Instead of trolling and leaving silly comments, think about the other issues EVERYONE is still having that haven't been fixed or even attempted to be fixed. It adds insult to injury when we pay good money to play here and all WGT do is add silly little gimmicks that don't improve the game when they should be concentrating on round wrecking glitches !!
I'm not trolling. I'm sick of the forum complaints from you twits. I've not had ONE disconnect in any game I've played. You know why? I have a computer with enough RAM to handle the load, clean Internet cache daily, update with the latest JAVA, Adobe, etc. Most of the errors here are player-generated. Half of the whiners here are probably still running Windows XP or Vista. And you don't have to pay anything here. Any gamer always has a CHOICE. You don't like what WGT gives you, go find another golf game. Oh, you can't? ... you know why? This is the best multi-and-single-player golf game out there. Period. Appreciate what you have instead of always looking for problems. Focus on the negative and you'll see negative. Focus on the positive and you'll learn to appreciate life.
Wade you have now become a forum troll who has no idea of the problems in the multi games
You have played no alt games and a total of 4 matchplay games
go and try to play a alternate shot game
I have a brand new computer with plenty of RAM to handle this game
Now shut the .... up and go and see the problems in multi stroke games.
Till then you have nothing to say about anything that addresses the problems