gerryniswonger:169 yards into 8mph wind & downhill 12 yards. I added 6 yards for the wind, and subtracted 3 yards for downhill for a calculation of playing the shot 171 yards. How many yards would you play and why?
Here's a take from a feel golfer-no math, just the feeling.
I know my 180 yd 6i carries that far (180) with the ball I use (71 Nike) before wind and elevation. I know if I hit it right it's going to fly that pin, that little wind notwithstanding. My 165 yd 7i is also going to carry that distance but will also fly that pin because it's downhill. The wind might knock it down a little but it's still too much shot for that example because with no spin, the roll will happen with a 7i.
So I pretty much have 2 shots to decide on-spin the 6i or feather the 7i. IMO the 7i is a trickier shot and with a headwind like that, the 6i is going to stop on a dime with partial back spin and a choke. This is where the actual landing condition comes in (downhill green, uphill, etc.) so that would pretty much determine which of those 2 shots I would play.
My preference would be the 6i with 1/2 bs hit about 97% full. (I use the blue ruler on the meter for choking and 97% is about 1/2 of the space to the start of the blue ruler.) My second choice would be no spin on a 7i hit about 97%.
Excellent discussion, folks. :-)