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Its just a game

Fri, Jan 28 2011 6:15 AM (29 replies)
  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 11:33 AM

    I'm a true Texan in the sense that I was born in Dallas, educated in Austin, currently reside in Houston, and vacation in San Antonio


    I would like to ask a question, and in no way am I trying to sound disrespectful; it is a legit question on which I would like to be enlightened.

    Nearly 5 years ago I went over to Dallas to marshal at the Byron Nelson Golf Championship; I used to work for EDS who were the main sponsors and they asked for volunteers and, hell, who am I to give up an opportunity like that!  Now, I must say at this point I was born and bred in England, in the Midlands, not far from the Welsh border, and so probably have a Midlands accent.  Anyway, whilst marshaling one gets talking to the public.  And when they hear our accents they normally ask where we are from?  Australia?  Now, 1st question, why do Americans always think the English are Australians?  We sound nothing alike.

    To continue, one gentleman asked "Which part of Texas are you from?  West?".  YOU WHATTY!!!  Now I know Texas is big, but really, do we even sound American??  Don't mean to be rude here, but don't Texans realise there is a whole other world out there?

    I'd love to hear an explanation.

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 11:57 AM

    LOL, as a true southerner born and raised in Athens GA who speaks with a heavy drawl, when I travel to other parts of the country (like the north) or overseas (like England, ireland)  the first question I usually get is "where is your accent from.....Australia?"

    A lot of people just don't have good ears for accents but I find it hilarious that people's first guess is usually Australia as default.


    As for this "it's just a game" garbage, I could go on for hours but my views are far different from many of the posters in this thread.  Texas Hold 'Em is just a game too, but I don't sit down at the table, get throttled by bad beats, and say, hey it's just a game.  Go tell the boys in Manchester the next time they step on the pitch that it's just a game too....see how far you get with that one.

    Tourney mode is competition and for those of us who like to compete....and win, a swing meter that was calm for 3 rounds but all of the sudden decides to freeze literally every other shot (when absolutely nothing has changed on my system) is a hard pill to swallow.   Then top it off with a 15 yard deviation when you finally ding one and even the most skilled Zen master would likely break a mouse or two.

    I think one poster here said something about a meter glitch every few days is no big deal.  I couldn't agree more but that is the extreme minority these days.  A vast majority deal with meter issues every round and the numbers are growing daily.  I've played many many rounds here and since Sept 1 when things really started to unravel, I think I've only played 3 or 4 rounds with other players where they didn't have a monumental freeze of spike during the nine.

    So those of you with smooth meter, count your lucky stars that your system is compatible with WGT but also understand that there are far more people who battle it than don't.  Just seems to me like this should be priority #1 for WGT to sustain longevity and grow this great site that is full of flaws, but has more potential than any golf game out there.

    I do wonder how some people can have a smooth meter though, yet fight to break par.  I think I'd rather have my problems where I know there is potential to shoot 28s if the meter lets me, than stick the tee in the ground with a smooth meter knowing I can shoot 32 if I really play lights out.


  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 12:49 PM


    I'm a true Texan in the sense that I was born in Dallas, educated in Austin, currently reside in Houston, and vacation in San Antonio


    I would like to ask a question, and in no was am I trying to sound disrespectful; it is a legit question on which I would like to be enlightened.

    Nearly 5 years ago I went over to Dallas to marshal at the Byron Nelson Golf Championship; I used to work for EDS who were the main sponsors and they asked for volunteers and, hell, who am I to give up an opportunity like that!  Now, I must say at this point I was born and bred in England, in the Midlands, not far from the Welsh border, and so probably have a Midlands accent.  Anyway, whilst marshaling one gets talking to the public.  And when they hear our accents they normally ask where we are from?  Australia?  Now, 1st question, why do Americans always think the English are Australians?  We sound nothing alike.

    To continue, one gentleman asked "Which part of Texas are you from?  West?".  YOU WHATTY!!!  Now I know Texas is big, but really, do we even sound American??  Don't mean to be rude here, but don't Texans realise there is a whole other world out there?

    I'd love to hear an explanation.

    Damn that was funny...I needed that today.  No disrespect taken at all, and your wonders are definitely valid.  It's not that Texans don't understand that there's a whole world out's that as a general rule....they just don't care.  We have enough issues to worry about here at home, and don't really care what's happening in Timbuktu, Wherever.  Now I hate to make a broad generalization out of it, and lump people together, but the Byron Nelson is held in the suburb of Las Colinas / Irving...about a mile away from where I went to High School.  Therefore, I feel safe making a generalization about that area.

     Texas does have a really good mix of usually just have to get into the Downtown / Uptown areas of the 5 major metroplexes to find it (Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, and Houston). Each of the first 4 cities there have over 1.5 million residents, and Houston is somewhere around 6 million...not all of them are gonna be rednecks like myself. 

