Thank you for all the tips received : )))
Used 20 bucks in System Care Pro, deleted all browsers and installed Chrome to browse & Maxthon to play WGT after defragmenting the hard disk and clearing cache......meter is better but smooth only once every 8 swing!.
Suddenly I am thinking, what is the description of a "smooth" meter??. to me a smooth meter means that the meter RUNS smoothly from left to right in a VERY STEADY pace. My meter was like this from 2010 to ends of 2014, I could try the swing 20 times!! and all times the meter was SMOOTH...those time are gone, at least for me.
Just tried a couple of random alternates to try the meter to see that the game is "playable" but as said before, I need to wait 6-8 swing to maybe (only maybe) I can catch a smooth meter on its way down.....not funny : ((
I insist, the best times of this game are simply gone and now i feel like trying the auto-dinger available in the net and forget to have a jumpy matter how jumpy the meter is, you hit the ding in all shots, many people are using it, so why not?.....terrible thinking in my perspective.
Agree with the most, a brand new pc or at least a newly formatted hard disc could make the trick about the meter. Nah, this is a hobby not a live style.
Wish the meter with my pc was the same as the one with my phone.
Great analogy Bunny ; ))
Problem is it's an old, beat up, rickety wreck of a train that was never ever meant to carry the passenger load it is. They just kept connecting more and more cars on without upgrading the engines, bogey systems, braking systems or the bathrooms.... Especially the bathrooms.
So now you have this busted huge-@ss wreck of a train, running along tossing sh*t everywhere, parts flying off, making more noise than a busted chainsaw and the passengers keep yelling to the conductors about whatever isn't working for them at the moment.
Cya around guys