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The old payout system for ready go here

Sat, Feb 12 2011 10:27 PM (151 replies)
  • TallAcePaul
    1,455 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 8:01 AM

    The question I would put would be;

    Do people play on here because they like Golf and competition or because they like gambling?

    I think the resounding answer would be the golf and competition. This would say to me that the basis for the site needs to be this, ie a club environment

    I was drawn to the site because of a love of golf and the need to fill a bit of free time. WGT fulfilled this and then some!!!

    Why do I stay playing, it is not because of the winnings it is because of my love of competition and the great people on the site. This site has created other sites and communities. I think this game has to anchor itself by being a golf club first and foremost and then create an environment within that for those of us with extra competitive souls.

    I think this is actually how the site has developed anyhow but ncviz could probably give you a better view than me on this.

  • TallAcePaul
    1,455 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 8:05 AM

    Just saw your last post Monty. Could not agree more the company needs someone with big boots to come in and stick them where the sun don't shine because the organisation is absolutely terrible.

  • kam4122
    1,695 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 8:26 AM


    The question I would put would be;

    Do people play on here because they like Golf and competition or because they like gambling?

    I think it is golf and competition, however how do you categorise a competition that you pay to enter and can potentially win more than your stake?

    I agree there is a difference between skill based gaming, and gambling. However I would suggest both are stimulating similar parts of brain!

    Does increasing the stimulation detract from the facility we currently have to play, in the way we currently play? I wouldnt think it would, CC's would still operate, and bigger stakes games / competitions would still be optional. I think it would simply bring in more users, who would be funding the next generation.

  • RyjaTybas
    5,151 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 10:34 AM

    Its primarily a golf game (of "course") - but also a gambling game - which is quite a lethal and addictive combination!

    But both parts need to work. The golf certainly does! But the gambling side's been messed up with these new RG payouts! 

    Nothing wrong with a bit of reform - but only 4 winners out of 50 is severe!

    Wonder what the payout's like in the real world - where roughly 70 survive the cut?

  • lbcgolf
    314 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 11:41 AM


    The question I would put would be;

    Do people play on here because they like Golf and competition or because they like gambling?

    Hey TAP,

    One of my favorite movie scenes of all time was in this movie called "Let It Ride." Teri Garr is searching for her gamblerholic boyfriend played by Richard Dreyfuss in the Jockey Club of the local horse race track filled with bettors.  As she leaves with the look of disgust on her face she yells, "I don't why you all can't just watch the horses go around in circles!"

    Point is, many of us can't distinguish the difference between betting and competition.  Out of my 1,800+ rounds, close to 1,700 are tourneys, most of them RGTs.  Rare is the REAL LIFE golf round I play in that doesn't at least include skins, 4-way Nassau with automatic presses and closest to the pin.  Competition means you are putting your *** on the line and your wallet is often the item closest to your ***.

    Besides, what are WGT credits anyways? The only way you can pull that out of the virtual world is exchanging them for pennies on the dollar in the form of a gift card.  Climbing the money list and inflating your career earnings is much more important as a competitive yardstick than any benefit you might derive by cashing out your WGT winnings.


  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 11:41 AM

    WGT is trying to phase out ready go's imo. Are they tired of using up resources for the elite players to trade credits and take the credits of lesser players? Taking credits from lesser players feeds the WGT machine, is this their way of squeezing more out of the weak players? Duh!!!!! How long before winner take all? Dam near there right now lol. Unless you are an absolute elite player here, a fool and his credits soon shall part. Buyer beware. JB

  • RyjaTybas
    5,151 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 11:50 AM

    But why, JB, would WGT want to stop RGs? - they get 20% of each one - thereby taking credits out of circulation?

    Maybe they want to stop "open" RGs and only have tier-based ones?

    As of now - we buy credits at a 1:1 exchange rate - but cashing them in (via gift vouchers) - is about 6:1 the wrong way! 

    But that's the price we pay!


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 12:31 PM

    I'm all for the teir-based RG's, but like most. I don't like the new payout structure either.


    I like BB's payout suggestion as well.

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Thu, Feb 3 2011 2:41 AM

    I like the tier based RG's only because I have a fighting chance at placing now.  Since the new tier based system has been in place, I have won one RG of the 3 entered.  However, I feel that the credits should be distributed more evenly.  This will make everyone happy I feel.


  • plim
    1,388 Posts
    Thu, Feb 3 2011 8:18 AM

    the present payout system only helps the good and great of the site win more credits quicker, while the average player is playing for crumbs.

    i for one will be boycotting the ready gos i never won much but at least i knew if i played half decent i had a chance of winning my stake back now its almost impossible. so i'll save my money. i have a feeling i won't be the only one.

    maybe we could have readygos based on your average and not your tier. to play you have to be at a certain level or played a certain amount of rounds or comps to stop people sandbagging.