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9/11 14 years later

Mon, Sep 14 2015 2:06 PM (15 replies)
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  • patriciawilliams
    3,273 Posts
    Sun, Sep 13 2015 6:18 PM


    You won't believe it....the 9/11 2001 at 8.40 am I was in a United Airlines airplane together with my Danish girlfriend & daughter flying from Newark to Dallas with Mexico as final destination.......

    Our flight checked in at 6.30 am (Newark airport) & just BESIDES "Flight 93" checking box at 6.36 (as far as I remember), plane that after being kidnapped crashed when passengers & crew overwhelmed the kidnappers........we were checking in just besides those b.a.s.t.a.r.d  kidnappers !!!

    When we landed in Dallas airport and were at a lobby somewhere watching television with the terrible news that a Commercial airplane had hit the South tower, CNN and the media though, at that moment, that it was an accident.......THEN the second airplane hit the North tower!!!! WOOOW you could hear from everybody watching the TV screens!!!!! we all in disbelieve!!!, couple of minutes after we hear in the loudspeakers that all flights were going to be cancelled & the airport was going to get closed....WHAT???  

    Bush announced the terror attack some minutes after....THEN HELL!!!!!

    Panic, total chaos at the airport, people crying and running like crazies or zombies and we with our little daughter right in the middle of hole inferno............

    Not to get into more details, we were lucky to find a hotel & had to spend 10 days stranded in Dallas.

    Our plane had also plenty of fuel for a long flight, was from the same Airline as Fight 93 and took off with some minutes difference from the same airport!!!........we still sometimes talk about how lucky we were that our airplane was not the chosen plain to attack the White House..................

    Our families in Denmark, USA & Mexico found out we were alive just after 8 hours!!!!...they only knew we were going to fly with United Airlines from Newark to Dallas the 11 of September sometime early morning...............



    I remember that day to the fact, and it didn't matter that it was on American Soil! Us Canadians were shocked with what we seen and what happened ! Even though it wasn't on our land , it sure was one awakening of what's around us, the vicious attack of terrorist, the innocent, the unknown and our future! We are with you and let's hope we can stop the evil of their minds...too many whacko's out there!

    I was subpoena for 'Toronto 18' for jury duty, a few years ago toronto 18

    which were 3 men accused of terrorism and i've never been so scared in my life of what I heard ' regarding the case and what they planned! Thanks gosh I wasn't picked for the jury...but it really did make me think of what is out there !

    Ya never know what's next door....

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 3:28 AM

    On that day the world as I knew it changed forever

    Described where I was for that 1.

    1992 I was having a very usual Friday night beer.  Long story short I went right to Fenchurch Street station, not left to Liverpool Street.  Had I gone left.....Baltic Exchange Bomb.  That particular time the scum were not directly targeting maximum carnage of innocents, just bad luck if in the way........More to it as bumped into someone on the train home who was a friend, and we both listened to some scum saying how these terrorists were good....I was the wrong person to say that to.....In the morning my friend phoned to say switch on the news...Geez and yes we gave the police all we had..........Incredible tragedy that America had to see what terrorism really is first hand, and some real good people left too early that day.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 9:02 AM



    You won't believe it....the 9/11 2001 at 8.40 am I was in a United Airlines airplane together with my Danish girlfriend & daughter flying from Newark to Dallas with Mexico as final destination.......

    Our flight checked in at 6.30 am (Newark airport) & just BESIDES "Flight 93" checking box at 6.36 (as far as I remember), plane that after being kidnapped crashed when passengers & crew overwhelmed the kidnappers........we were checking in just besides those b.a.s.t.a.r.d  kidnappers !!!

    When we landed in Dallas airport and were at a lobby somewhere watching television with the terrible news that a Commercial airplane had hit the South tower, CNN and the media though, at that moment, that it was an accident.......THEN the second airplane hit the North tower!!!! WOOOW you could hear from everybody watching the TV screens!!!!! we all in disbelieve!!!, couple of minutes after we hear in the loudspeakers that all flights were going to be cancelled & the airport was going to get closed....WHAT???  

    Bush announced the terror attack some minutes after....THEN HELL!!!!!

    Panic, total chaos at the airport, people crying and running like crazies or zombies and we with our little daughter right in the middle of hole inferno............

    Not to get into more details, we were lucky to find a hotel & had to spend 10 days stranded in Dallas.

    Our plane had also plenty of fuel for a long flight, was from the same Airline as Fight 93 and took off with some minutes difference from the same airport!!!........we still sometimes talk about how lucky we were that our airplane was not the chosen plain to attack the White House..................

    Our families in Denmark, USA & Mexico found out we were alive just after 8 hours!!!!...they only knew we were going to fly with United Airlines from Newark to Dallas the 11 of September sometime early morning...............