    My real hope is, that despite the worldly ignorance that my home town may posses, that they were nice to you...and left you with a bit of Southern Hospitality.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 1:15 PM

    you covered all the bases, can agree 100%.  thank you very much.  not my 2 cents, but agree.


    I like all of yours :  If the forums are not a place to deal with issues about the game , then what exactly are they for. Telling jokes !  there are other places do that. ie: facebook, myspace. messenger, skype.  I have seen a lot of things on here that have nothing to do with golf, and thats fine, but people would like to know why something does not work for them, or to make suggestions that would make the game better.  The thing is , it is a game and you expect to shoot better scores here than in real life. There are far more variables in real golf to deal with. Life is just a game , but we want to play it the best you can right.  The game is advertised as free and basically it is, if you only want to remain a hack , play with standard equip, etc.  So in fact for the vast majority, it is far from free, I have spent a considerable amount of money to play here,  The advertising draw is that it is free, but once here, everyone spends. That is why it was created, for someone to make money. I love the game, the graphics are superb, and there is room for improvement, and I don't mind hearing about the problems. maybe I can learn how to fix mine. I also like to hear the suggestions.  One more thing, I would never compete with anyone in any game who's attitude it was that it is just a game ! If you don't care about winning why should I want to play with you. Any game can be competitive but fun at the same time. I hate to lose, but do so gracefully, more often than I like to admit.  Lol


  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 1:20 PM


    First I'd like to preface this with I respect your game about as much as anyone here.  My replies are not intended to be taken as argument or debate, rather just a different point of view on a few things:


    Go tell the boys in Manchester the next time they step on the pitch that it's just a game too....see how far you get with that one.

    I believe these guys get paid...and quite handsomly.  Making it imperative that all things be glitch free and level.  But they do occasionally get homefield advantage.


    Tourney mode is competition and for those of us who like to compete....and win, a swing meter that was calm for 3 rounds but all of the sudden decides to freeze literally every other shot (when absolutely nothing has changed on my system) is a hard pill to swallow.   Then top it off with a 15 yard deviation when you finally ding one and even the most skilled Zen master would likely break a mouse or two.

    I can have sympathy here.  I love the competition, and I play tourneys as well.  I understand that it stinks when things freeze up, and at this point I don't think anyone has a solid "one size fits all" explanation for it.


    I think one poster here said something about a meter glitch every few days is no big deal.  I couldn't agree more but that is the extreme minority these days. 


    That was me.  I almost never have meter issues...every 4 or 5 games it may happen 1 time to me. I'm not sure why.  I'm definitly not on the most powerful of machines, I play pretty much exclusively on my laptop...but everything is up to date.


     Just seems to me like this should be priority #1 for WGT to sustain longevity and grow this great site that is full of flaws, but has more potential than any golf game out there.

    Nobody is debating that the game doesn't have any flaws or issues...just that the good outweighs the bad.  Improvements are sure to come.  How am I so sure?...because this is a business that WGT runs, and expansion and product improvement are a part of any business that hopes to make money.


    I do wonder how some people can have a smooth meter though, yet fight to break par.  I think I'd rather have my problems where I know there is potential to shoot 28s if the meter lets me, than stick the tee in the ground with a smooth meter knowing I can shoot 32 if I really play lights out.

    This is the easiest of all of them.  Because some people are just flat out better than others.  There are people on here that are just better than me, and always will be...and I'm comfortable with that.  Everyone has something that they are good at.  Some guys are good mechanics, some are good at sports, some are good with carpentry...we are just different.  Even within the same sport or profession, there are people that are better than others in that particular profession.
    Well that's all I have, hope to see you on the course some day.
    Good golfing,

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2011 1:22 PM

    a very good rsponse to a good entry, congradulations on being clear, precise, and remaining on point.  i would like to think i am the kettle calling black, thank you.  my and thier 2 cents.



    I like all of yours :  If the forums are not a place to deal with issues about the game , then what exactly are they for. Telling jokes !  there are other places do that. ie: facebook, myspace. messenger, skype.  I have seen a lot of things on here that have nothing to do with golf, and thats fine, but people would like to know why something does not work for them, or to make suggestions that would make the game better.  The thing is , it is a game and you expect to shoot better scores here than in real life. There are far more variables in real golf to deal with. Life is just a game , but we want to play it the best you can right.  The game is advertised as free and basically it is, if you only want to remain a hack , play with standard equip, etc.  So in fact for the vast majority, it is far from free, I have spent a considerable amount of money to play here,  The advertising draw is that it is free, but once here, everyone spends. That is why it was created, for someone to make money. I love the game, the graphics are superb, and there is room for improvement, and I don't mind hearing about the problems. maybe I can learn how to fix mine. I also like to hear the suggestions.  One more thing, I would never compete with anyone in any game who's attitude it was that it is just a game ! If you don't care about winning why should I want to play with you. Any game can be competitive but fun at the same time. I hate to lose, but do so gracefully, more often than I like to admit.  Lol





