I tried to keep quiet on this, to give it time, see where it went.
But after some more slogging it out I can't.
Won crystal on St Andrews back nine yesterday and won 148 credits, thats a 48 credit gain for finishing 3rd.
That does not work for me.
I think WGT are missing the point, people who play RG's have different aspirations, some are in it to win, others are testing themselves against the top flight, others are grinding out ball money.
People generally know their skill level, and have aspirations that match accordingly, the previous structure enabled more people to compete, because the risk and reward was well understood, and in my opinion fairer, the current structure makes it very rewarding for the elite, or elite in each tier, however it removes the reward for everyone else.
If there has to be rule changes, at least lets make them better thought out, as the current are a sham, probably going against the grain of some people's thinking why bother paying out 49 credits for finishing mid table? And only pay out 149 credits for someone finishing tied 3rd? It does not make sense.
Paying a consistent mid table finisher half their money back is just going to gradually erode their credit pool, and their will to compete.
If there has to be a shake up, why not make it a big one and change it so maybe only the top 15 win? I will probably be shouted down for this but how about a payout structure like this -
1st - 600, 2nd - 450, 3rd - 390, 4th - 350, 5th - 310, 6th - 280, 7th - 260, 8th - 240, 9th - 220, 10th - 200 and so on reducing in 20 credit increments down to 15th getting 100, total 4000.
I am sure everyone who enters a ready go aims for a high finish, and I think most people would think it pretty fair that if you managed a top 10 finish you at least doubled your money, and top 15 you at least got your money back (subject to ties).
I guess what I am saying is this, I for one felt there was absolutely nothing wrong with the old structure and would vote to keep it, but if a new structure has to be, at least lets make it reasonably fair and exciting.
I dont think WGT can do big incentives for the top two and continue to pay half the field, it simply just doesnt work, at least with the structure above, if you have a decent round and finish somewhere in the top 15 you are rewarded for your efforts.