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News in America...And the contorted image it presents

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Sat, Jan 8 2011 3:02 PM (64 replies)
  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 8:47 AM

    If you have this view of the US then why do you choose to live here?
    If you have this view of the US then why do you choose to live here?

    do you leave your wife when you disagree with her, or do you show her the mistake she has made, and plead with her to do better

    We can put our head in the sand and say things like the taliban has committed terrible terror acts, and we are right, but to say that the things our country has done in the last 10 years have not been terrorist acts is just being stupid.

    Your motto is love it or leave it


  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 8:50 AM


    So does anyone want to explain all the Iraqi refugees who have  taken up residence in the USA  since the war and say America is doing a good thing in Iraq.  

    A lot of the folks are scholars, engineers, scientist and other educated types.

    I would suggest you talk to the majority who have lost arms legs, relatives, friends, homes , and maybe you could talk to the dead, I am sure they are very happy to be where they are and are thanking america for liberating them


  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 8:52 AM

    I hear Iraq is lovely this time of year, Okie.

    expected from you

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 9:14 AM

    Couldnt agree with you more X, so instead of reading only all the things we have done that he listed, I would like to know what he is doing to make things better.  As it reads right now I dont see him wanting to show one redeeming aspect of the country, I am also not surprised if I see this thread on the news as proof of his thinking after he has done something horrific, his post almost reads like one of those letters we here about. 

    And as mentioned earlier, I agree with many of his points just as I can agree with many of stencils, but the rest of Charles seems like I am reading what a terrorist writes.  He boasts the same enthusiam as those nuts protesting gays in the military at a soldiers funeral.  Its called extremist.

    I look at it like this, disagree or agree open to discussion, real terrorists are only trying to cause destruction, cause fear and intend to kill people (public or soldiers, either or to them), organizations like said mentioned Taliban are trying to end western thinking, western progress and religions other than theirs.  The US while not wearing white gloves is trying to stop terrorism, install democracies (for the most part) and protect natural resources.  This has been bestowed upon us by the rest of the world since WW2.  They dont intentionally target civilians, but similar to WW2 in the massive bombing campaigns over Germany, civilians pay the ultimate price. If they really didnt give a rats ass about anyone in the middle east they have means of taking them all out.

    As for the oil arguement, yeah they want the oil controlled in sane hands, not some fundamentalist who will blow an entire well up just to cause destruction.  They are precious resources needed by the entire world somebody has to do something about it, and unfortunately time and time again its us.  I am pretty sure the Gov would have no problem if another country wanted our role.  So we play the bad guy because others will not, many allies hate us for it, call us names, despise us, then we see them at Disney World on vacation or moving in next door.

    Not going to negative town X here with you.

  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 9:14 AM

    Do you leave your wife when you disagree with her, or do you show her the mistake she has made, and plead with her to do better.

    Only if i want my Teeth kicked in.


  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 9:26 AM

    d, I would like to know what he is doing to make things better.

    By bringing to the forefront, and hoping that people like you would join in protest. If you want to hide from the truth, if you do not want to read the truth, if you do not want to be an activist, that is no problem with me, but to criticize those who want to bring the problems to the front, and hope others will join in, AND TRY TO BRING CHANGE, THEN I HAVE A PROBLEM. To say if you do not like, then move, is just asinine. We love our country, we do not love when our country makes mistakes, and we do not like the mistakes our government has perpetuated on other countries. If you would remember, Bin Laden is still on the loose, and he started all of this when he went to his countries leaders and pleaded with them not to allow American troops on Muslim soil. He pledged jihad against Iraq, and said Muslims would take care of Muslim problems. THAT IS HOW THIS STARTED. By the same token, what would America do if Muslim troops invaded America, to help us with our disputes with Mexico. Now, do not jump and say I am agreeing with Bin Laden, but what I am saying is that in his mind he felt that he was doing the right thing by attacking America. I repeat, we lost 3000 Americans, a terrible tragedy, but what kind of tragedy did we commit in Iraq, when those people or their leaders had nothing to do with 9/11, even though our leaders fed us a crock of ---- saying that they did, so they could go after the oil fields

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 10:47 AM

    valid.  I can get on board with that, but not to counter you, I have a hard time jumping on board and being educated by someone calling America a mega terrorist and the ultimate evil in the world, when I know despite the things the government feels are necessary and will cause collateral damage, I also know where they are coming from when making those decisions both good and bad.  I read Charle and think, educated but just hates America.  I read your last comment and thought the same thing, just not hatred of your country part.  Its the approach I guess that will appeal to more people if done the right way. 

    Simple analogy, I walk into a dealership knowing the car, color and trim I want, i know the deal I can get, but instead of completing the transaction with a normal person I get Bobby the uber cars salesman that turns me off.  Parents just bought a new car, but not the one they had intended because of this type of person.  They were all ready for a new Murano but the experience with staff sent them to Ford, it had nothing to do with it being a better car (just comparable) but the approach made the difference.

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 10:53 AM

    Simple analogy, I walk into a dealership knowing the car, color and trim I want, i know the deal I can get, but instead of completing the transaction with a normal person I get Bobby the uber cars salesman that turns me off.  Parents just bought a new car, but not the one they had intended because of this type of person.  They were all ready for a new Murano but the experience with staff sent them to Ford, it had nothing to do with it being a better car (just comparable) but the approach made the difference.

    your analogy can best be described APPLES AND ORANGES, we are not talking cars, salesmanship, we are talking of killing innocents, and how you can speak like that also follows with your post it is a beautiful day in Iraq, NO SENSE OF REALITY

    How dare you say we do not love our country, we hate our country, how dare you.

    If you knew right from wrong, you could not even think that, but with my dealing with you, I know that right and wrong is not in your dictionary. Just what is best for neil


  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 11:32 AM

    I have a hard time jumping on board and being educated by someone calling America a mega terrorist and the ultimate evil in the world, when I know despite the things the government feels are necessary and will cause collateral damage, I also know where they are coming from when making those decisions both good and bad.

    My question to CharleRH is this. Explain to me the so-called 'Death Squads' that the US had in South America.

    By your profile picture, you appear to be 20's early 30's. Right or Wrong?

    I have served (Since '76) in the US ARMY, 5th, 7th, and 10th Special Forces Grps, and the Special Warfare Center as Cadre. The 7th's AOR is South America. I have been there, stationed in Panama. So please give me EXACT details of the facts you have put forth, sir, so that I may refute them.

    I still serve in a SF Reserve unit as an Officer. When I enlisted in the ARMY I was but a lowly E-1 and now an 0-X (I will not reveal my pay grade). The Army gave me the ambition to further my education. It also gave me some of the best training in the world.

    You  have obviously been reading too much propoganda on websites, seem to believe you are intelligent, but yet, you have the audacity to call the US the equivalent of Mega terrorists. What happened in NYC in the early '90's? A dry-run terrorist attack on the WTC. How did we retaliate? By bombing a damn aspirin factory. What would you have us do, sir? Lay down on our backs with our tail between our legs and let terrorists assume an Alpha Posture over us?

    And, as for Saddam Hussein and his sons-they WERE terrorists. Ask the citizens of Iraq.

    If you didn't hate America so much, I'd say to you-the SF community has openings in PsyOps.

    I am so....well, forget that part.


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Jan 6 2011 11:34 AM

    I love America and respect their country folk but the table's tilted.

    When it comes to freedom of choice etc, I'll leave it to George Carlin because he says it all.


    Click on the link below to hear the truth.