can some 1 plz explain 2 me WHY when taking up offers from FYBER u don't get ur credits in the allotted time they state .
I took up the offer of joining a on-line casino and spent £10 , it said credits awarded In 20 mins I waited and waited still no credits, I sent FYBER an e-mail only to receive a e-mail back the next day saying it could take up to 2 weeks for me to receive the allotted credits and to take screen shots of joining, deposit etc ,this I did and e-mailed them back , surely if it states 20 mins it should be that.
From what I have been told from others that have had dealings with Fyber this is common occurrence .
Surely this is false advertising and should be stopped or reported to the relevant authorities they are obtaining money under false pretences' .
When WGT members take up these offers we expect our credits in the time it states ,not 2 weeks after, I am sorry I took up this offer and am totally disheartened by this as It seems to be a normal practice by FYBER .
Has any1 else had his problem , it would be very interesting to find out just how big this problem is widespread .
a very p@@@@@ off wgt player