You have my vote against the new payout structure for ready Go's but I doubt whether it will have any effect.
To me wgt are a rotten company with a good product. I look forward to them doing something fatal because then
they might listen to a broader spectrum. But I dont think whatever they
do will be fatal because too many of us addicted to this game. But I
certainly am going to stop playing ready go's until I am a better player.
It seems to me that the better players already have more credits than they can
use. A lot of them could buy out the pro shop several times. To
increase their prize money and reduce the prize money for the lesser positions
certainly means that I am out. I did this before the level system was
introduced but then when the level system was introduced, because i was a tour
master I started winning more credits. But not now as a Legend i am not in the race.
If wgt need to increase revenue there are fairer ways to do it than this. I dont mind paying a fair price for a product. I will do that for the time being by buying balls.
But this will only work if we all pull out on mass.
I appreciate Bolix making his comments as one of the top players> i guess they should take some interest in that we might reach the time when the top players start using up each other credits, instead of having lesser players regularly visiting the bank