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Its just a game

Fri, Jan 28 2011 6:15 AM (29 replies)
  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 7:26 AM

    Give these folks a brake. Its a game for Gods sake. Play it in real life and see what your scores will be

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 7:41 AM

    Heh-Which redundant topic are you tired of hearing about-WGT sucks, the meter sucks, scores unrealistic, levels,  quitting, disconnecting or sandbagging?  :-)

  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 8:09 AM


    Heh-Which redundant topic are you tired of hearing about-WGT sucks, the meter sucks, scores unrealistic, levels,  quitting, disconnecting or sandbagging?  :-)

    Now that's funny....I have noticed an awful lot of crying on the boards.

  • ryan4spurs
    828 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 8:13 AM

    There should be a ' Moaning and Crying ' section in the forums.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 10:02 AM


    Heh-Which redundant topic are you tired of hearing about-WGT sucks, the meter sucks, scores unrealistic, levels,  quitting, disconnecting or sandbagging?  :-)

    .....need a driving range, need a putting green, losing (or loosing) balls, more courses, surveys don't work.....


  • AvatarLee
    1,644 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 10:28 AM



    Heh-Which redundant topic are you tired of hearing about-WGT sucks, the meter sucks, scores unrealistic, levels,  quitting, disconnecting or sandbagging?  :-)

    .....need a driving range, need a putting green, losing (or loosing) balls, more courses, surveys don't work.....


    .....Cheaters, lack of distance, deviations/VEM, how dare WGT try to actually make money.....   


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 10:34 AM

    ya well,all of that and no doubt more,but when oh when will WGT address the proper serious issues?

    Meters schmeters,stolen balls is small,whacky wind is wearisome,quitters are quite tiresome,extra courses are chronic,you get the picture.

    So to the real issues,the ones we actually DO care enough about to legitimise with valid reasoning,adult manner and mature forethought.Yes and research too.

    Knickers,wooly ones.(and maybe a pony for strangemagik)

    Pah! I say to all those other minor and frankly trivial grumbles.Man up people.

    Lizzie x (Brrrr)



    Did anyone else urge during the bathroom scene of "The Crying Game"?

  • puttersman
    240 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 10:35 AM

    I like all of yours :  If the forums are not a place to deal with issues about the game , then what exactly are they for. Telling jokes !  there are other places do that. ie: facebook, myspace. messenger, skype.  I have seen a lot of things on here that have nothing to do with golf, and thats fine, but people would like to know why something does not work for them, or to make suggestions that would make the game better.  The thing is , it is a game and you expect to shoot better scores here than in real life. There are far more variables in real golf to deal with. Life is just a game , but we want to play it the best you can right.  The game is advertised as free and basically it is, if you only want to remain a hack , play with standard equip, etc.  So in fact for the vast majority, it is far from free, I have spent a considerable amount of money to play here,  The advertising draw is that it is free, but once here, everyone spends. That is why it was created, for someone to make money. I love the game, the graphics are superb, and there is room for improvement, and I don't mind hearing about the problems. maybe I can learn how to fix mine. I also like to hear the suggestions.  One more thing, I would never compete with anyone in any game who's attitude it was that it is just a game ! If you don't care about winning why should I want to play with you. Any game can be competitive but fun at the same time. I hate to lose, but do so gracefully, more often than I like to admit.  Lol


  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 11:54 AM


    I like all of yours :  If the forums are not a place to deal with issues about the game , then what exactly are they for. Telling jokes !  there are other places do that. ie: facebook, myspace. messenger, skype.  I have seen a lot of things on here that have nothing to do with golf, and thats fine, but people would like to know why something does not work for them, or to make suggestions that would make the game better.  The thing is , it is a game and you expect to shoot better scores here than in real life. There are far more variables in real golf to deal with. Life is just a game , but we want to play it the best you can right.  The game is advertised as free and basically it is, if you only want to remain a hack , play with standard equip, etc.  So in fact for the vast majority, it is far from free, I have spent a considerable amount of money to play here,  The advertising draw is that it is free, but once here, everyone spends. That is why it was created, for someone to make money. I love the game, the graphics are superb, and there is room for improvement, and I don't mind hearing about the problems. maybe I can learn how to fix mine. I also like to hear the suggestions.  One more thing, I would never compete with anyone in any game who's attitude it was that it is just a game ! If you don't care about winning why should I want to play with you. Any game can be competitive but fun at the same time. I hate to lose, but do so gracefully, more often than I like to admit.  Lol




    First, I'd like to say thanks for not name calling, personally attacking, or arrogantly responding to our little fun in this thread. You and I have played before, and in my opinion you are high quality. Secondly, I'd like to say that the players in this thread are not completely oblivious to the minor issues that occasionally arise in the game.  Everyone on this thread has had a meter skip, lost a ball in the weeds, had a load error at some point, and had someone quit on them in the middle of the game.  I promise you, everyone has.  I think the difference is that these players here see so much good in the game, that the little "once every couple of rounds meter skip", doesn't make them loose their minds.  I also think, that at it's core, the game is basically fair and balanced...which is a big deal. 

    The game is also, extremely cost effective, if you compare it to some other forms of gaming.  PS3 games, for example, cost $60, and you have to purchase a new one each year to get any new updates.  While I haven't been playing this game for quite a year yet...I can honestly tell you that I haven't spent anywhere near $60 on this game...and that's with me acquiring top flight clubs to compete at a very high level.  I have spent $32 of my own money, plus the $8 or so that I have earned from WGT RG's, plus I'm up another $12 or so earned in MPC's that don't show in total earnings.  That's roughly $52 in total deposits into my account...and it's safe to say that I'm set for a while if I'm only buying balls from here on out.  If you are spending more money than that, then you are trying to buy your way to the top instead of improving your game...and that won't work.

    Lastly, I think the fun poking here is made at the expense of the "WGT is a money grubbing organization that intentionally screws with our meter causing us to hit balls into the water", conspiracy theorists.  If WGT is really that bad...then why do these people come back day in and day out, continuing to subject themselves to such unscrupulous behaviour and unfair practices?...I'll tell you why, it's because WGT isn't really like that, and they know it.  They make these posts in the heat of anger after they missed a shot, lost a ball or a MPC...and they feel the need to shout to the rooftops that "WGT SUCKS", because nobody could have possibly beaten them on a fair playing field...This is followed closely by the attention hounds who love to fan a good flame, because as we all know, misery loves company.

    Those are not people who have any intention of making a constructive suggestion toward game improvement...and that is where the target of our sarcasm lies...not with those who are looking for advice or with simple game improvment suggestions.  I can tell you that nearly everyone in this thread, and several more, have had a hand in making me a better player in this game...out of no personal gain to themselves.  I try to pay this forward by doing the same for others that are looking for advice.  That's the best explanation I have for it all.

    Good Golfing


  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 12:05 PM

    The game is advertised as free and basically it is, if you only want to remain a hack
    So not true...made master in 3 weeks with starters. Upgraded to a pink set of tour starters and played them for quite along time and looking back , I'm glad that I did...made me really appreciate the true upgrades.
