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Day 12 WGT's Holiday Give away!

Fri, Dec 22 2017 11:45 AM (307 replies)
  • HacMcDuffer
    1,094 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2015 5:10 AM

    I am going to open a new thread to gift the 500 credits I mentioned earlier in this thread....and a little extra as well as not so many folks have seen the offer.

    Don't worry boogaloo1981... I am moving your request there also....and it is under consideration.



  • JMcmanamy
    171 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2015 9:38 AM


    there are not even close to 1,000 requests here.......out of how many million players??????? It doesn't cost WGT a penny to give out credits for day 12...

    A rough count that I did was about 500 requests and roughly 130 received gifts. That's roughly 25% of those who asked where gifted. True, is cost WGT nothing out of pocket to send someone a gift, just a few key strokes.

    But it does affect their bottom line is lost sales from players who would have purchased something but didn't, if that player bought credits. If the player earned credits through watching videos, surveys, would not cost WGT anything.

    I agree with you JM, that the least WGT could do is to grant the wishes of those whose stocking was left empty.


    Thank you Drdave....... I agree with that 100%.........that's all I ask....... hit a couple key strokes WGT.

    if you received an item from the wonderful Santa's then your stocking has been stuffed..... let someone else be happy too.

    I am sure their advertisers pay them a sum for every view that players do to earn free credits....... nothing is free...... I spend a lot of time viewing adds and doing surveys.

    I found out that in some of the countries there are very limited possibilities for adds and videos........ their opportunities are limited.

    My opinion if 500 people who have not received a gift ask on day 12 for a reasonable gift........ HIT THOSE KEYSTROKES WGT.


    Happy Holidays Drdave and all of WGT nation.







  • Drdave72
    272 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2015 9:56 AM



    there are not even close to 1,000 requests here.......out of how many million players??????? It doesn't cost WGT a penny to give out credits for day 12...

    A rough count that I did was about 500 requests and roughly 130 received gifts. That's roughly 25% of those who asked where gifted. True, is cost WGT nothing out of pocket to send someone a gift, just a few key strokes.

    But it does affect their bottom line is lost sales from players who would have purchased something but didn't, if that player bought credits. If the player earned credits through watching videos, surveys, would not cost WGT anything.

    I agree with you JM, that the least WGT could do is to grant the wishes of those whose stocking was left empty.


    Thank you Drdave....... I agree with that 100%.........that's all I ask....... hit a couple key strokes WGT.

    if you received an item from the wonderful Santa's then your stocking has been stuffed..... let someone else be happy too.

    I am sure their advertisers pay them a sum for every view that players do to earn free credits....... nothing is free...... I spend a lot of time viewing adds and doing surveys.

    I found out that in some of the countries there are very limited possibilities for adds and videos........ their opportunities are limited.

    My opinion if 500 people who have not received a gift ask on day 12 for a reasonable gift........ HIT THOSE KEYSTROKES WGT.


    Happy Holidays Drdave and all of WGT nation.







    Yes it is that simple but as MrCaddie explained a little earlier. He is the one who set up the whole event and he set the limits on amount that can be given each day. I will repost it next.

  • Drdave72
    272 Posts
    Sun, Dec 27 2015 9:58 AM


    Hey Everyone,

    After reading through the last few pages of comments I feel that I need to set the record straight for a few of you and then ask WGT to lock this thread down.

    For those of you that think WGT could have given away more gifts-

    I organize this event and I also set the parameters of this event. This year I asked all the Santas (that includes WGT) to NOT give away more than 10,000 worth of gifts on their "day" so we could all be on the same gifting level.  WGT gave away gifts worth 9,990 credits, they did as I suggested.

    For those of you that think WGT didn't show up for the big dance-

    I was honored to represent WGT on their day. I have all my personal ducks in a row when it comes to Christmas eve, so when WGT asks me if I can send out gifts on their behalf on Christmas eve, it's not a burden on me....I'm honored to do it. The staff of WGT is on vacation like many of us are during this holiday season, and if I can help one of them spend a little more time celebrating the holiday with their family....than so be it.

    Another thing you might not be aware of is the fact that WGT does more than just play Santa during this event. They have helped bring awareness to this event by doing things like creating a tournament in our name, creating pop-up ads letting players know that the event is taking place and even singling out players with a special "19th Hole: Holiday Edition" blog post, all in an effort to make the community aware of this event....I think they're doing their fair share.

    I have had the pleasure of working with WGTShoe for the past few years on this event and he has always been a gentleman and a very gracious representative of WGT, thank you Shoe. This year I had the pleasure of meeting, and working with, two more members of the WGT team. I met WGTWilduck as she put together the beautifully crafted "19th Hole: The Holiday Edition" and then I had the pleasure of working with WGTShamWow on a few things that needed to happen behind the scenes. I thank them all.

    So, if anyone else has a gripe about how this event was run....don't address them to any of the Santas, the Santa's helpers or can address them to me!

    Happy New Year everyone!








    Thank you MrCaddie!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  • amateur4sure
    2,233 Posts
    Mon, Dec 28 2015 1:08 PM

    Ladies & Gents,

    I have not been around that long and unfortunately I don`t have the knowledge of others...!

