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Here's a thought...

Mon, Jan 17 2011 11:28 AM (25 replies)
  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 6:14 AM

    How many of you real golfers have been out on the course when the sun is not shining?  Sometimes it may be shining when you start out, but 4 hours is a long time.  The weather changes and it will start pee'ing down.

    I got to wondering, have WGT missed a trick here.  Are their design people cutting the mustard?  Now, especially at St Andrews, which is in Scotland - and we all know it rains in Scotland 427 days a year - you couldn't play day in day out without some precipitation.  It shouldn't be difficult to a good programmer to darken the screen, take out the shadows, and overlay some rain onto the pictures.  Maybe even a puddle here and there (but no whirlpools please!).

    Now anyone who has played in rain knows it is more difficult.  The mind is not 100% focused on the game.  You keep thinking "Why did I come out today!", and "It always rains when I'm winning".  And you ladies probably say to yourselves "I'm glad I keep a spare pair of knickers in the locker".  WGT could make your shots behave in a slightly less normal way, a 'rain beast' if you will, to go with the 'beast' they already have.  You have to take more club, you can get splashed with mud, etc, etc (hey, I'm not going to do all your legwork for you, you know!  I'm not the one getting paid to do it!)

    Then there's the clothing.  Rainsuits.  And rain hats.  That's more avatars to spend credits on.  Umbrellas would be pointless because you are not allowed to hold an umbrella when taking a shot, and that's all we see.  But, again, if you're not wearing a rainsuit when it's raining, then the 'rain beast' rears it's head even more often.  Just like in real golf, one will usually play better in a rainsuit than shirt and shorts when it's raining.

    Well, that's enough of my ideas, if you want any more you're going to have to pay me.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 6:25 AM

    The sunny weather at St. Andrews has been a topic forever, well since October '09 at least.

    I even did some visual aids to see what it could look like on a rainy day.



    Just can't imagine how bad the meter would be with the added animation for the rain.

  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 7:25 AM

    That's awesome Andyson!  I think they need to kick out the current WGT design folk and employ you and me.

    And here's more ideas:

    Kiawah - gators and snakes.  Certainly worth an extra shot or two!  Saw an alligator at Kiawah when I was there in 1993.  Scarey sight.  Had it on video coming out of a lake and sitting down on the bank.  Unfortunately, I inadvertantly taped over it a few years ago.


    PS  how do you do that link behind the text?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 8:21 AM

    PS  how do you do that link behind the text?

    • Right-click on the link you want to reference.
    • Highlight the word or phrase you want to turn into a link
    • Click on the section of chain in the toolbar at the top of this box
    • Paste the link in the box that pops up
    • Insert


  • Beryman
    9,100 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 9:00 AM

    you state all bad things from rain and golf Mio...I for one find pluses sometimes when it rains and I am out golfing, such as softer greens, less chance of running thru the fairway into the rough and fewer buried lies in sand

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 10:17 AM

    such as softer greens,

    Nothing like playing after a heavy rain-bring your ballmark  repairer.  :-D

  • cmaster136
    255 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 10:28 AM

    And at the same time, why not open up the Clubs and Balls to everyone? If some Hack is willing to pay for Legend Clubs, allow it. Who is it hurting except his or her bank account?

  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 10:48 AM

    Maybe before they start adding these types of things they could fix the most obvious problems I see. When I'm out playing real golf, I am usually standing directly in line with the hole, not facing some point that is not even close to the hole, that is ridiculous. I have had many occasions where I am actually putting across my body just to be shooting at the hole. The other problem is the camera views that are often given to putt, where you can't even see the hole at all. You may be looking down on it from 40 feet in the air. Or you may be starring up at it from a bank with the hole not visible. This is completely stupid and a design flaw. Another huge problem is being stuck with a shot that does not advance when you hit it. I don't care what you use for a club or how bad your shot is it should advance, just like it would in real golf. If it is in an unplayable lie then it should make you take a drop and cost you a single stroke, not make you hack at it and max you out . This has happened to several people I have played with. So with all due respect , lets fix the problems before adding the fancy stuff, which I'm all for.

  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 12:03 PM


    Easy answer to your putting problems.  First, they more than likely haven't, nor is it pratical, to take a photo at every position from every conceiveable angle.  However, if you look from behind the hole, which is ALWAYS directly behind the hole, you can easily line your putt.  I know a few players who don't do this and I can't for the life of me fathom out why.

    I totally agree with earlier post regarding slower greens when raining and ball not running as far.  Again, that would be easy to integrate into the game.

    Open up all the clubs to everyone?  Don't know, can't make my mind up on that one.  I'm sort of getting to like the idea of learning the game before being able to have the best.  A sort of apprenticeship.

    Thanks YankeeJim, test worked a treat.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Sat, Jan 15 2011 12:08 PM

    ya, and then we could add fun stuff like bigfoot running off the green with Lizzie's ball, or yancy's bunker rake actually come into play and have a working excavator in Kawai's #10 bunker while teeing off. Why not leave some divots in the fairway, or foot prints in the bunker that someone neglected to rake. Let's make the game a real hoot. Sorry, the rain is a good idea. Have a nice day.