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Average score movement ?

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Tue, Jan 19 2016 2:09 PM (20 replies)
  • tanneralis
    419 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 4:11 AM

    Averages should go up or down for the entire time you play this game, if you shoot over your average it should rise accordingly, this average saturation after so many rounds rubbish should be removed and player's average should also rise if they continually withdraw from tournaments then just maybe we would see some realistic averages instead of the doctored super low averages we see in this game.............I for one can play to my average on every course but my average should go back up if I have a bad round......that's known as realistic golf.


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 5:20 PM


    I can go round in 10 under par and my average drops by 0.1 ! ! !

    I go round in 1 over par and my average rises by 0.2 ! ! !

    What counts is your score, not how many under/over par you are, because not all courses have the same par.

    At the Legend tier your stroke average is calculated from a lot more scores than it was when you were a Tour Master. If you're close to saturation that means close to 500 scores since you moved up to the Legend tier that are used to calculate your scoring average.





  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 6:17 PM

    One tip for the OP.   Finish all you games regardless of high score so your Ave is as far away from the cut-off to the next promotion when saturated.

    This way you can have a good time for awhile in your current Tier and not get promoted in a few games.


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Oct 31 2015 4:22 AM

    That doesn't work, I'm afraid.

    It will keep the average high, of course, but it will also accelerate saturation - more games finished.

    At the end of the day, it will have no influence IMHO: The only fact counting for tier promotion is to collect the appropriate number of appropriately low scores for saturation and final average. It doesn't matter if and how many higher scores we play in the meantime. They drop out when their time has come.

    A player can only slow down this process by not playing good scores!

    And, as a Legend, it will take some time anyway.

  • tanneralis
    419 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2016 3:20 PM


    You will see saturation by it's consequences.

    First, the average will plunge in some giant steps.

    Then, it will drop from scores above the average as well.

    Last but not least, it won't rise any more in that tier.

    All that is absolutely correct alosso but averages shouldn't be saturated, they should go up and down based on your scores for the entire time you play, obviously if it goes back up a long way you can't go back to an easier tier but it should go up if your scores reflect that movement.

  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2016 6:29 PM

    I just think too many would shoot high to keep their average high to avoid promoting to the further tee box.   IIRC, at one time it was the average of your best 10 out of last 20 ranked rounds or something along those lines.   I like the saturation to avoid sandbagging at least.  SInce I've been on the back tees though, I've always kind of wished the average wouldn't ever saturate just to have a truer average.


  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2016 6:51 PM


      SInce I've been on the back tees though, I've always kind of wished the average wouldn't ever saturate just to have a truer average.

    Everyone has a "lifetime" Average kinda built into their stats.  It is not 'since being on the back tees' -- but it is at least the same for everyone   (with a few exceptions for strange stats anomalies).

    A standard 72 stroke course is normally 4 x Par 3s,  10 x Par 4s   and  4 x Par 5s.

    So simply take your average score on P3s, P4s and P5s and stick them into that equation.

    Say your average strokes are currently:-

    Par 3s    2.91

    Par 4s    3.81

    Par 5s    4.40

    So - against a 72 stroke course your average would be 4x2.91  +  10x3.81 +  4x4.40

    = A Lifetime Average of    70.88

    It's probably more meaningful than the Saturated Average!


  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2016 7:47 PM

    It's probably more meaningful than the Saturated Average!


    Probably, but not for me.  I have way too many eff around games in my saturated days, heck even without being saturated LOL.   

    Would be great if one took every game they played seriously though.  Thanks for that info though.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Tue, Jan 19 2016 11:52 AM

    A lifetime scoring average is pretty useless, unless it's a lifetime that has a short span.

    Though WGT doesn't use a handicap system, the USGA does. USGA's handicap is based on the 10 lowest of the most recent 20 reported scores.


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Tue, Jan 19 2016 1:53 PM

    USGA's handicap is based on the 10 lowest of the most recent 20 reported scores.

    WGT's average is based on the 500 lowest of "all" the recently reported scores.

    Go figure.