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Wow really,so we are having another stupid c.c event.

Fri, Jan 22 2016 3:34 AM (67 replies)
  • AUGIE316
    120 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2016 2:32 AM

    After all we all know The Georgians will win it again. Because most of their guys in that country club,are probably retired and stay at home dads. And they play wgt golf like 12 hrs a day on avg probably. My country club has guys who actually have to work like 8-12 hrs a day,five days a week. So some of us don't have all day to play the dumb cc events all day. So our cc can not compete with level 19's. Which makes this unfair.

  • Mcduff61
    1,753 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2016 12:41 PM

    the Georgians i've played with were as nice as anyone else on WGT and what do they really get other than some teebox markers, flags, and a bunch of superpasses or whatever they are called, if all the players in the club had the gold putter we would have a problem, but they built a dominant club and get to have more tournaments on their c.c. tourney page, more directors and veteran players, and some things i wouldn't know about as the great club i am in is at a lower level and everyone is o.k. with that...Well done Georgians building a dynasty,  someone knock em off the top of the hill if they have problems with the way they sustain their greatness.

  • Mcduff61
    1,753 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2016 12:45 PM

    hmmm maybe they could have some 4 or 5 hour weekend clashes for the clubs that have folks working all should be noted these c.c clashes make for a worsening of the disconnection problems and seem to give the meter some instability while they are in play.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2016 12:56 PM


    After all we all know The Georgians will win it again. Because most of their guys in that country club,are probably retired and stay at home dads. And they play wgt golf like 12 hrs a day on avg probably. My country club has guys who actually have to work like 8-12 hrs a day,five days a week. So some of us don't have all day to play the dumb cc events all day. So our cc can not compete with level 19's. Which makes this unfair.

    Wow, prejudice, stereotyping, put downs, envy and jealousy all rolled into one nasty post, well played.

    There is only one thing responsible for these clashes being unfair, it's called WGT.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2016 3:36 PM


    After all we all know The Georgians will win it again. Because most of their guys in that country club,are probably retired and stay at home dads. And they play wgt golf like 12 hrs a day on avg probably. My country club has guys who actually have to work like 8-12 hrs a day,five days a week. So some of us don't have all day to play the dumb cc events all day. So our cc can not compete with level 19's. Which makes this unfair.

    Lol. There's 175 in your club and some of them must work 24 hrs per day, 7 days a week looking at last time some played.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2016 9:29 AM

    So our cc can not compete with level 19's.
    ... in the stupid event.

    Whether you see it this way or the other, my way:

    "There's no benefit in trying to win the CC events!"

    it's all the same, and a good position: You and I need not enter this competition!

    Let those go for it who wish so, let them flush their credits down this giant money pit, we need not care about it!

    Aren't you happy about it? I am!

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2016 9:51 AM


    After all we all know The Georgians will win it again. Because most of their guys in that country club,are probably retired and stay at home dads. And they play wgt golf like 12 hrs a day on avg probably. My country club has guys who actually have to work like 8-12 hrs a day,five days a week. So some of us don't have all day to play the dumb cc events all day. So our cc can not compete with level 19's. Which makes this unfair.

    Well, thank goodness you were able to break away from your busy workday to post this missive. 

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2016 9:58 AM



    Lol. There's 175 in your club and some of them must work 24 hrs per day, 7 days a week looking at last time some played.

    I'm in a position now where I will never have to work again.

    I earned that position the hard-way.

    Last thing I want to do is come on here for entertainment and listen to some gripe about members having to go to work - especially when the subject is participation in a nonsensical-Clash

    But you still requested a sleeve of Nikes during the 12 days of Xmas ?...why weren't you one of the Santas?

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2016 10:01 AM


    After all we all know The Georgians will win it again. Because most of their guys in that country club,are probably retired and stay at home dads. And they play wgt golf like 12 hrs a day on avg probably. My country club has guys who actually have to work like 8-12 hrs a day,five days a week. So some of us don't have all day to play the dumb cc events all day. So our cc can not compete with level 19's. Which makes this unfair.

    I play against a lot of people who actually spend their "work" day on here! that's a great gig. To actually get paid to play this game, is a far better offer than winning a tee!