It is so sad that with the state of the world today. While terrorist are killing innocent women and children in so many countries around the world, that you folks have written and commented(now 3 pages)j something such as weather it is a sin to play a computer golf game from the short tees rather then the long tees. Don't you see how silly this thing has become. Enough of this nonsense let this post be the end of this.
Canada just laid off 35,000 people in November...that is significant for us...given that oil and other natural resources are in the dumper, many of our jobs are now minimum wage or part time...and these folks speak English, French or both. Our Government has agreed to take in 35,000 refugees...who speak neither official language and who need urgent medical care from a country sorely in need of doctors and hospitals. What the hell are we gonna do with them?...add them to our bloated welfare rolls? Where are we gonna house them?...for how long?...I could go on.
So, I fully agree with Tony...the Middle East is imploding, Hundreds of thousands killed, wounded or displaced, OPEC is falling apart, Crime in the US is through the roof, Terrorism is rampant in Europe, the UN has been given $Billions, but has done nothing, Turkey and Russia seem ready to go at it...(and Turkey is part of NATO...so basically WW3) and we squabbling over a virtual golf game?
oi vey