Wish people would quit slamming other people's PC for the meter problem. I have played more graphic intense simulations than this without problems for years. The meter sucks and WGT should find another solution besides the flash player. They don't listen to any of the complaints so we just have to l;ive with a mediocre game.
thanks duffer66, i agree 95%.
when it's working properly, this is the best game on whe internet. however, if you are playing for credits, 1-2-3 meter glitches per round can take your credits, no matter how well you are playing.
i like to play the blitz games, at times all of the players are complaining about the meter, one called it the "porky pig" meter, which i could appreciate.
if it's all our computers, why do all four players have faulty pos computers at the same time. huh!
i don't understand the players who cannot accept that WGT can be fallible. kind of like standing outside of a church that has just been destroyed by a tornado and having all of the people left alive "thanking god".