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9/11 14 years later

Mon, Sep 14 2015 2:06 PM (15 replies)
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  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2015 4:29 AM


    I was still on active duty at the time.  Was a scary time then, I got deployment orders to Korea with a 2 year daughter at home.  Didn't see her again until she was 3 1/2 years old, well not in person at least,  but webcam was not easy with the time zone differences.


    Think I'll have an early morning shot in memory the lives that were lost, many of which were buds I served with. 

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2015 5:04 AM

    I was also deployed to a foreign land during this time and couldn't believe what I was seeing across the news wire.......on the 14th anniversary of that horrible attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, please accept my heartfelt condolences...All of America remains in the prayers of your friends and allies to the north.

    God Bless,


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2015 5:39 AM

    Knew a few that worked in the WTC, and one that was outside having the smoke that saved him.

    An arm waived me into the Three Tuns pub in London.  I said thanks but really had better get back at first.  It was then explained what was being reported, and we watched in shock as it unfolded more.......Same clear blue sky beautiful September day in London as in New York.  

    Good thread as so important to remember these atrocities, and the good people lost.    Witnessed terrorism from the IRA, and such a shame to see America subjected to it.

    Those that left us that day, and their families, are assured the dreadful perpetrators of such acts will never prevail.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2015 6:36 AM

    You won't believe it....the 9/11 2001 at 8.40 am I was in a United Airlines airplane together with my Danish girlfriend & daughter flying from Newark to Dallas with Mexico as final destination.......

    Our flight checked in at 6.30 am (Newark airport) & just BESIDES "Flight 93" checking box at 6.36 (as far as I remember), plane that after being kidnapped crashed when passengers & crew overwhelmed the kidnappers........we were checking in just besides those b.a.s.t.a.r.d  kidnappers !!!

    When we landed in Dallas airport and were at a lobby somewhere watching television with the terrible news that a Commercial airplane had hit the South tower, CNN and the media though, at that moment, that it was an accident.......THEN the second airplane hit the North tower!!!! WOOOW you could hear from everybody watching the TV screens!!!!! we all in disbelieve!!!, couple of minutes after we hear in the loudspeakers that all flights were going to be cancelled & the airport was going to get closed....WHAT???  

    Bush announced the terror attack some minutes after....THEN HELL!!!!!

    Panic, total chaos at the airport, people crying and running like crazies or zombies and we with our little daughter right in the middle of hole inferno............

    Not to get into more details, we were lucky to find a hotel & had to spend 10 days stranded in Dallas.

    Our plane had also plenty of fuel for a long flight, was from the same Airline as Fight 93 and took off with some minutes difference from the same airport!!!........we still sometimes talk about how lucky we were that our airplane was not the chosen plain to attack the White House..................

    Our families in Denmark, USA & Mexico found out we were alive just after 8 hours!!!!...they only knew we were going to fly with United Airlines from Newark to Dallas the 11 of September sometime early morning...............



  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2015 6:57 AM

    You won't believe it.

    WOW!  Just WOW!,


    I believe it though.  :)

  • gdog8
    1,356 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2015 7:19 AM



  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Sat, Sep 12 2015 8:44 AM


    You won't believe it.

    WOW!  Just WOW!,

    I believe it though.  :)

    It was very true indeed.

    My oldest daughter, now 16, told her history of the events in her school last Friday 1st of September. She said some of her classmates hardy believe it.

    The subject comes out every year in the schools here in Denmark. A very sad & important day nobody will forget. 


    10,716 Posts
    Sat, Sep 12 2015 1:20 PM

    Lovely story about the last surviving  rescue dog for 9/11. She is 16 now:)  She worked 12 hours a day trying to rescue people and slept for 4 hours.


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sat, Sep 12 2015 2:39 PM

    That's is one he!! of a story LOLserver, in fact an amazing story!!

    Mine pales in comparison but never the less an unusual turn of events....

    I was on my way to Bellerieve Country Club in west St. Louis county...8 month earlier I bought week long tickets to the 1st PGA Tour event in St. Louis in many many years....the LPGA used to play here annually within walking distance of my house.

    I was going to watch the 1st day of practice rounds and when I got there and made the long walk to the entrance, people were walking out and away from the venue like zombies, some crying! Being oblivious to what just happened I thought "WTF" is that all 2nd hint that something was amiss was there was nobody at the gate checking passes!

    So I walk into the gift shop to grab some souveniers, go to the register and nobody will check me out(hint #3),  they are all gathered around a small TV, walking over there to raise hell is when I found out what was going on!!!

    I remember thinking "OMG, before this is over a million people could die somewhere"...

    I came home, and sat in front of a TV for days stunned! They canceled the PGA tournament because half the players couldn't get there....about Thursday of that week I was going to the store, when I saw the merchandise in my car it dawned on me I had walked out of the gift shop with a Wind Jacket, Wind vest, Polo shirt, and baseball cap without paying for any of it...that's how screwed up everyone around here was, I stood with the gift shop workers, took a smoke with 2 of them, held that stuff in my hand for over an hour, and it still didn't register in my brain...

    On that day the world as I knew it changed forever, and I became a thief...

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Sep 12 2015 3:02 PM

    I was working and could not get to TV but listened on van radio. When i finished work i was going to parents house, they literally stood when i entered house and just pointed at the tv. I stood with then for a while, all 3 of us speechless. Never been so aghast watching footage ever, still find it incredible.

    Those stories all listed above i appreciate reading, and Eric, well thats just amazing


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