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Wed, Dec 20 2017 10:34 AM (24 replies)
  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2016 9:02 PM

    They still have to be at the requisite level to be gifted a club. I can't be gifted the M1 putter for eg as I'm not L101.

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2016 9:48 PM

    One more thing what about high level players that gift these hi level items to lower level players and Tiers. ever look when you buy a item you have to be that level but you can be a hack and get that item so what dose it matter, the only item that you can not do that is with the control master+ putter you have to be a master to get that item just something to think about.

    Not sure it I understand this right.

    Fact is, item purchase or gifting is limited by the level and tier of the receiver. A L10 Hack will not get any L11+ item nor any Amateur+ item (unless granted directly by WGT).

    You must be in the Pro tier or higher to be able to send a gift.

    Furthermore, items limited to Tour Pro tier or more cannot be gifted at all, e.g. Legend balls.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2016 2:22 AM


    Just a thought will WGT at anytime soon consider dropping there iron sets by 5 levels like they did for the putters at the end of last year, As a new Years gift just a Idea. I think it would benefit the WGT community of players, Thank you for your time in reading this post hope to hear something back either way.


    I do understand your frustrations.  Looking quickly at the rest of the thread rest assured no one below L97 is playing with those higher irons though, and same for L100.

    The company has a business model that it sticks to.  IMO it's a v tired looking business for the higher levels, but is what it is as they say and their train set so....Before the new "champ" tier there were many suggestions and none of them said make it a red tee chase only, but it's all they went with same as all they offer CC wise is that daft clash.  

    IMO new tier time it was also a time to reward good grind and good resulting skill level, for genuine players, with the pro shop open a few levels earlier.  I personally think a new player seeing 2.5million (whatever without checking) XPs for the top irons as losing too many, but it's what we have.  All discussed way more fully on multiple threads........At the v least I think WGT shoots itself in the foot a bit by not explaining just how easy L90 is to get to, and how long you have as a Legend / TL before you hit most of the real big guns frequently.

    However on the bright side you are a Legend.  Those new irons are such a tiny step up actual scoring potential wise that  it's SS time to spot any difference in scoring trends.  Yes players back themselves with the best, but score wise fine lines beyond a fine line thing.  As a Legend you are pretty much armed to the teeth to take apart RGs at L level, same for L brackets and for alt shot really as good as anyone is going to need to play just superb.  WGT communicate bat crap, but afaik you still get 500 RRs as a Legend before TL and then I think it's 200 RRs as TL before you get the chocolate champ badge.....

    I think things could be done better, but with the presumably limited programing resources it actually stacks up better than it first may appear.  IMHO:)





  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2016 2:50 AM

    The company has a business model that it sticks to.  IMO it's a v tired looking business for the higher levels, but is what it is as they say and their train set so....
    ........At the v least I think WGT shoots itself in the foot a bit by not explaining just how easy L90 is to get to, and how long you have as a Legend / TL before you hit most of the real big guns frequently.

    I beg to differ. IMHO, it's part of the plan to keep the customers uninformed,
    NOT to show how they will advance in tier and level. That's why I've been
    so interested in the level&XP subject, now transparent to L125.

    Furthermore, they install a new grind every day, just to keep the ball sales going, and I put the delays of PB in that box, too. The gospel of hope...

    OTOH, me thinks that the top players aren't their main interest concerning sales. These are too small in number to produce revenue, and most of them should have big credit pockets available. Thus, there's not much of a premium to keep too many of them. Speaking business, a few should be enough as role models to motivate the lower grinders, and the top guns are motivated to grind on by the new tiers.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2016 4:22 AM

    OTOH, me thinks that the top players aren't their main interest concerning sales. These are too small in number to produce revenue, and most of them should have big credit pockets available.

    I would agree with that.  Almost two or three markets involved the way the company seems to treat it.  Get a noob in, hook them, fleece and spew is the main goal.  All a wrap long since by L90 and then next lucky noob this way:)

    Thus, there's not much of a premium to keep too many of them.

    Certainly not versus the above as regards the top players you relate to.  It's one WGT have not tried finding out too much about though IMO.  Now by top I hasten to add I mean good good players not red tee clash chase types who are WGTs dream, and who they really target.  Easy to paint a tee red or tell someone they won a competition for buying the most passes.  

    Zero cost to WGT that part, and zero risk as zero outlay:)...My point was really just the good players who want to compete in a competition based on skill (golf sim).  It's here I think WGT are missing some tricks, but it's not my money going down for investment v return either.  As I also said though the system kind of works out not so bad if you are L90 and Legend.  The area WGT risk losing are the small minority who are genuine and potentially really good at elite level - WGT have decided that is not an area to exploit and yes investment risk v return is a key consideration obviously there.

    and the top guns are motivated to grind on by the new tiers.

