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Tour Champion Invite

Thu, Oct 13 2016 7:39 PM (25 replies)
  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Mon, Feb 22 2016 10:46 AM

    Which top players have turned down this distinguished level?


  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Mon, Feb 22 2016 11:09 AM


    Which top players have turned down this distinguished level?


    Hi xxxhogheadxxx,

    As of now, Tour Champion isn't being offered to players yet and wont be available for awhile. There will be an announcement once this Tier is available to players. :)

    All the Best,

  • quadrock123
    859 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2016 5:34 PM

    To whom it may concern,       I get asked alot about how to become a Tour champion. I heard thru the grape vine that it is by invite only. Can you please tell me what the requirements are that you use to make your choices?  I'd like to be able to answer this question and am curious myself. The goal is to reach the top and not being able to be a Tour Champion is confusing to those players with high ambitions. Thank you for your co-operation.                                                                             Mike(quadrock123)                                                                                                            owner of the "Live and Let Golf CC                                                                                                                                                                     

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2016 11:38 PM

    Requirements undisclosed, no chance for anybody.

    Just read the post above yours.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2016 4:21 AM


    Requirements undisclosed, no chance for anybody.

    Just read the post above yours.

    Paul is correct. This tier has been in existence for a year?  No idea. Only two people have been named: Icon appointed himself, and Leo Phiber...awarded posthumously. 

    The suggestion was raised to use it as a de facto memorial for those who have made a lasting and positive impact on the wgt membership. Andyson was the test case. It was denied by wgt without explanation.

    ct heard correctly. It is by invite only.

    52 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2016 4:44 AM

    Im not posting about making it to Tour Champion...I just want to know if there is a saturation mode for Champions where the score doesnt go up no more,only down ... and if so how many ranked rounds does it take ?

  • quadrock123
    859 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2016 12:16 PM

    hi TEE THRASHER..the answer to your question is 200 ranked rounds, i got this information from three of the champions in my CC. I recently made champion and am pounding out ranked games to stop my average from fluctuating. When i get to 200 ranked rouds and my average does indeed stop fluctuating, i will let you know for sure. Hope i helped.                                                                                                                            Mike(quadrock123)

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2016 8:00 PM



    The suggestion was raised to use it as a de facto memorial for those who have made a lasting and positive impact on the wgt membership. Andyson was the test case. It was denied by wgt without explanation.

    The latest offering of Tour Champion Avatars for tournament-winners - shows that WGT have other plans for this tier.   Possibly  a "Champion of Champions"  Tier.  Obviously , they don't want a bunch of inactive stiffs clogging the place up.

    True...I guess that's what the community spotlight is for...and also for Hacks shooting 48's first time out...truly inspiring.

    I'm still waiting for the cascade of improvements we were supposed to get as a result of the merger freeing up much needed resources. Those must still be in the "planning" stage as well.
