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Kick off players that are rude!

Wed, Jan 2 2013 7:57 PM (31 replies)
  • Lazarus9g
    107 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 4:49 AM

    LOL Sanco


    Most Kiwi's i've encountered on here are very cool. Well mannered for the most part. Yet no matter what part of the world you might be from you'll still encounter rude players every now and then. I usually tend to just laugh it off!

    Don't let them drive you away from a game that you enjoy.Just realize that they're idiots who take the game way too seriously!

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 5:50 AM

    In response to the OP, if a player makes you feel uncomfortable, leave.  If you had the option to kick them out mid game, the game would still have to end there, so you might just as well leave yourself and set up another.  Yes, it's annoying, but the above and seeing out the remainder of the game are the only 2 options.

  • RobNE
    74 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 9:10 AM


     and i say "c'mon dude, stop kiddie putting, " and the dude has a cry and leaves

    ... you can't just cry about constructive criticism and have a damn tantrum every time 

    I agree, JP, with your sentiment. However, constructive criticism has got to have a constructive element to it (the clue is in the term). Your example above lacks this, I reckon.

    Rather than berating them for 'kiddie putting', I might suggest to my playing partner how to take stock of distance and get their ranging right.

    Just a thought.  See you on the green stuff.

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 10:15 AM


    I agree, JP, with your sentiment. However, constructive criticism has got to have a constructive element to it (the clue is in the term). Your example above lacks this, I reckon.

    Rather than berating them for 'kiddie putting', I might suggest to my playing partner how to take stock of distance and get their ranging right.

    Just a thought.  See you on the green stuff

    i agree with this common mans post

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Fri, Feb 4 2011 10:37 AM

    You never know what some people consider rude.  In a alt shot match the other day, I was paired with three tour masters, all with averages in the mid to high 60's.  We were playing Oakmont and on the first 3 holes, my partner missed the fairways badly and on his 2nd shot to #2, missed a short shot badly.  We were 2 down after 3 and I joking said we need to keep them in the fairway partner.  He took this and bitched and cussed for a while and said well as a legend I haven't shown him anything.  I replied well it's a little tough from 50% rough, with an lol after it.

    He then ranted about he could whip my butt in match play or stroke play anytime, I'm being kind in those words.  He then quit on the 5th hole.  From his stats and play you could tell he was a scoring average cheater who could not play to his 67 average and I guess I touched a nerve when he couldn't play up to the others in the group.

    Being able to kick off players is a nice concept but in this case he viewed me as rude and the other 3 of us viewed him as rude so who do you kick off.

  • JimSwim
    3 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:57 PM

    I disagree, I shouldn't have to turn off the chat. The social side of the game is a big part of the fun. Inappropriate behavoir isn't something that any of us need to tolerate.

    If I'm going to turn off the chat then I may as well just play with a computer opponent.

  • bpurves
    3 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 3:04 AM

    I don't envy you Amy, but its not just the girls, us guys have to put up with some abuse too.......what would be really good is if you had the option to block a player from FUTURE you WON'T join a game they are in and vice versa.

    My penny's worth lol



    14 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 5:06 PM

    I agree Brian, fully . I like to play games with new people as often as possible. I chat when there is a good conversation relevant to golf. But other than that just gs vnp here and there. 

    Golf is for gentlemen is it not?? So if your male or female why not try having a bit of respect when playing a multi player game. Seems easy enough.


    I'm noticing many of the rude players I encounter are often women on here and they are rude for no reason.

    Plenty of guys out there who say dumb stuff to women I imagine. But being rude to people without any cause is just silly. 

    And treating people who are new to this site such as a Female golfer said before in this post 

    "I love laughing at people when they hit bad shots as oppose to saying ns when a good one is hit" 

    then she goes on to say something about I love beating them and seeing a good rage quit.

    Prime example of the rudeness that some people have on here. Its a game and playing like a rude child means pretty much that. 

    Have fun and try being nice to new people on this site as it is a community.

    And to be fair to all these women who just like to be outrageously rude for no reason at real life you would hit the ball 12 feet so relax and quit acting like you could compete with men in real golf.

    way too many false egos on this site


  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 11:48 AM

    It is sort of a crapshoot when you play with people you don't know.  If I'm playing with my friends it is fun to push their buttons when they hit a bad shot but you have to be careful sometimes in an alt shot game with players you don't know.  You never know when they might take offensive to your comments.

    However I think the main comments that started this thread were about rude and / or offensive talk by some players.  It's unfortunate that you can't mute a specific player like you can in many sites.  For WGT you can ignore chat but then you ignore everyone.  It's not much fun to have a long match with a person using names that are bad in terms of race, sexual orientation, etc. with no seeming thought to the feelings of the people in the group.  If you quit the game you are a quitter, if you report them, they post even worse things on your wall that WGT seems to ignore.

    Not sure how you handle this.  I like to play with different players and I know that many of the lower level players enjoy getting to play with a legend from time to time for hints, so they can see the difference in skills, or just to say they beat me.  When you put yourself out for public games you are going to get a bad apple once in a while.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 5:30 PM

    Looks like we have a new batch coming through who love a good slanging match 

    Is right, crack on all... 

    PS: See you've been freed  Mio..might make a book on the date of next 'muzzle'  :))
