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Putting on Championship Greens

Sun, Oct 15 2023 5:26 PM (56 replies)
  • wayneacampbell
    64 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2016 4:43 PM

    I would like to call on the the membership again. I recently had a putt of 83 feet that was 4 ft. uphill on a championship speed green (i know , I know I should have hit it closer) In any event how would you calculate this putt as I absolutely butchered the putt ( 5 putt) My calculation 83+48 divided by 1.5 .


    Again input appreciated.

    Thank You.



  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2016 6:02 PM

    83+48+2 = 133 x .7= 91.3

    83+48 = 131 / 1.5 = 87.3

  • Lutjanid
    697 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2016 11:07 PM

                              The name of the speed is not  important. It's the number that decides what pace a green rolls at. For speed 13 greens I use .69 when working out dead pace. So first the length which is 83. Add 1 foot for every inch (48)= 131, then times by .69= 90.39. 

                               This method is pretty good at working out dead pace, except when you are going up or down huge amounts. With big rises or falls the numbers get skewed a little. I can't really explain why but I would hit that putt about 70 feet, even that may be a little hard. In such dire situations don't forget you can try chipping with the 64deg, just double the distance so 83 feet is about 28 yards x 2= 56. Add a little for the uphill of course.

                               i suppose the message is the more you play the more you will find yourself in these situations and have the answer more often. Make a few notes and use knowledge gained to help you lower your scores.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2016 11:22 PM


    83+48+2 = 133 x .7= 91.3

    What is the +2 for?

    I would do 83+48/1.4 = 94 (93.57)



  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2016 11:32 PM


    What is the +2 for?

    Many years ago one of the "math geniuses" here posted his formula, he added 2ft to every putt, and it it is a habit, that and I know most of the answers by heart.....this works for me so this is my way, everyone has their own I assume...

    He asked, I answered....


  • alosso
    21,078 Posts
    Thu, Jun 2 2016 11:55 PM

    The energy needed for 4 ft up is the same for all green speeds, thus it may be wrong to apply the factor to this part.

    Me thinks, 83/1,3 + 48 = 112  might get closer.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 2:16 AM

    Based on it being a steady incline, I'd say 111.

    But if it was up and over a big step in the green it's a whole different ball game.

    Those type of putts had me beat for long enough, so I came up with a method that works for me.

    I look at these putts in 3 parts, like this -



    (not to any scale ^^^ just to give you the idea of what the hell I'm on about.)

    Parts A and C are just the normal calculation of lengths and incline.

    Part B -

    I work out what fraction of the overall distance is the horizontal element of B.

    I work out the vertical element of B.

    If the step (B) is 18 inches high and it's length is one third of the overall putt length. I take away one third from step height. So I would add 12 inches to my putt.

    (the math was arrived at by pure trial and error but the ratios seem to work)

    Then resultA+resultB+resultC = final putt distance.

    Sounds terribly complicated  but I've been doing it so long  I can do them by sight/memory/feel now.

    I'm not a great putter at all but even on real long stepped putts I usually get very close.

    I haven't seen this discussed before (I'm sure it has though),but  I'd be interested in hearing other peoples methods and opinions.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 2:40 AM

    I have never had a putt 4' up, but I would bet money my formula on Champ greens would be 2-3 ft past the hole assuming it didnt go in LOL

    112 power would be 30 ft past the hole on champ greens

  • alosso
    21,078 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 2:42 AM

    he added 2ft to every putt, and it works.

    Corresponds to rumours in real golf that putts should be hit 44 cm longer for best drowning results...

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Fri, Jun 3 2016 2:58 AM

    I agree with Paulton's assessment, with one ryder, Part B depnds a lot on how far along the total putt this incline occurs.

    One's adjustment would be less if close and more if further away.

    The 7th at Olympic, if u roll down the slope then u are normally 50+ feet away with a 2 foot incline, which is quite near the hole.  Therefore I hit the normal power, 72 foot distance, 51 foot power on Champ greens.