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Kick off players that are rude!

Wed, Jan 2 2013 7:57 PM (31 replies)
  • ToddErvin
    2 Posts
    Tue, Jan 25 2011 4:25 PM

    I don't mind playing with anyone, however if I start a game and a idiot comes on that wants to discuss a womans anatomy and basically makes it uncomfortable...I should be able to kick them off. I just want to enjoy myself and not worry about dealing with crap from people if I am creating the game. 

  • SiCk0
    205 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 9:27 AM


    I don't mind playing with anyone, however if I start a game and a idiot comes on that wants to discuss a womans anatomy and basically makes it uncomfortable...I should be able to kick them off. I just want to enjoy myself and not worry about dealing with crap from people if I am creating the game. 

    I play on many poker sites you have the option to block chat and block image and put in notes of player plus do other things that really don't apply here. but to block chat & image and notes would be nice to have.


  • JAFO12
    2,107 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 10:55 AM

    please, i put up with this all the time, just click the chat off and dont talk to them. if its blinking dont look.


  • Duckster101
    26 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 11:41 AM

    Dam women,,,always want, want, want.... send us the dam gifts to play with u's....and put some dang close on....

  • ToddErvin
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 11:54 AM

    Your missing the point of the chat.  I enjoy joking around and having fun with the people I am playing with.  It isn't there for people to make the enjoyment of the game go down the tubes.  I'm just saying when I create a game, I should have more control on who plays with me during the game.  If your an idiot...bye bye.

  • Lazarus9g
    107 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 8:23 PM


    please, i put up with this all the time, just click the chat off and dont talk to them. if its blinking dont look.


    I seriously don't doubt that... but what exactly would you expect. I agree that if it's blinking then don't look... but why not a "ignore chat" or "chat off" feature.

    That orange blinking is still a thorn in your side that compels you to respond.

    Give us a chat off option so the blinking orange idiots can be completely ignored! lol

  • TheCassidy
    51 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 8:53 PM

    i have an idea, remove players that are sensitive little children...i love sledging the crap out of noobs whilst i smoke them, i love seeing a good rage quit

  • Lazarus9g
    107 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 9:28 PM


    i have an idea, remove players that are sensitive little children...i love sledging the crap out of noobs whilst i smoke them, i love seeing a good rage quit

    Some people just don't wish to chat when they play. Sorry to hurt your apparently ridiculous ego. You're a tough guy and i'm sure you win them all! lol

  • TheCassidy
    51 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 4:52 AM

    tough no,


    content with some competitive banter, rather than applaud the good shots, laugh at the bad ones...yes....

  • andrewp7
    127 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 10:35 AM


    i have an idea, remove players that are sensitive little children...i love sledging the crap out of noobs whilst i smoke them, i love seeing a good rage quit

    tough no,

     content with some competitive banter, rather than applaud the good shots, laugh at the bad ones...yes....


    judging by yr mplay record against anyone halfway decent and that you are a pro, it is all one way traffic against you, I would suggest.