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The old payout system for ready go here

Sat, Feb 12 2011 10:27 PM (151 replies)
  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Feb 3 2011 9:27 AM

    ....Competition means you are putting your *** on the line and your wallet is often the item closest to your.....  Climbing the money list and inflating your career earnings is much more important as a competitive yardstick than any benefit you might derive by cashing out your WGT winnings.


    Like your style LBC, "money won is twice as sweet as money earned" 

    Been "competitive" since 4th grade, when I would risk my quarter per week lunch money, pitching nickels closest to the line. Only went hungery that 1st week. Honed my coin tossing skills to not let that happen again. 

    However the "competetive yardstick" on this site, lets just say....takes more than ones own personal skills. IMHO 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Feb 3 2011 10:03 AM

    pitching nickels closest to the line

    LOL. We used to use a wall. "Leaners" won double.  :-D

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Feb 3 2011 10:26 AM


    pitching nickels closest to the line

    LOL. We used to use a wall. "Leaners" won double.  :-D

    Our line was approx.1 foot in front of wall. Hitting wall was automatic disqualification. Only used the wall version with dimes.  LOL



  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 12:03 AM

    Just my two cents worth.

    I was hooked in 2009 when I tried to qualify for the virtual US open. WGT has a great opportunity of making it big. The key to their success is making the site fun and challenging which will continually draw new members.

    This can only be obtained by utilizing their high profile sponsors like, [USGA, R&A, LPGA, Calloway, Ping, TM to name a few].   Their virtual opens they have are key to drawing in new members.  Secondly and equally important are advertisements provided by their sponsors at their web sites .  Third, the addition of new courses will always draw a bigger crowd.  Your recent additions in regards to blitz and Alt-shot are a big success.  Don't stop there.  I just would temper your judgment in regards to equipment offered at the various levels.  This will prevent the scores from getting to low.

    We all agree that WGT is here to make money.  Perhaps they need to rethink the structure since it is still in beta. 

    I maybe opening up a can of worms here, but gifting may be a cause to reduced cash flow.  One might consider gifting golf balls only and the members still need to buy the clubs. Although this is a touchy subject, in my opinion needs to be looked at.

    Secondly, incentive must be given to the members to excel, if they want to.  The Elite collection in my view is the cost of doing business.

    As for the payout structure on RG's several members have commented on that, and yes I am in full agreement that the current structure is unfair.

    The number of registered members at this site which is now approaching 2.5 million  is fantastic.  Question arises how many are active?  For argument purposes, lets say the number active members 10%, which in my opinion is also, fantastic.

    Thus, keep moving forward WGT.


  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 1:12 AM

    Well i for one am not happy with the change. You may have noticed that a lot of the guys who maybe didn't play as many RG's in the past are now feasting on them. I can't say  i blame them......why not try to 10X your investment. I play against these gents all the time and i too was doing very well in the past RG setup. I can tell you that even though i saw there was going to be a problem i wanted to continue to play hard in the new RG's to see what the result would be.

    After a couple of weeks and a lot of RG's i can tell you that i am down almost 4000 credits. the new system obviously does not work very well and as a result everyone is going to quit playing them. The payout system is way too top heavy and needs an adjustment. If i were to continue playing as many as i normally did, my credits would be gone very quickly.

    Now just like everyone or most of us, i too put out a few initial investments to play this game which is fine. I "paid my dues" if you will, but like a lot of us i had to put a ton of time in to the game to get better and eventually start seeing some winfall. I am all for change, but not this kind.

    If WGT wants to tier the RG's thats fine, but adjust the pay structure similar to what it was. There is no doubt in my mind and many of the others here obviously these RG's will die out. These mini-tourneys were one of the best things we have seen from WGT and were very popular with most players.



  • Seekerb
    651 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 3:00 AM



    We are reading and listening. As with anything new, we are taking a look and awaiting feedback.

    Here is what we are concentrating on:

    1. We’re trying to solve the problem that only Master-Legend players we’re placing or winning RG tournaments, not fun for everyone else

    2. The new tiered RGs are designed to be more fair and enable players at all tiers (Pro-Legend) to have a chance to place or win

    3. WGT is not making more money, actually 1% less

    4. With anything new, we’ll listen closely to feedback and consider changing formats and payouts

    Thank for you being patient



    I think there are many who are not questioning necessarily the introduction of Tiered Ready Go's.  We need to separate the issues. Most seem to be challenging the payout system and being silent on the introduction of the tiered ready go.  Consequently, we should not link the two together.  The Tiered ready go is caught up in the cross fire about the payout system.  It does seem though under the old system, there were times in your development when there was no point playing ready gos. Then there would be a time before you went up a tier where you were good enough to do well.  I dont know that this will necessarily change that much.

    When you say that WGT is making 1% less, what is the basis for the calculation?  Does it take into account people like myself who have virtually stopped playing ready go's and as a consequence have to buy balls and spend $20 or the like at regular intervals to keep playing the game.  Before becoming a legend I went for 3 months without buying credits.  Even with ready Go's once a legend I have had to buy credits.  Now I will continue to buy credits to pay for balls.  I guess a fair cost for playing the game.  Consequently, you will make more out of me than you have.  If enough people are doing the same it seems to me that you will do very well out of it, unless more people stop playing ready go's and what you have gained on the swings you will loose on the roundabout.

    I notice that WGTicon has not answered the 1% question perhaps that is the answer

  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 6:52 AM

    I notice that WGTicon has not answered the 1% question perhaps that is the answer

    I can answer that for you.... Technically Icon is correct, however because of the "glitch" in the new payout system WGT is actually keeping slightly more of the credits than they did before. 

    WGT intended that 1st place would win 1,000, 2nd - 600, 3rd - 400, 4th - 200, 5th-15th - 100, and 16th-30th - 50.  If you add that up it comes to 4,050, which is 1% more than the 4,000 paid out before.

    It would seem this would be pretty easy to fix - change the total payout from 4,000 to 4,050, however I'm no programmer, so it's probably a lot more complicated than that. 

    In the meantime we are left with an unpopular/unfair payout system, that doesn't even work as intended.  Kind of sad if you ask me...

  • RyjaTybas
    5,151 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 2:33 PM

    As for the payout structure on RG's several members have commented on that, and yes I am in full agreement that the current structure is unfair.

    Among your many thoughtful comments, I'd like to highlight this one!

  • spinmaster
    56 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 6:00 PM

    Yes I like Bollox's suggestion.

  • Seekerb
    651 Posts
    Mon, Feb 7 2011 4:00 AM

    Thanks Mem appreciate your explanation but still interested in the other point I made concerning number of people who win less and have to buy credits more often.  I played no ready gos today compared with 3-5 for months and I am giving them up all though they were a fun part of this game

    But like everything else with wgt this thread is loosing its momentum and nothing will happen.  But one day they might find that it no longer has the support it used to