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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup @ Chambers Bay: Oct2015

Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:08 AM (315 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Oct 20 2015 10:59 PM

    Just a reminder that tomorrow is a busy day for the Fourballs, with the remaining 3 matches all scheduled:

    (spreadsheet link)


    MATCH C :: is confirmed for Wednesday 10/21 at 4pm UTC (9am WGT time):

    C ::  ab1983 & rfpoul                     vs        FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo


    MATCH B :: is confirmed for Wednesday 10/21 at 4:30pm UTC time (9:30am WGT time)

    B ::  BigKnight & jaycen129          vs        Legaci & Corwyn


    MATCH E :: is confirmed for Wednesday 10/21 at 8:30pm UTC (1:30pm WGT time): STREAM

    E ::   frenchconnect & Young46     vs        KonradOse & Daskino


    REMINDERRyder Cup Chatzy Room: for matches that aren't being streamed, I've set up a Chatzy Room where players can, if they wish [and provided they won't get too distracted], provide running commentary about what's happening for the benefit of the rest of us!

    With Match C & B running almost simultaneously, it could get real interesting (& confusing!) in the Chat Room!!!


    Currently, Team ROW enjoys a 2:1 lead over Team USA after the first 3 matches.

    Good luck tomorrow everyone :)


  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Tue, Oct 20 2015 11:42 PM

    Thanks for the reminder Corwyn. I should be there to follow game C and B; let's hope we will have a couple of commentators, as mmyers and Russ did well for the very first game :)

    And good luck ROW!


  • johehejo
    279 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 1:15 AM

    Hello gents.

    Tonight I could be late about from 5 to 10 minutes. I must drive my son to the training. I should be there on time at 18 o'clock (my time -  9am wgt time) again. If the traffic is too strong I can be late a few minutes. 

    Has never seemed, but it could happen sometimes.

    Greetz johe

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 5:43 AM

    And FYI everyone... I'm planning to connect with team captains Russ and Joe asap after today's matches (or even during the last one), in order to get their pairings and try and schedule the week 2 series of Foursomes.

    If anyone has schedule changes/amendments for next week, now would be a great time to let us know!!!

    Every bit of information helps.

    Thank you,


  • johehejo
    279 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 10:45 AM

    We cant play the game - 4 DCs in a row - on hole 11 or 12 - no Camera switch by me - we have a new date on friday - same time for all.

    Team USA win the first hole - second hole AS. Restart the game on hole 12 friday.

    Greetz johe

  • jaycen129
    193 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 11:38 AM

    We just finish our opening 4some which was a nail bitter throughout. USA took the lead early going 1 up as BigKnight birdied the first hole of the match which was immediately given back on the very next hole as Corwyn birded 11 to make it A/S. Going into the short par 4 hole 12, I was able to bring USA back to 1 up after nearly holing out off the tee which led to 2.3 foot eagle putt. Again, that lead was short lived as Corwyn was able to birdie #15 to bring the match back to A/S. Going into 17 Bigknight was able to pull us back to a 1 up lead after a beautiful long birdie putt from behind the hole. Going into the final hole, it was the perfect wind to set up for eagle opportunities which no one was able to take advantages of. Ultimately, the USA was able to hold on for the win 1up. 

    I want to thank my partner Bigknight for pretty much carrying myself through this exciting match and were able to come through victoriously. Also, I would like to thank team ROW, Corwyn and Legaci, for this great match and their outstanding sportsmanship. Good luck to you guys in your upcoming matches and hope to play again with you guys soon. 

    USA Wins 1up


  • BigKnight
    2,777 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 11:41 AM

     photo UELRC-Round1_zpsplv0imwy.png


    We just finished our match: Happy to report USA gets another point...

    We took the lead on 10 (I birdied from 3 feet)

    Corwyn squared his team up with a birdie on 11 from 7 feet

    Jay darn near aced #12, into a nasty wind but his eagle from 2.3 got the USA back to 1up

    Stayed that way until 15 when Corwyn rolled in a 14 footer to go AS again

    Both Jay and almost holed out for an eagle 2 on 16 both stopping within 5 feet, but Corwyn's putt from 17 feet saved the half

    On 17 I managed to make a 16 footer. Corwyn just missed from about 12 (USA 1up)

    on 18 we were all above the hole...way above the hole lol...matching 2 putt birdies closed the match...

    USA 1 up

    Go USA!!!!


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 12:19 PM

    Sad to hear about connection issues in our first match today :(

    Hope it all goes more smoothly Friday...


