First,,, it would be nice to know,,, that I am not wasting my time on a suggestion sight that does not acknowledge if your suggestion is actually looked upon...
I have a Love - hate relationship with this sight...
Very impressed with the graphics,,, social opportunities and the courses...
What angers me most,,, the money game,,, investing in balls,,, clubs,,, money tournaments,,, betting...
So many things are all to obvious,,, nothing more so than the implied reference that money invested wisely in equipment and balls will influence your game,,, or abilities...
Most obvious ,,, the more you invest in balls ,,, the more the opportunity that you'll find a unique way to lose them...
No matter how much you invest,,, your skills,,, abilities and equipment have no bearing on how certain holes play out... Amazing how I can replicate a game and hole and score when I replay the same format over and over again... Bridie the same holes over and over again ,,, and boggy the identical in return... Live the same putt on the lip,,, or barely miss that very same putt,,, like I barely missed it the last 7 times I played... You can hit 15 good shots in a row,,, yet find that boggy because no matter what,,, your next 4 results all seem to find trouble...
The obvious... on the back nine at Bethgate,,, believe the 15th a par four where you shot to the elevated green,,, your game will will always see the same funky result no matter how well you play it today...
The actual game is so scripted,,, time after time,,, that abilities and equipment doesn't buy you the freedom of independent results... Even to the point,,, meter glitches,,, happen more often on the exact same shot...
How can you ask me to believe my investment in all aspects of the game will equate to independent result... Thus no money tourneys or bets...