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Kick off players that are rude!

Wed, Jan 2 2013 7:57 PM (31 replies)
  • JAFO12
    2,107 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 11:15 AM
    please learn to spell or at least use spell check.
  • JAFO12
    2,107 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 11:16 AM

    but then you could boot anyone that is beating you also.

  • TheCassidy
    51 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 4:38 PM







  • Jpdench3
    13 Posts
    Thu, Jan 27 2011 4:52 PM

    I agree somewhat with this cassidy guy, i'm playing alternate shot and my partner hit a 12 footer 10 feet past the hole, the second consecutive hole he'd pulled such a stunt and i say "c'mon dude, stop kiddie putting, " and the dude has a cry and leaves

    you can't play like an airhead and expect praise

    don't get me wrong i am never short of praise but the equation works both ways and you can't just cry about constructive criticism and have a damn tantrum every time 

  • Lazarus9g
    107 Posts
    Sun, Jan 30 2011 12:10 AM

    It's been my experience in alt shot that most are at least decent with the putter.


    Every once in a while you may run into someone who constantly hits it 5 yards past the hole on every shot. Just the nature of the game... and the randomness of alt shot!


    Jpdench3 you're worrying about a 10 foot putt! LMAO! 



  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sun, Jan 30 2011 6:48 AM

    i have an idea, remove players that are sensitive little children...i love sledging the crap out of noobs whilst i smoke them, i love seeing a good rage quit

    first is no noobs allowed in my club thread, then its players need a sense of humor, then its just join my club.

    respectfully declined you even sending me a invite, you get UN-Humorous.


    truth hurt??


  • Jpdench3
    13 Posts
    Sun, Jan 30 2011 11:27 PM

    yeah but honestly like the slightest bit of intelligence would tell you not to hit it twice as hard as you need to or it will make the next shot very difficult for your partner, and hitting it softer will probably increase the chances of it going in! and if it comes up a little short, so what... it may have never actually had a chance to go in but the net result is the key!

    players ridiculously stupid that can't figure this out for themselves do often infuriate me i admit it

  • Duckster101
    26 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 12:19 PM

    Don't they have people watching who or what gets on the game,,,sad that they let so many sick people on here ,,,,,this is one prime example   ,,NADIAAA  1 OF MANY  ):

  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 7:05 PM

    Please world understand that while some kiwis are like the cassidy above, not all are like them - some of us are adults.

    Most of us here play for fun, and banter, in the right context, is good. However, not all people have the same level of play and sense of humour and therefore we must respect that. I thought this type of social behaviour was instilled in schools around NZ!

    I have come across some bad mouthed players too, players that have gotten very personal in the chat, and since we don't have the ability to screen them out of our chatroom then I had to just abandon the game and seek another.


  • United4Life
    104 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 10:49 PM

    Very well put Sanco, I'm proud to be a NZ'er but when bozo's like this cassidy guy come along.....
