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The old payout system for ready go here

Sat, Feb 12 2011 10:27 PM (151 replies)
  • Seekerb
    651 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2011 1:44 PM

    I often played for or five ready go's a day in the last three days I have signed up for one and then could'nt be bothered playing it I wonder how many of us a doing the same thing.  Have to admit because I am competitive and play to win, I am still tempted but that will probably mean I might play one or two against my better judgement.  WgtIcon at least you are showing signs of listening, which is more than has happened previously.  Many of us believe the level system is stuffed but still play because we love the game.  This change has narrowed incentive considerably

    Similarly, this change puts more focus on the meter problem. Usually one good round a day is destroyed by an unplayable meter.  One or two strokes makes a huge difference on your chances of winning.

  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2011 2:25 PM


    A congressional baseball cap and the rules of golf, and a pair of tickets for the KLM open (worth $120 by the way) which were awarded too close to the tournament start to be of any use.

    Should have stuck the them on E-Bay, then you could buy LOADS of credits with your sold items, then you could buy new equipment, and play Ready'Go's without spending YOUR money.....

    Never got the tickets - they were to be collected at the course. I offered them to some dutch players of the site but I don't think anyone was able to avail of them

  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2011 2:52 PM



    A congressional baseball cap and the rules of golf, and a pair of tickets for the KLM open (worth $120 by the way) which were awarded too close to the tournament start to be of any use.

    Should have stuck the them on E-Bay, then you could buy LOADS of credits with your sold items, then you could buy new equipment, and play Ready'Go's without spending YOUR money.....

    Never got the tickets - they were to be collected at the course. I offered them to some dutch players of the site but I don't think anyone was able to avail of them

    Now he tells me, lol,guess where I am from?

  • Pralaya
    308 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2011 5:16 PM

    You got my vote. Please enlighten me WGT where incitament to play these RG's when you rarely never are in top 3?

    I do hope you will turn back to the old payoutsystem or at least something else that is more fair when you have some more data.



  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2011 6:33 PM

    Lots and lots of complains about every thing on this site but in reading the forums every day I can not remember a complaint about the old payout plan for the RG's. I guess in their infinite wisdom they decided to fix something that was working. I have lost all enthusiasm for this game. To bad I looked forward every day to playing this game, now who cares.  :-((

  • Seekerb
    651 Posts
    Tue, Feb 1 2011 7:35 PM


    We are reading and listening. As with anything new, we are taking a look and awaiting feedback.

    Here is what we are concentrating on:

    1. We’re trying to solve the problem that only Master-Legend players we’re placing or winning RG tournaments, not fun for everyone else

    2. The new tiered RGs are designed to be more fair and enable players at all tiers (Pro-Legend) to have a chance to place or win

    3. WGT is not making more money, actually 1% less

    4. With anything new, we’ll listen closely to feedback and consider changing formats and payouts

    Thank for you being patient



    I think there are many who are not questioning necessarily the introduction of Tiered Ready Go's.  We need to separate the issues. Most seem to be challenging the payout system and being silent on the introduction of the tiered ready go.  Consequently, we should not link the two together.  The Tiered ready go is caught up in the cross fire about the payout system.  It does seem though under the old system, there were times in your development when there was no point playing ready gos. Then there would be a time before you went up a tier where you were good enough to do well.  I dont know that this will necessarily change that much.

    When you say that WGT is making 1% less, what is the basis for the calculation?  Does it take into account people like myself who have virtually stopped playing ready go's and as a consequence have to buy balls and spend $20 or the like at regular intervals to keep playing the game.  Before becoming a legend I went for 3 months without buying credits.  Even with ready Go's once a legend I have had to buy credits.  Now I will continue to buy credits to pay for balls.  I guess a fair cost for playing the game.  Consequently, you will make more out of me than you have.  If enough people are doing the same it seems to me that you will do very well out of it, unless more people stop playing ready go's and what you have gained on the swings you will loose on the roundabout.

  • LordPercy
    58 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 1:59 AM

    As I said, I would be happy to pay a reasonable amount for a quality product. But it is the way in which we are treated which really irks me. Test our product, pay for the priviledge (yes, I know we signed away any personal rights when we agreed to be crash test dummies), but it is the blatant disregard for those who are TESTING their product which really gives me the irrits. "We'll give you little titbits and scraps from the table, the occasional piece of rib fillet, but we are also going to find ways to make you pay if you want to keep testing for us."

