
    1,058 Posts
    Thu, Jun 25 2015 4:04 AM

    7 years in Nov, haven't played much recently but an old timer nonetheless.