    Disagree there.  Red tee charge brigade maybe, and then complain their tier has outstripped their equipment supply so early even though they are red tee anyway......

    To them they have the clash to go play all day as you can win there with no skill, and so no complaining to do IMO:)

  • kccaekaert
    152 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2016 1:21 AM

    to wgt admin , I have questions about some things I don't understand,yesterday I bought a new sleeve of balls ,and when I come on today it says I have 4 balls ,as the day goes on I loose a ball at pebble beach,ok no problem I still have 3 balls .I leave and take care of some work,then come back and want to play a round ,when I come in it says I have 3 balls ,I go out to play and there is a disconnection in the game ,when it reloads it comes up and says this is my last ball do I want to purchase another sleeve,I close the window thinking it's crazy and finish my round .Now I'm done with that round and I get an invite to play a round with some friends, I accept the invite and join the game,when it's my turn to tee off it comes up and says it's my last ball ,do I want to buy another sleeve,I decline ,because when I came in I had 3 and have not lost any,and continue to play,there is another disconnection and when it reloads it comes back and says it is my last ball do I want to buy another sleeve ,again I decline.Now I am playing and I finish the round and go back to the main screen and there is a message up saying I need to address my bag items and where my balls were there is a blank spot,I click on my equipment and it says I need a ball to play,it shows my balls ,and says I have one of the balls I've been playing with, and shows it has almost full power.So here is my question ,where did my balls go,and if I am playing with a ball and finish with it why is it not there when I go to the main screen.

    Now I have tried your surveys and spent untold amounts of time filling in the same information over and over only to be told that there is no survey right for me,hours wasted for nothing ,so I spend money to play this great game ,stupid as it may be.I have credits in my account and play quite a bit ,I recently just bought a new driver and buy the better balls that are 500 to 750 credits a sleeve ,now that may not seem like much,but in as much as credits equal a penny a credit that means I spend $25 or $30 on a driver and $5 to $7.50 for a sleeve of balls and all I want to know is ,is it because your running a clash and have a glitch somewhere,or is there another problem ,because I feel that to go from 3 balls to 1 ball on a disconnection and am playing with a ball and it disappears from my bag,that you are on the brink of being considered a thief.

    I would be very greatfull  for any information on the matter before I buy another sleeve of balls,or quit playing this game.

    thank you

  • WGTChampion
    1,891 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2016 9:24 AM

    Hey kccaekaert, I had CS take a look and you actually still have 3 of the Nike Platinums that you purchased yesterday. There has been a display issue among some users that cause your ball count to inexplicably drop to 1 or 0. That being said, most often signing out and back in brings back the real number. 


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2016 11:50 AM


    I would be very greatfull  for any information on the matter before I buy another sleeve of balls,or quit playing this game.

    thank you

    I see you now have some info' on what has been going on and, probably, the balls you paid for.  I thought after all that hassle and still ending your post with "thank you" the least you deserved was an apology.  

    Sorry about all the trouble you had with your purchase, I'm sure wgt are doing all they can to make sure it doesn't happen again.  They may even appreciate your custom. 

  • Eddy0101
    401 Posts
    Sat, Jan 9 2016 1:40 PM

    First I would like to say thank you to WGTCHAPION on how fast he got back to Kccaekaert, i Have had the same issue and send a bug report right from that page.

       I would ask CHAPION  this question if WGT is going to drop levels on V-E then they should do it for all of the V-E that can be bought in the pro shop.

      Thank you all for your responses to my post I have found some of it to be in-lighting I do understand that WGT has  business model that they follow and having 3 platforms that they are dealing with. I think that has been a overwhelming task on them, get a player hooked and get there money is a way of thing. that's all good and I spend my share of money on WGT no big purses here, but my approach to the game is may be 1% of the players. This is a video game and being on flash Android and the mobile os it is all about the math. I Have putting charts and wind charts that is all well and good. before I got Hurt working and lost my quality of life meaning every active thing I did was gone, that was 20 years ago I played a lot of golf and was not a bad player mainly par. was 2 months from a PBA pro card as well. 

    I play this came as if i were playing golf not math I will move the drive arrow if i have to do to wind and the second shot arrow less and out of 22,000+ putts I have moved the putting arrow about 20 times, For me this is the closest that i will get to playing the real game again in my life and I thank WGT for the great courses i get to play outstanding gents.

     when I posted this about the l-100 Nike vapors it was more of the meter speed of the club I think I have a good set of clubs and the meter speed the same on them. I went to the Taylor iS clubs for a little more distant s but the speed is 3.0 so I have to spend more on a ball that gives me a 3.5 speed to even it out. The last WGT Tournament that I played as a Legend I was in third tied with about 15 other players ended 9 and won  17 credits. Have not played a WGT Tournament since then I will play them again down the road.

      Thank you all for the great response and for reading this I will give my thoughts about the clash that has been won by on Country Club i do be leave in every clash.

       Thank you
