neildiamond11790: I have a hard time jumping on board and being educated by someone calling America a mega terrorist and the ultimate evil in the world, when I know despite the things the government feels are necessary and will cause collateral damage, I also know where they are coming from when making those decisions both good and bad.
My question to CharleRH is this. Explain to me the so-called 'Death Squads' that the US had in South America.
By your profile picture, you appear to be 20's early 30's. Right or Wrong?
I have served (Since '76) in the US ARMY, 5th, 7th, and 10th Special Forces Grps, and the Special Warfare Center as Cadre. The 7th's AOR is South America. I have been there, stationed in Panama. So please give me EXACT details of the facts you have put forth, sir, so that I may refute them.
I still serve in a SF Reserve unit as an Officer. When I enlisted in the ARMY I was but a lowly E-1 and now an 0-X (I will not reveal my pay grade). The Army gave me the ambition to further my education. It also gave me some of the best training in the world.
You have obviously been reading too much propoganda on websites, seem to believe you are intelligent, but yet, you have the audacity to call the US the equivalent of Mega terrorists. What happened in NYC in the early '90's? A dry-run terrorist attack on the WTC. How did we retaliate? By bombing a damn aspirin factory. What would you have us do, sir? Lay down on our backs with our tail between our legs and let terrorists assume an Alpha Posture over us?
And, as for Saddam Hussein and his sons-they WERE terrorists. Ask the citizens of Iraq.
If you didn't hate America so much, I'd say to you-the SF community has openings in PsyOps.
I am so....well, forget that part.