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Very Confused

Sat, Oct 10 2015 12:20 PM (123 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2015 9:01 PM


    a know what "they" say, give'em enough rope, they'll hang themselves.

    Chit, too late.  :)

    yea man, if this pleb was a member of the kkk...he'd'a burnt his own hood..))

    If dickhead was a word that should be ascribed to anyone..

    He should have it tattooed across the forehead......

    Just to warn people !!


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 12:02 AM

    if this pleb was a member of the kkk...he'd'a burnt his own hood..))


    That's funny stuff!!!!!!!, I don't care who ya are!

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 9:01 AM

    he'd'a burnt his own hood..))

    "he'd burnt his own hood" ,,LMAO!

    Learn English BEFORE you try writing it, dumb azzzz. Freaking culo mudo.

    If dickhead was a word

    It is,,,gilipollas,,lol. 

    Man! Between the two of you "gilipollas" and "teabaggin" seem to be a hot topic.Like I said before, and now including you al, keep that kind of fancy fun on your side of the street. One thing I do suggest al - get your rainbow out. BE PROUD of it don't hide it. 

    Hey! Not like there is anything wrong with that. (From a Seinfeld episode,,lol) toooo funny.


  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 9:08 AM

    Let me rephrase;

    Are we discussing duo accounts of lifestyle changes that Al has so graciously surprised us with.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 9:21 AM's one thing to hurl insults back and forth, no question it can make for some forum fun; however, bigotry is uncalled for and crosses the line.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 12:50 PM

    mkg335:'s one thing to hurl insults back and forth, no question it can make for some forum fun; however, bigotry is uncalled for and crosses the line.

    Let me rephrase;

    Are we discussing duo accounts of lifestyle changes (period.)

    it's one thing to hurl insults back and forth, no question it can make for some forum fun

    As I said earlier - if you can through the sh*t around you better be able to catch it as well.

    As for bigotry,,,please mk. Calling me a "dic*head PLUS NUMEROUS other names that could fall in a category of "bigotry" and your singling me out. Get TF outta here.

    Bags knew what he / she was up against when he / she started this whole entire mud-slinging dialog.

    This turned into 1 big mud slinging topic thanks to teabag (period)

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 12:53 PM


    I'm also very confused.  As to how someone hits a 37 on Best of Par 4, including an eagle, on their very first day.

    Not bad going.


    THIS was the core of this thread.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 12:57 PM

    Just calling it as I see it, nothing more, nothing less.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 1:01 PM

    As I said earlier - if you can through the sh*t around you better be able to catch it as well.

    DID u mean throw ?

    Mr Dictionary.

    Only speak 2 languages more than yourself ..

    ( and your obvious ) Mexican Spanish.


  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Sep 29 2015 1:25 PM


    As I said earlier - if you can through the sh*t around you better be able to catch it as well.

    DID u mean throw ?

    Mr Dictionary.

    Only speak 2 languages more than yourself ..

    ( and your obvious ) Mexican Spanish.


    Mr Softy,,,,,Yes! Gotta hand it to ya. Wait! I better be careful how I phrase things to you now.. So YO,,,how about trying to get this back on topic or do you still want to run your punk azzz mouth?