    First, I'd like to say thanks for not name calling, personally attacking, or arrogantly responding to our little fun in this thread. You and I have played before, and in my opinion you are high quality. Secondly, I'd like to say that the players in this thread are not completely oblivious to the minor issues that occasionally arise in the game.  Everyone on this thread has had a meter skip, lost a ball in the weeds, had a load error at some point, and had someone quit on them in the middle of the game.  I promise you, everyone has.  I think the difference is that these players here see so much good in the game, that the little "once every couple of rounds meter skip", doesn't make them loose their minds.  I also think, that at it's core, the game is basically fair and balanced...which is a big deal. 

    The game is also, extremely cost effective, if you compare it to some other forms of gaming.  PS3 games, for example, cost $60, and you have to purchase a new one each year to get any new updates.  While I haven't been playing this game for quite a year yet...I can honestly tell you that I haven't spent anywhere near $60 on this game...and that's with me acquiring top flight clubs to compete at a very high level.  I have spent $32 of my own money, plus the $8 or so that I have earned from WGT RG's, plus I'm up another $12 or so earned in MPC's that don't show in total earnings.  That's roughly $52 in total deposits into my account...and it's safe to say that I'm set for a while if I'm only buying balls from here on out.  If you are spending more money than that, then you are trying to buy your way to the top instead of improving your game...and that won't work.

    Lastly, I think the fun poking here is made at the expense of the "WGT is a money grubbing organization that intentionally screws with our meter causing us to hit balls into the water", conspiracy theorists.  If WGT is really that bad...then why do these people come back day in and day out, continuing to subject themselves to such unscrupulous behaviour and unfair practices?...I'll tell you why, it's because WGT isn't really like that, and they know it.  They make these posts in the heat of anger after they missed a shot, lost a ball or a MPC...and they feel the need to shout to the rooftops that "WGT SUCKS", because nobody could have possibly beaten them on a fair playing field...This is followed closely by the attention hounds who love to fan a good flame, because as we all know, misery loves company.

    Those are not people who have any intention of making a constructive suggestion toward game improvement...and that is where the target of our sarcasm lies...not with those who are looking for advice or with simple game improvment suggestions.  I can tell you that nearly everyone in this thread, and several more, have had a hand in making me a better player in this game...out of no personal gain to themselves.  I try to pay this forward by doing the same for others that are looking for advice.  That's the best explanation I have for it all.

    Good Golfing


  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Wed, Jan 19 2011 12:19 PM

    Good post Longwedge and apologies for my first reply.  Was in a mood shoulda just kept the "only a game" part to myself.  Had only intended to weigh in on the accent thing but my cantankerous side got the better of me. 

    That said I am quite jealous that your system handles the game so well.  Just shot a 61 in STA full RG with 3 missed putts from 8 feet and 3 missed from 3-4 feet all on meter spikes or freezes.  But I did laugh the whole way through and told myself, "hey it's just a game."  :)

    Happy hitting my friend.

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 7:38 PM

    My real hope is, that despite the worldly ignorance that my home town may posses, that they were nice to you...and left you with a bit of Southern Hospitality.

    They were awesome people, thank you.

  • guahould
    15 Posts
    Fri, Jan 28 2011 4:23 AM

    Hey , your message was perfect for me . I have been wondering about this .. Not sure if I want to proceed with "upgrades" .. It is somewhat of a trap.. True the graphics are awesome .. but you are right ,, being a just a simulated game ,, you would want to score better than you might if you were just "hacking" around on the real courses and playing around with meters and shot control to force purchases has me very skeptical about proceeding..    Sure looks like there are many harsh ,, "pinkish" ,, arrogant internet masters here as well ... again ,, as you said ,, this IS the place to moan and complain .. perhaps ,, if mods want to help they might address some of the moaners issues and moderate the punks...   

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Fri, Jan 28 2011 6:15 AM

    good tread

    no one talking the other down, amazing

    as to accents, was traveling through the south , came upon a old man, deeeeeeep southern drawl. now, im a left coaster and hadnt heard that think a accent. asked the old man about history of his town. guy spoke so slow and with such an accent i forget what i asked him and needed a hair cut. 

    keep it in the short stuff


    best on yet, same trip. walked into a c-store. Indian dude askes me , in a southern deawl. whach all alookin for. bout fell outta my shoes