alosso: Any round without a pass is outside the competition, you agree?
It is very clear from the FAQ's
andyson: I thought that was the whole purpose of a Clash, get people to play using/buying passes.
The Genus ( gee- nus ) boys are at it again . agreeing to question their agreement .
From what you guys have said in the past . You guys aren't big CLASH hands . Not real familiar with it , not in favor of it , nothing to do with it . Right ?
Don't blame you . It's the epitome of exploitation .
That is why you have to refer to the FAQ's .
alosso: Are you saying that any other round played during the Clash, without using a pass, will produce some points in the competition? Never seen that - any proof available?
No . I am saying that . Anyone can participate in the CLASH from their CC . Play in the current course round . As many times as they like . Without using a free pass , without purchasing a pass . They will receive next to zero points if any . Excluding any pass bonuses .
I know this is hard for you . To think I may be right about something . But speaking from experience in 14 CLASHES . Almost all of them myself and most of my fellow CC mates were broke . I have played rounds without a pass . As has other members . The points output may even be less than above . ( i don't think so ) .
Club Clashes pit one country club against another for a limited time, during which the members in each club attempt to earn the highest number of points for their club. Members score points by playing well in the specified game type(s) on the featured course(s) during the Clash. The club with the highest combined score at the end of the Clash wins that Clash and earns an additional Win Bonus that is added to the club’s total points for the event to determine the rewards.
Says nothing about using or purchasing passes to participate . But with out the use of a pass . The points awarded are virtually nil . Spinning your wheels comparatively to anyone using a pass .
But not using passes does not exclude one from participating .