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The old payout system for ready go here

Sat, Feb 12 2011 10:27 PM (151 replies)
  • ncviz
    527 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 10:09 AM


    More to the point, I'd like to know how many people are able to play this game for nothing? They don't need to have tens of thousands of credits, just enough that buying new clubs and balls always comes out of their winnings.

    I just wonder how many players that equates to?


    I imagine they're quite a bit of players that fit that description. I mean how many have cashed it on giftcards. I know of 4-5 personally, including me ;). Heck Price and soon to be Jake has done it twice.

    Now not all people are as good as those 2 or BB, Lee, etc. but you didn't have to be if your goal was to just get a little fat like 20-30k worth of credits.

    It could very well be a case of MPs, weekly, and monthly tourneys losing their appeal and WGT not liking that. Think of it this way, if you had very low credits but were ok to good, what would you do even if you liked MP. Goto RGs fatten up a little and then go play some MP. In that scenerio the player put natta into the pot to risk it in MP. Where with no RG decent payout, maybe he would be willing to deposit 5 bucks into the system to play.

    If something like this is true, I could see the reasoning for the changes in RG payouts. Doesn't make it player friendly but that has been beaten to death by now.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 11:06 AM

    .......You wonder how they do it. But in the end they give little away. No they just live off your credits.....So yes I acknowledge them as obviously great players, but given I am not in this game for philanthropic reasons and I am sure they dont need it anyway, anything that gives them more power in terms of credits is not good for the game.  Yes there will be a few that will join the elite but most of us for whatever reason beyond our understanding are not in their league and the game will be worse for us in terms of playing ready go's in particular

    Thank-you Seeker' for sharing your honest assessment of shall we say...."fair" play.... think I'll just leave it at that. No need to spew venum.

    No more RG's or deposits for me. Inexpensive and fun with this game has become non-existent. Competitveness has taken on a whole new meaning. 

    edit..after trying to play the weekly freebie's, and witnessing normal played shots and putts that have worked for me in my game, react in an unexplainable manner, Ive had it....Stayed away from the "Golf Clinics" long enough. Time to start "leveling" the playing field for me. Thanks WGT for eliminating integrity from the game of Golf. 

  • barbary
    131 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 11:23 AM

    so far as im concerned WGT think we are all mugs and we will continue to play them when the storm blows over.How on earth can you have a 50 person tourney with only 8% of the players make a profit.....i compare it with poker where if they did this payout structure for the overall standings they would not get any punters.....its pure greed on WGTS  part to stop people making a credit or 2 if you do not shoot 60 or 61 everytime you play a round which i do not......CHANGE IT TO A FAIRER SYSTEM PLZ!!!!!.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 1:01 PM

    Not Complaining today for a change!, New ready go's not to bad if your top. Beaten the big hitters like Bollox and A.Lee. For the first time EVER. I'm SO pleased.At last, i can die a happy person now! lol.............(once i'n a lifetime achievement, thats why i'm delighted. (Must be those new Callaway (z), i used them for first time)

  • LordPercy
    58 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 1:31 PM

    I think a majority of those who have a gripe with this (and I include myself in this) are those who are continually burnt by the other  negatives about this game whioch have not been addressed or at least acknowledged honestly. If WGT were interested in honestly acknowledging issues such as meter glitches and the like, players would be far more likely to be willing to pay a reasonable amount of money to play what still is a very good game. But the continual head in the sand or money grabbing actions of WGT have left many very disillusioned, so they become very unwilling to accept anything which is not or appears to be not in the players interest.

    For me personally, I have no intention of playing the ready gos any more, and  am one of the players who saw them as the chance to make a few credits. I started out playing in them losing dough, and was putting in my own money to pay for balls and clubs until I became good enough to become self sustaining through RG payouts. This gave me enough of a bank to play more RG's, but also be able to sponsor tournaments in Country Clubs, giving something back to the people I play with. This won't be happening any more once the credits start running out. If we were playing the final, pay-for version of the game I may do so, but this is still the beta version.

    If these sorts of things are how WGT is going to treat its mugs ( sorry, players), because that is how I see them viewing us, then once the money runs, so will I. And I won't be back for the main version, because they are still going to have the same attitude towards us.  I would be happy to pay a reasonable amount for a quality product, but not if you're gonna simply see me as someone to screw a dollar out of and reduce my chances of getting something back.

    I may play one RG a week...but that will only be at StA because that course gives me the best chance of returning a card which will give me a return.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 1:53 PM

    Well said Lord P, shall we all go on strike and boycot Ready'go's..It also took 3 days for the legend tier Ready go to fill up as well..SO you might get your winnings( loses if not top4) 2 per week, rather than every day when everyone played together!

  • wsmd
    63 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 2:13 PM


    Hi guys,

    Unfortunately, payout rate is not up for discussion.

    Thank you,


    .. .. To be "unfortunate" one would think perhaps the rationale n concept behind the scale could be suspect, but then to say its "not up for discussion"..???.. .. as a former player on here 'Icon', it only shows yours n WGT's arrogance n ignorance.. .. .. get back to listening to the people who play the game............


  • canuck1056
    3,175 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 3:37 PM

    well after shooting a -9 and not even breaking even , sorry no more RG's for me.

  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 3:47 PM

    Thr thing about the credits is this. If you are top notch player you are making big credits every tourney - these add up so you have bought 280yd driver and probably now either the legend or the calloway balls. Result = you are probably still making big credits.

    If you have modest placements in tourney like me every week (making 20 credits a week maybe from the freebies) and you now see that your chances of making a profit have diminished, you are not going to play them anymore.

    I used to paly the RGs when a master and probably made a profit from them 55% of the time. I haven't played them now for probably 8 months and with the new payout won't be playing them either.

    I can't justify paying 300 credits for a set of balls and certainly can't justify spending 100 credits for an RG against the top players where even my best score would cause a loss.

    According to my stats i have earned about $218 but I have lodged about $120 dollars in to my account, so if I played RGs regularly I would soon have to lodge more money.

    And for all my play and my $120 what have I got to show for it?

    A congressional baseball cap and the rules of golf, and a pair of tickets for the KLM open (worth $120 by the way) which were awarded too close to the tournament start to be of any use. What makes it worse they don't even show up in your earnings.

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Mon, Jan 31 2011 5:42 PM

    I'll play RG's once in awhile, but not 2/5 a day like I was doing. They killed the fun for me by this stupid greedy move.