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What average is required to move up to Tour Master?

Wed, Jun 26 2024 3:37 PM (10 replies)
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    2 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 7:38 AM

    I started early September 2010.  I have been stuck on Master level since level 30.  I have upgraded all my clubs (expensive!) and have worked diligently to lower my average.  At the time of this post, it is 65.30.  I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I am friends with others who have much lower averages in the 63 range, yet they are still masters.  Does anybody know for sure what is required to move to the next tier?  I have the feeling that most of the current tour masters and legends became that long before or at the time of the so called upgrade.  Any advice would be appreciated.  Just frustrated!

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Dec 26 2010 11:32 AM

    May I ask why you want to move up? All you get is faster greens.

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Mon, Dec 27 2010 2:25 AM

    WGT does not divulge when advancement occurs...and although they demand dedication, practice and treasure to improve, they set no target for players to aim.  It's like we are expected, on faith, to put in the time and money with only the hope of being rewarded.  OK OK, yes, I understand that setting a target can encourage sandbagging.  But surely a system could be developed that gives honest players a goal if they want to advance.

    I'm not sure why anyone would be in too big a hurry to advance under the new rules.  Yes, many Legends and Tour Masters were promoted when the system changed...I believe it was solely based on the algorithm in place at the time.  Tour Masters, many as good as Legends but missed the mark when the change happened, and can buy the same clubs...generally play from shorter tees and under easier conditions.  That being the case, I'm not sure why anyone, who is not one of our best players, would prefer to be in the Legends tier at this time.


  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Mon, Dec 27 2010 5:20 AM


    I started early September 2010.  I have been stuck on Master level since level 30.  I have upgraded all my clubs (expensive!) and have worked diligently to lower my average.  At the time of this post, it is 65.30.  I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I am friends with others who have much lower averages in the 63 range, yet they are still masters.  Does anybody know for sure what is required to move to the next tier?  I have the feeling that most of the current tour masters and legends became that long before or at the time of the so called upgrade.  Any advice would be appreciated.  Just frustrated!

    From personal experience... an average below 63 and over 150 ranked rounds...

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Jan 1 2011 11:03 PM


    From personal experience... an average below 63 and over 150 ranked rounds...

    I can confirm the 63 or better cause I just whacked in a 29 round St A which put my average to 62.9 and moved me upto Tour Master.

    Not sure if I'm gonna love the tournament greens though but I'll get used to them.


  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Sun, Jan 2 2011 3:46 AM


    May I ask why you want to move up? All you get is faster greens.

    what games does this apply to piz? MPC's and alternate play if i set it up?


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Jan 2 2011 3:56 AM



    May I ask why you want to move up? All you get is faster greens.


    what games does this apply to piz? MPC's and alternate play if i set it up?


    Everything but practice or Country Club ones.

    2 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2011 5:40 PM

    Thank you for very prompt and informative responses.  I do feel compelled to answer the recurring question as to why do I want to move up.  It is quite simple really because it is the next natural progression.  I want to move up to higher tier if I can possibly do it.  In real life, don't you want to better yourself?  In real life, I work very hard to lower my handicap each year.  I want to do the same on WGT.  Just as my goal is scratch handicap in real life, legend tier is my goal on WGT.  I hope that is not so difficult to understand.  Thanks. 

  • DonGiarni
    64 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2011 2:21 AM


     I hope that is not so difficult to understand.  Thanks. 

    It's not at all (to me). I am TourMaster, enjoy the game, do like being able to attack the pin with wedges, do like to every now and then play under GIR on par 5's, do like scoring up to a dozen birdies in a round (sometimes).....but still am looking forward to (hopefully) become a legend when I manage to constantly post low scores on all courses. Why? not because 'Legend' really sounds cool, but merely for the fact that the by now well known courses will drastically change from the insane tee distances and ridicilously fast greens. It will be a challenge I look forward to.
    Will I s**k in the beginning getting used to the circumstances? of course! But I see great players on here who manage to shot low 60's being legends which means it is possible and certainly worth a try for me too.
    I fully understand you. ;)


  • Will01509
    148 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2024 10:37 AM

    You need to get to 63 and 50 ranked rounds to get to tour master which I have just done my average now is 63 tourmaster hope that helps if your in a club get them to set an easy average tournament up they have one at my club we use PGA tourney you have to learn the course then when you can play it ok you just work at it and you will se your scores tumble thanks will

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