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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup @ Chambers Bay: Oct2015

Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:08 AM (315 replies)
  • KonradOse
    221 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 5:08 AM


    Hello Group E: 

    Is their any chance we can push it back 30 mins on weds 10/21 to play at 4:30pm local time (10:30pm for Konrad and Luciano) ? If this doesn't work for everyone I should be able to shuffle some things around and make 4pm happen. Let me know


    Shouldn't be a problem.

  • rfpoul
    1,114 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 7:12 AM

    10/21 at noon works for me

  • Young46
    1,298 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 8:03 AM



    Hello Group E: 

    Is their any chance we can push it back 30 mins on weds 10/21 to play at 4:30pm local time (10:30pm for Konrad and Luciano) ? If this doesn't work for everyone I should be able to shuffle some things around and make 4pm happen. Let me know


    Shouldn't be a problem.

    Works for me as well. 

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 8:28 AM

    Almost all of the matches now have fully confirmed playing times.

    And now they all do!

    Thanks Konrad, Jason, and Remi (who replied via PM to me) for providing the final confirmations.


    MATCH C :: is confirmed for Wednesday 10/21 at 4pm UTC (9am WGT time), awaiting rfpoul's confirmation.

    C ::  ab1983 & rfpoul                     vs        FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo


    MATCH E :: is confirmed for Wednesday 10/21 at 8:30pm UTC (1:30pm WGT time) ... awaiting confirmation from Konrad and Jason re 30mins later than first suggested.  STREAM

    E ::   frenchconnect & Young46     vs        KonradOse & Daskino


    The UEL Ryder Cup kicks off in a couple of hours... !!!

    Good luck everyone :)

  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 9:35 AM

    One question: is there an order for the FourBall? Is it ROW - ROW - USA -USA or ROW - USA - ROW -USA?



    10,716 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 12:34 PM

    1 hour 45 mins for 9 holes UEL high winds chambers felt like an endurance test more than a game of golf today:)  USA played superb.Eagles on the 12th and 18th!! Esp 18th when 1 up to equal Saurabh's Eagle for the win. Russ made an important Bird on 17 to keep USA 1 UP!! 

    USA win  1UP

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 12:42 PM

    Very close and nerve racking match.

    USA Team (ColumbusStorm & mmyeers0 ) win 1up over Team ROW (Priestess & Saurabh08)

  • Wesdogg75
    2,431 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 12:55 PM

    Good job guys, way to get this thing off to a good start!!

  • JJ656
    1,858 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 1:24 PM

    Sorry fellas, I was told several times 3pm my time.   I see you are red, I assume you kicked it off a 2pm my time.   


  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 1:48 PM

    Check your time difference in Corwyn's spreadsheet JJ. It says 3pm your time too, yet everyone else was ready an hour earlier which suggests your time difference is wrong on the sheet.