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Fri, Sep 14 2012 5:28 AM (33 replies)
  • Badger3000
    16 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2011 10:24 AM

    Why oh why cant WGT get the server sorted out so that the meter doesn't keep shafting us?

    Everyone I play complains with good reason

    Please sort this out WGT you are losing money as I quote "I will not put money into this game until the meter bugs are sorted out" One player of many who are really pissed with this. It feels deliberate to stop progression and ruins many a good game.

    We accept that we make bad shots but it is not acceptable to be forced to make bad shots in this way.

    Please sort it out ASAP Badger 3000

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2011 11:55 AM

    Not again. It's more Adobe's fault than WGT, that and your PC. Honest.

  • crgade
    490 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2011 12:38 PM

    why do rookies complain about these things lets see its wgt fault

    hmmmmmmmm how many servers do people use here firefox chrome google etc etc etc .lets see adobe is involved and so is flash or are they the same doesnt matter the more items involved the more chances that something goes wrong so it must be WGT's fault unFingbeleivable  are people that stupid.

    We have the best online golf game here and they still complain.

    Lets see perfect game buy something for xbox of playstation and what happens to that $75 game that you don't like or can't master it gets left on the shelf do you then *** at the producers of that game noooooooooooooooooooooooooo you have already given them their money and you take it so I wish all these complains would just SHADDUP and enjoy the BEST GOLF GAME ONLINE PERIOD....

    To the golfers that do enjoy keep it up and lets play.......


  • duffer66
    700 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2011 1:20 PM

    Wish people would quit slamming other people's PC for the meter problem. I have played more graphic intense simulations than this without problems for years. The meter sucks and WGT should find another solution besides the flash player. They don't listen to any of the complaints so we just have to l;ive with a mediocre game.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2011 2:11 PM

    given the number of complaints from people about the meter issue, I think it's safe to say that not all of them are using crappy penttium 3's rofl.

    i've played this game on over 30 pc's and at least 25 of them have had the same meter stuttering, so i think it's safe again to say that there is a problem.

    no point blaming folks pc set up etc, no point blaming adobe etc. it's wgt's responsibility to hire a decent programmer to write a better piece of software to replicate the meter.

    i'm not blaming wgt....all i'm saying is that there is clearly an issue that needs fixed.

    i love playing this game and since november when i only started playing it on a daily basis i've reached tour master and i'm on level 70, but i've had my fair share of meter problems, so much so that i just try to ignore it as much as i can.


  • happyman123uk
    1,242 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2011 4:50 PM

    All I want to see is some sort of reply from WGT that would be a starting point because I have read many a post about the meter problem and yes even started 1 or 2 myself but never had any response at all from WGT.Well thats not 100% true they will tell you to enpty you catche and clear your cookies and thats about it.

    .So how about it WGT give us some sort of answer even if its sorry we are not sure why it happens then we know you are reading the posting we post.

  • sallu4u
    87 Posts
    Mon, Jan 3 2011 4:57 PM

    Meter stutter is an issue faced by many on this site,rookie or pro.Some let their complain known and others just keep quiet.

    Best thing to tackle it is start using the unlimited free ball.I have been using it for more than a month now after losing three dollar balls in a single game.With a little practice and good clubs like R9 TP 8.5 driver and Rapture irons, it is as good as the dollar balls.Only drawback is limited backspin but atleast i have peace of mind.

  • TDHarvey
    433 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2011 6:54 AM

    i get occassional stutters, pauses, delays and the light speed meter. id say 1 to 2 a round at most sometimes none for a few rounds but never more than 3 instances in a round. my computer is older, dont know what specs it has and dont care. I have come to the conclusion that the meter issues are a built in feature of the game. if you had a perfect meter every shot this game could be mastered even more so than the top players have now. I may be full of sh&t but thats my opinion.

  • shoeman1943
    138 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2011 12:14 PM


    Wish people would quit slamming other people's PC for the meter problem. I have played more graphic intense simulations than this without problems for years. The meter sucks and WGT should find another solution besides the flash player. They don't listen to any of the complaints so we just have to l;ive with a mediocre game.

    thanks duffer66, i agree 95%.

    when it's working properly, this is the best game on whe internet.  however, if you are playing for credits, 1-2-3 meter glitches per round can take your credits, no matter how well you are playing.

    i like to play the blitz games, at times all of the players are complaining about the meter, one called it the "porky pig" meter, which i could appreciate.

    if it's all our computers, why do all four players have faulty pos computers at the same time.   huh!

    i don't understand the players who cannot accept that WGT can be fallible.  kind of like standing outside of a church that has just been destroyed by a tornado and having all of the people left alive "thanking god".


  • stencil
    455 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2011 2:08 PM

    How is it WGT's fault when YOUR PC downloaded ADOBE?????

    HMMMMMMM???? whats the common factor their?