    When I first saw the Santa post that MC sent out I honestly believed it was a new Tournament so I put my name forward as fast as possible, When I finally realized what it actually was I became so inspired you would not believe, Yes I struggled badly with the credits I had, Knowing that there could be a maximum of $100, I honestly only had a maximum of 5000 ($50) to give away (and that was really pushing it) But.............. Being such a worthy and fantastic cause I wanted to do whatever I could to help...

    That is where MC came in Again, Not only was he watching every day to make sure everything went as smoothly as possible and also keeping a beady eye on the devious buggers out there who tried to spoil things (Not a chance!!!!) but also keeping his eye on me, Wayne kept me straight and informed all the way.. I was so nervous about making a mistake etc as well as only having a limited amount of credits ... Until another Member & his CC came forward, Wanting to help out and Wayne directed him my way....

    JFHuber & The Rough BoyS CC........... So we teamed up and thanks to MC we now had the credits between us to enable lots of gifts to deserving members, As we saw fit..

    We had a great time and hopefully the gifts we gave out went to the right people and people who will make good use of those gifts and better themselves in this game that we all love!!

    The long and the short of this tale is... I have respected very few people in my life (50 years), Not many of the people I have known deserved my respect other than my Father, Who sadly passed away 5 years ago but... Since then a few people have earned both my respect & trust..

    Firstly my CC owner Todd (Ranger1988), An absolute gentleman who would anything he can for anybody!!!,

    Secondly and to the point of this post .. Is Wayne,

    A Fantastic representation on how Human beings could and should behave...!

    A gentleman and a Scholar... I only wish I had the pleasure of truly meeting him in person!

    Thank you Wayne, WGT and all the guys that looked out for me and everybody else..!

    I feel humbled to have been involved in this great Feat...!!!

    Wayne, Please don`t let the Muppet/s spoil Anything, You have my respect sir and if you want me I will try my very best to help out wherever and whenever I can, For You and the other guys that helped me..!

    Well done my friends, Big pat on everybody`s back...

    All the very best to you and yours




    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Dec 29 2015 5:50 PM


    Yeah Merry Christmas from the guy who asked 12 times and didnt get sh*t .

    Who is more deserving here the level40 sandbaggers or the lvl 100 guys who have been playing for years?

    Just want to so that was a stupid thread all 12 of them



     Career Earnings
    Some people are shameless.

    I'll second that PaulTon.

    and of course confirm the admiration we all have for the 12 days event as expressed by everyone else!

    Guy has sour grapes because he didnt get a Santa gift and self admitting he has been here for years and Level 100 and it seems with a good ability for career earnings.

    Assuming everyone who was gifted are sandbaggers is one thing.
    Putting a foul and filthy taste to an idea of free benevolence and an attempt to spread Christmas cheers is just abhorrent.

    Who the FLICK to you think you are to DEMAND that you be gifted?

    The spirit of the 12 days is to offer help to those who may appreciate and enjoy their gifts not to feed the vultures who already know how to fend for themselves.
    MrCaddie does a great job of assimilating the Santas and in turn the Santas should be congratulated and recognised for their generosity  - probably in the right direction.

    There is a reason why you weren't gifted NevellsK....

    NevellsK you are what we call in Australia a *** - I hope your Christmas was crap and and I also hope your New Year is going to be as void as your pathetic life is.

    To everyone else I hope you had a Wonderful Christmas and will enjoy a fantastic New Year and may all your wishes come true for 2016

    & Thanks Mr Caddie & Thanks to all the Santas - I for one WILL be looking forward to next years 12 Days of Christmas


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Dec 30 2015 1:13 AM

    I refrained from commenting on this thread as everyone else had pretty much covered Nevel's shortcomings as a Human Being......

    Just found out he's in my CC now...lmao

                ^^ ( that won't last !!! )

    So GOODBYE Scrooge and have a good a New Year as Shrude suggests..


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Wed, Dec 30 2015 4:48 AM

    Seen your serenity forum entry Andy.  Hope your owner has sense and boots the fooker.Then as per one of his early santa day entries we can all say


    Saying that he will only be taken in by one of the new clubs bragging large membership with 10 or so playing their comps or that club where 20 clem bearded truckers pretend they are petite little sloooots with half their clout out.

    Me finished with forum on that note. Apart from our club stuff

    Take care all and happy new year to the nice folk and p!ss to the rest of you.

  • newcastleb
    1,813 Posts
    Thu, Dec 31 2015 11:51 AM

    Hope your owner has sense and boots the fooker.

    Must have happened - or he quit.....He's now a member of a CC of 1, and long that last

  • NevellsK
    78 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2016 7:22 AM

    Just would like to clarify for all of you want to continue to think that it is all my fault that this post from oneeyedjohn on day 3 is what ruined it for me: NevellsK:


    Oh Christmas tree

    Oh Chistmas tree

    Can you bring me a new diver

    a level 100     Nike driver 

    Is what i want so bad 


    Happy holidays



    U are fckin unbelievable, why don't u pisss off and leave the nice Santas here to give to those that are deserving, not someone like u





     And then yes i should not have posted what i did on day12 but i didnt realize this was such a social media Drama fest on these forums.

    So with that being said i apoligize to Santa and Wgt

     But to all the others who have tried to make me feel bad for trying to get free stuff you can stick it cause it is just a game and why would you not try to get something for free???