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Clash Improvement Ideas

Sat, Dec 19 2015 7:08 PM (24 replies)
  • deadeye9145
    371 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 3:48 PM

    There are a lot of negatives with the current format of clashes.  These are suggestions that will, hopefully, improve the experience.

    How to improve the clash experience.

    As it is now, only those clubs with 200+ players have an opportunity to win the overall prize.

    Even the playing field by sorting the clubs into flights based on number of members.

    0-50 flight 1

    51-100 flight 2

    101-150 flight 3

    151-200 flight 4

    201-250 flight 5

    The winning club of each flight will then have a playoff with 5(any number less than 10) members from each club competing against each other in a bracket format, mini clashes or another format to be determined by WGT.  Not requiring passes for this competition.

    The club that wins that playoff is overall winner.  Each flight winner wins one of the tee markers, passes, etc.

    Another suggestion from a member of my CC is that the players  tiers be awarded points for pars, birdies, eagles on a scale that gives more points to a master for a score than a champion for the same score.

    Example:  Master scores a birdie and gets 10 pts, while the champion gets 6.

    Next take the top 20 scorers in each CC and rank them for the total clash points to rank the winner.  That would even the playing field and reduce the advantage of having 250 player clubs competing against 50 member clubs.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 4:07 PM


    How to improve the clash experience.

    Don't play in it.   BLAH BLAH BLAH




    That'll make 'em sit up and notice.

  • deadeye9145
    371 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 4:54 PM

    Thanks for the real positive feedback.

    This was written in Word, then copied and pasted to the forum.  Thus the large font.  Don't know how to change it.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 5:45 PM

    Seems more of these threads than usual starting all over the show.

    There have been many good ideas, but looking quick I don't see the above as ones I agree with.

    1. Matching Club size

    Still be about who buys passes so still nonsense.

    My guess is WGT would have instigate did they could, but assume tech hitches stop it.

    2. Masters easier...

    Shorter tees and clubs bring out multis or turn blind eyes as long as they play.....Not all but it happens.  Remember the key is buying passes, and skill is not meant to count beyond a passing whatever they think they can dress the pig up like.......

    If I missed any apologies, but they were the ones that stood out to me.

  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 9:21 PM

    I don't think they'll change anything about them until enough people stop playing them. 





  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 11:13 PM

    It's a monotonous nightmare, that's only getting worse week by week.

    Pleeaassee STOP


  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 12:16 AM

    i believe deadeye is correct, we need constructive ideas. negativity tends to fall on deaf ears...


  • ScottHope
    10,625 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 12:23 AM

    This was written in Word, then copied and pasted to the forum.  Thus the large font.  Don't know how to change it. Deadeye
    To paste text without the formatting, use CTRL + SHIFT + 'V'

    Thanks for the info on how to paste from Word.  Much appreciated. Deadeye
    You're very welcome, thank you.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 12:32 AM

    Next take the top 20 scorers in each CC and rank them for the total clash points to rank the winner.  That would even the playing field and reduce the advantage of having 250 player clubs competing against 50 member clubs.

    The winning club of each flight will then have a playoff with 5(any number less than 10) members from each club competing against each other in a bracket format, mini clashes or another format to be determined by WGT.  Not requiring passes for this competition.

    Next take the top 20 scorers in each CC and rank them for the total clash points to rank the winner. 

    Excuse me, that's daydreaming!

    The Clashes are the cream on the CC point&level system, designed to take customers' money for nothing. In no way it may become limited = cheaper!

    Another suggestion from a member of my CC is that the players  tiers be awarded points for pars, birdies, eagles on a scale that gives more points to a master for a score than a champion for the same score.

    Sounds nice, but it would only be cosmetics for a competition which is of no value, looking at the "prizes".

  • Elmo56
    285 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 1:55 AM

    As i have posted before...the only way to make this thing for each club to submit its best 15-20 best scores.....that is the best way!