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Putting Assistance

Sun, Sep 20 2015 3:20 PM (30 replies)
  • RickRR
    125 Posts
    Fri, Sep 18 2015 3:27 PM

    Lately I have ran into some difficulty with putting. I think I have my putt lined up correctly, then take the shot. My ball does one of three things.

    1 Stops short of hole.Please offer some kind of assistance...

    2. Rolls directly at hole and then 6 to 8 inches away it curves off.

    3 Rolls over the top of the hole or rims the hole without falling in. 

    It has really frustrated me. I have read some of the other forums on putting, like when I reverse the view the dots are at approximately 10 ft of putting distance, adjust accordingly. When I practice putting, the ball goes in, practice is different than the tournaments. I have included some videos of my putts to give you an example. Any assistance, advise or suggestions are welcome.. rimmed twice, should of had a birdie curves off just before hole, no break curves off just before hole, no break  right over the top on hole stops at hole rimmed instead of in.

  should have been in, over the hole.

  • RickRR
    125 Posts
    Fri, Sep 18 2015 5:41 PM

    Thank you understanding the dot movement is very helpful. I read some other forum post and knew about half the grid equal 10 feet, but didn't know about the uphill difference. Thank you again and I hope some of the beginners do read this.. I know my son needs too.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Sep 18 2015 6:20 PM

    Now RickRR - you probably know all this , but i'm posting because it may help to go back to basics

    Nice tips :)

    All depends what method of putting the Op uses.  Is it miss the ding putter or aim and ding putter.

    I'm a miss ding putter, which means I don't move aim...just click either side of ding depending on roll.  Except on a very fast dot movement... then move aim half/full square and also miss ding with long putts.

    I have a simple calculation for Tourny speed greens...

    Use the avatar movements for distance; and using the 15,30 60 ft scale type of putter

    Full putt on the 15 scale travels 20ft

    3 avatar movements on the 30 scale travels 24 ft

    Full putt on the 30 scale travels 40ft

    3 avatars movements on the 60 scale travels 48ft

    this depends on elevation too, so +/- the distance

    The golden rule when you can't figure out the dot movement, just hit straight and ding it


  • RickRR
    125 Posts
    Fri, Sep 18 2015 6:43 PM

    Thank you Roger,

    I am an aim and hope to hit the ding putter (usually just miss ding) maybe I should try the off ding putting version.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Sep 18 2015 7:16 PM

    Well , I,m glad you posted as well Mantis - as your experience is beyond question.

    Any tip is a good one.

    I'm way far from the best on here, but at the stage I'm get a bit annoyed of missing a 20ft putt.

    Within reason and I do miss a few of


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Sep 19 2015 5:25 AM

    Within reason and I do miss a few of

    Few n far between mind..

    Got 'Rogered' back when....n NOT in the good way !!!


  • RickRR
    125 Posts
    Sat, Sep 19 2015 6:49 AM

    Thank you for the information. I played a game and I did alright with the "Off-Ding" method,