    MATCH B :: is confirmed for Wednesday 10/21 at 4:30pm UTC time (9:30am WGT time)

    B ::  BigKnight & jaycen129          vs        Legaci & Corwyn


    Our game went up the last as well. It was a ding-dong affair, never more than a hole in it, with some unexpected turnarounds.

    Team USA came out on top: 1 UP

    Here is the card and stats, and a description to follow:

    #10 wind 29@1030  :: BK was only one to get close, knocking his to 3ft. My guess is BK found the middle and had a pretty flat spot. L & C had drifted too far left and were dealing with bigger sidehill lies. They ended up 11 and 9.5ft short left respectively and both just missed their curlers low; Jaycen had missed from 15ft short left. No problem for BK with short birdie putt.  USA 1 UP

    #11 wind 24@1030 :: C got lucky with drive to catch downslope of brush and jump forward. L & J rolled back from pin-hi left to short left 5 & 4 yds away; BK went 34ft long. L's putt slid low again; J's was hard and high, BK left his 6ft short but holed for par; C had pushed his approach a touch, pin-hi right, but made this tricky 7ft slider to win the hole. A/S

    #12 unfamiliar wind 29@515 :: C went first and rolled around the houses to get to 11ft left; both BK and L ended up short, BK not threatening from 41 feet, L getting close but low again from 22ft. But Jaycen came up with a beauty tee shot to 1yd left after some roll off the right ridge. C's attempted matching eagle just shaved the hole low. USA 1 UP

    #13 new wind again for me: 23@115 - C got cutesy trying to replicate something that had worked in practice but with 11 o'clock wind instead, hit 3W up left side and found fairly flat lie, but still with some downhill. BK got lucky to run through left-side brush and reach fairway beyond. L had longest drive, like J splitting narrowest part of fairway. C's 2nd too long, and made nice lag from 52ft for certain par. J missed left of green, hit nice up to 6ft but missed par putt. BK's 2nd just failed to clear ridge and settled 16ft short right: attempted birdie caught lip but went 3.6ft past. L hit best 2nd spinning it to a halt 5.7ft past pin... but pulled the birdie putt, leaving BK's par save to halve the hole. USA remain 1 UP

    #14 wind 23@9 :: C makes tragic error, not allowing quite enough for the wind and greedily trying for flattest part of left side fairway. Just catches bunker, and is effectively out of the hole. Others find good spots: J's 2nd goes 11yds long left, BK's comes up short of the green, L's on but 13ft short. J doesn't threaten, C missed his irrelevant 18ft putt just low; BK's pitch goes close, and L missed from 13ft on low side again. USA remain 1 UP

    #15 wind 27@415 : BK on but 6yds short left; L misses short right; J misses short; C goes long but overcompensates and is 5yds past. L & J hit nice ups ... BK runs his 17ft putt by... and C sinks his 14 footer. ROW win hole. A/S again

    #16 wind 22@515 IIRC : C chokes drive for flatter spot but clicks late on 2nd to be 18ft below in fringe. BK hits stunner that trickles down to 1yd below, followed by J to almost the same spot. L's 2nd had gone long to 27ft fringe: his effort misses low again, and C has to hole clutch putt ... which he does! still A/S

    #17 tricky 28@430 wind : C goes first to 3 yards long, followed by BK to 5 yds past. J comes up short and rolls further left off ridge, has 41ft lag and solid par. L's tee shot caught the wind, and slope and found bunker; 2nd rolled back to rough, 3rd was a peach stone dead. BK up next and he nailed his 14 foot birdie. C seemed certain to make his from 9.4ft but with big wind behind only gave it enough to reach and fractional mishit took pace off it and it trickled by... costly miss on easy putt. USA 1 UP dormie

    #18 wind 25@1045 : long drives from all, but inevitable downhill lies. Both USA players hit first and went long left, raising hopes for ROW, but neither could get ball to stop, C's 2nd seemed almost perfect in the air, but a few yards too far and rolled over ridge. L had impossible 104ft putt and was out of hole. BK secured the Team USA win with a superb lag from 69ft to 3ft short. C followed to 5ft, J to 5.5ft and all made their birdies.

    USA win 1 UP

    ROW are left to rue a poorly played first hole, and missing a couple of very makeable putts, along with a few much harder ones.

    Thanks guys for a cracking match. Very tense and exciting! 

    Good luck for the rest of the tourney.

  • Young46
    1,298 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 12:41 PM

    I will be streaming our match at 4:30pm EST 


  • Young46
    1,298 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 1:48 PM

    We are live now. Fingers crossed for a complete match!