    I remember that day to the fact, and it didn't matter that it was on American Soil! Us Canadians were shocked with what we seen and what happened ! Even though it wasn't on our land , it sure was one awakening of what's around us, the vicious attack of terrorist, the innocent, the unknown and our future! We are with you and let's hope we can stop the evil of their minds...too many whacko's out there!

    I was subpoena for 'Toronto 18' for jury duty, a few years ago toronto 18

    which were 3 men accused of terrorism and i've never been so scared in my life of what I heard ' regarding the case and what they planned! Thanks gosh I wasn't picked for the jury...but it really did make me think of what is out there !

    Ya never know what's next door....

    Incredible sad & amazing histories read in this thread and everywhere in the world. As you said Patricia, "Ya never know what's next door...."

    This is what my girlfriend wrote in FB adding it to my original comment....

    Yes.... A super horrible day for us😟....Well... For everyone!!!.... My family here in Denmark(and the family In Mexico as well) were so terrified.... And we couldnt call them, as the "telephone- net" had collapsed....I remember( when we were waiting in line, at Newark AirPort, that Eric at one point said to me: "Natascha I have a bad feeling about "those men" standing there.... Do NOT let Josephine get close to them!!!"... I remember I throught he was a bit silly.... And maybe a little rasistic too....But I have ever since never stopped wondering if THEY we the hijaccers... That Eric maybe felt that something was wrong.... Uhhhhhh something that unfortunately has changed the world.... I visited Ground Zero 2 weeks ago... Very emotional... 

    & here is my last comment to it:

    The most IRONIC thing was that I did NOT want to fly via New York the 11 of september!!! is the history;

    We missed the direct flight from Frankfurt to Mexico because the flight from Billund in Denmark to Frankfurt was delayed.

    As we arrived late to Frankfurt together with a group of other 4 Danes who were also travelling to Mexico, we all were offered to spend the night in Frankfurt and fly directly to Mexico the day after, or flight via New York a couple of hours later with the warning of arriving to Kennedy airport late night, find accommodation and then finding our own transport to Newark very early the 11 of September in order to catch the plane to fly somewhere in the US and then to Mexico afterwards.

    While in Frankfurt I strongly refused to fly via New York (I knew it would be very problematic and not sure why, I had a bad feeling about the hole thing) BUT the other 5 people involved begged me to accept the journey via New York because we would "save" many holiday/travelling hours before arriving to Mexico City and all of them could help us to take care of Josephine (our daughter) and help carrying all the luggage, etc....I finally gave up & accepted. I still wonder why I did   : ///


    Would I have fought the hijackers if our plane was hijacked? I would have certainly have done it. I guess the most of us would have done it too.


  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 12:02 PM

    I had just gotten up from working 2nd shift.  My wife came home to get her small TV to take back to work.  She told me about it.  I was glued to the news for days after.  I was always used to hearing jets fly out of O Hare.  But not to hear 1 or see planes from the local airport was strange.  To think that  a few towelheads could murder over 3000 people for 7 virgins. But the idiots didn't read the fine print that all the virgins were goats.  I'm not a PC kinda guy but now you are charged with a hate crime if you go after them.  That just doesn't seem right.  To me a good towelhead is a dead towelhead.  JMHO.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 1:47 PM

    On that day the world as I knew it changed forever, and I became a thief...

    Good way to put it - whilst the world had already changed, this was the moment we realised it.

    And man how has it changed personally, from being very tolerant to becoming less trusting and even hateful. But even now we have to be seen as politically correct.

    Yes things have changed and in the aviation industry, quite dramatically. Our skies are safer but some of the measures were knee jerk reactions and some never went far enough.

    But like drug cheats in sport, we are always a step behind so there is no room for complacency.

    I first got my taste of flying by visiting the cockpit as a kid, something that is now denied and the best pilots are the ones who are aviators, not just pilots - so sadly that inspiration is gone.

    15 years on and it feels like it was yesterday so is still pretty raw and one of the few things in life that can bring me to tears, and as I was flying home at the time, I did not quite realise the gravity of what had happened until I got back - I was in a daze for days.

    @Jim - I lived in London virtually of the 80's and early 90's and had been in the City drinking with a mate at the Lamb Tavern the night of the Baltic Exchange bombing. Anyone living in London got accustomed to threats by the IRA and the cowardly bombs in rubbish bins at train stations etc.

    I too became a thief shopping at M&S on Oxford St - and on the usual Saturday threat against the store, I found myself standing outside with some M$S underwear in my hands, along with others holding bits and bobs.........well I wondered what to do with it, so walked home to Lancaster Gate with some free underwear.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Sep 14 2015 2:06 PM

    @Jim - I lived in London virtually of the 80's and early 90's and had been in the City drinking with a mate at the Lamb Tavern the night of the Baltic Exchange bombing. Anyone living in London got accustomed to threats by the IRA and the cowardly bombs in rubbish bins at train stations etc.

    Bunch of Grapes me - stones throw.  Get real shyte faced in the 80s La trecs ?..Some nights there ...leave it at that LOL

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