    Yes, it is a fine product. I have seen no online or console/pc golf game which comes close. But give us a little respect instead of treating us like gumbies and looking to screw a dollar out people.  If you give a little regard, and treat your paying testers well, people will stay and play and pay.  Enough of the blatant disrespect or dishonesty about "yes, we are listening and taking notice".  I don't recall any upswell of anger about how unfair the RG payouts were. So why change them unless it is purely self interest.

    If you played and practiced long and well enough, you became good enough to do well. And it takes money to get to that point. But the money we spent to get there does not seem to be enough for WGT.

    Be honest about what you're doing, and people may be more willing to accept the occasional 'ask' of us. But not when it is done in the manner in which this has been. And not when it is such a blatant money grab if we want to keep playing.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 2:05 AM

    Now he tells me, lol,guess where I am from?

    Is the KLM open the course between Nordjikerout and Zandvort, in the dunes and trees?

    I used to live in de Nederland for 4 years (Haarlem + Leiden)

    And if it is that open, i was riding my scooter back from Nordjiik along a bike path going through there, blissfully unaware of anything, enjoying the ride, then i come accross loads of Pro Golfers maybe Tiger aswell, all pasing in front of me in blacked out mercedes..Lucky i stopped to give way, or i would have gone straight into one!, But i realised it was the Dutch open later, but is it the same course as KLM Covenant?.Hope it is, because i sneaked back in later on in the week, and played a par 3 which was best ever course i've actually hit a ball on!!..Sneaked back out aswell straight after, didn't want to have to pay green fees there probably bankrupt me!

    And back to Icons first point...Does that mean Legends will get DEVIATION everyother shot to make their round as difficult as possible to score well?

  • kam4122
    1,695 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 2:48 AM

    I tried to keep quiet on this, to give it time, see where it went.

    But after some more slogging it out I can't.

    Won crystal on St Andrews back nine yesterday and won 148 credits, thats a 48 credit gain for finishing 3rd.

    That does not work for me.

    I think WGT are missing the point, people who play RG's have different aspirations, some are in it to win, others are testing themselves against the top flight, others are grinding out ball money.

    People generally know their skill level, and have aspirations that match accordingly, the previous structure enabled more people to compete, because the risk and reward was well understood, and in my opinion fairer, the current structure makes it very rewarding for the elite, or elite in each tier, however it removes the reward for everyone else.

    If there has to be rule changes, at least lets make them better thought out, as the current are a sham, probably going against the grain of some people's thinking why bother paying out 49 credits for finishing mid table? And only pay out 149 credits for someone finishing tied 3rd? It does not make sense.

    Paying a consistent mid table finisher half their money back is just going to gradually erode their credit pool, and their will to compete.

    If there has to be a shake up, why not make it a big one and change it so maybe only the top 15 win? I will probably be shouted down for this but how about a payout structure like this -

    1st - 600, 2nd - 450, 3rd - 390, 4th - 350, 5th - 310, 6th - 280, 7th - 260, 8th - 240, 9th - 220, 10th - 200 and so on reducing in 20 credit increments down to 15th getting 100, total 4000.

    I am sure everyone who enters a ready go aims for a high finish, and I think most people would think it pretty fair that if you managed a top 10 finish you at least doubled your money, and top 15 you at least got your money back (subject to ties).

    I guess what I am saying is this, I for one felt there was absolutely nothing wrong with the old structure and would vote to keep it, but if a new structure has to be, at least lets make it reasonably fair and exciting.

    I dont think WGT can do big incentives for the top two and continue to pay half the field, it simply just doesnt work, at least with the structure above, if you have a decent round and finish somewhere in the top 15 you are rewarded for your efforts.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Feb 2 2011 2:56 AM

    The problem with your payout is if some one is TIED 2nd or whatever, they are going to get less due to the spliting of credits between them than the person who is a few places under them, and if you give equal credits to tied place, you would run out of money in the pot.  A way round this is to take into consideration GIR, and if thats the same, fairways hit, then you could seperate tied scores and payout accordingly..

    But bring back old system, it was fair and rewarded having a good round.;